1 marzo 2011
di Ettore Mautone
Bilancio, Soresa resta. L’Arsan cambia pelle
Di Redazione Il Denaro
Approvata ieri in Aula, col voto di fiducia, la finanziaria della Campania: enhanced the role of the Regional Spa to write off debt. A new regional health agency co-opted within the junta's Palace Saint Lucia. They go to the ASL 9.
amendment to the budget
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CEINGE is the first step, the center of genetic engineering directed by Franco Savior becomes the center of reference in the field of laboratory diagnostics for tasks of high complexity of clinical molecular biology, genetics, laboratory and diagnostic and congenital diseases of metabolism and rare diseases as part of the reorganization of the network laboratory and within the limits of re-entry plan. Change the Flats District No 23 ASL Caserta (referred to the Law of the regional health service reform 16 of 28 November 2008) which includes the municipalities of: Castelvolturno, Mondragone, Falciano del Massico Carinola, Gate and Arnone, S. Maria La Fossa, Grazzanise Cellole and Sessa Aurunca. At the health district of Avellino are merged the following municipalities: Cervinara, Rocca Bascerana, Rotondi and San Martino Valle Caudina. Change in sight also for the territories of the ASL: "In order to rationalize and upgrade the regional health system to reduce the deficit, the Regional Council is authorized by appropriate regulations to govern the territories mentioned in Article 2 and 3 of the Law of Regional nn16 28 November 2008 and in any case no more than nine. The Region identifies the conventions for the benefit of Hospice by the establishment of a separate expenditure item. Resources are allocated for rural pharmacies: 3 000 € for pharmacies located in rural localities with population up to one thousand inhabitants, as much for a thousand to two thousand, five hundred 500 for those up to 3 000 inhabitants. The Region promotes the methodology integration of social and health on the projects supported by individual therapeutic rehabilitative health budget.
a control room
all'Arsan regard, the regional health agency is transformed by a deliberate act of the Executive in a body other than the current one. In particular, it created a technical support activities of the regional policy of regional health with functional autonomy within the offices of the same council that will meet the results of technical and administrative principles to efficiency, effectiveness and economy through rationalization and containment and control of expenditure including through consolidation and elimination of existing organizational structures and for the safeguarding of technical expertise, including the apical level, through appropriate forms of organization and collaboration without changing the current budget.
100 000 eurto are intended for the establishment of the Regional Food Safety Authority (Bear), as an operational tool of the region in food safety and with support functions responsible for guidance and planning and interventions for prevention and rehabilitation of the livestock.
monitoring of health expenditure rests with the Sores: within six months, the company's debt to regional health will ensure the creation of a unified database of all in local health providers and hospitals and their cash flows. The Sores by 30 November each year, submit to the Regional Council a report on the work done in particular with regard to data concerning the pursuit of information systems to trace the chronological order of the bills.
For every quarter need to act, to quantify in advance the amounts corresponding to the amounts still owed wages and skills to employees or agreement, and the amounts of money earmarked for delivery of essential health services. Shall not be sent to title other than those constraints, if not in chronological order as received invoices for payment.
anorexia and bulimia
The Regional Council, within ninety days , Acquired the opinion of the competent Council, governs the creation within a healthcare Region regional reference center for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of eating disorders.
The location of the center is located in one of the hospitals to be converted in the hospital for the rehabilitation plan prervisti from hospital.
Thesec particulars classification of accredited public and private sector under the regional decree 377 of 1998 is updated by order of the Commissioner ad acta.
For the service of continuity of care in disadvantaged areas, the criterion of continuity of medical care coverage to every 1500 inhabitants, 10 percent of the regional population, re-formulating the allocation of medical personnel in areas not disadvantaged in the ratio of one doctor per 6000 inhabitants or fraction of greater than 6 000 3 000 for the provincial capitals, in other areas, one doctor per 5000 inhabitants or fraction of greater than 5 000 3 000. This reorganization is defined at the enterprise level and without increases in staff.
The main measures for the Government of Health
• CEINGE: Become a diagnostic reference center for rare diseases as part of the reorganization of the network of laboratories
• ASL Caserta means the relevant District No 23 includes Castelvolturno, Mondragone, Falciano del Massico Carinola, Gate and Arnone, S. Maria La Fossa, and Sessa Aurunca Grazzanise Cellole
• District of Avellino: enter the towns of Cervinara, Rocca Bascerana, Rotondi and San Martino Valle Caudina
• The local health: attitude change and go up from 7 9-territorial
• Hospice: individuato un apposito capitolo di spesa per convenzioni da stipularer ad hoc
• Farmacie rurali: risorse per le piccole farmacie
• Riabilitazione: promossi i percorsi di Salute
• Arsan: L’agenzia sarà trasformata con atto deliberativo della giunta
• Biogem: 400 mila euro vanno al centro di ricerca irpino
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