(from portale.fnomceo.it)
has finally been enacted so-called " Third round Brunetta. Given birth after a long negotiation between the Ministry for Innovation, the doctors and the Regions, Circular express better, softening the criteria for application of sanctions in case of violations of returning the certificates of illness online. Two days later, the president of FNOMCeO, Amedeo Bianco, has released the Office Print, on the subject, the following interview.
Then, President: This Circular calms the waters?
the latest circular of the Ministry for Innovation, in many respects, contains all the complex question of certification on its line of disease in real terms.
First, we note that the indisputably positive results of the mailings, as reported by the Minister Brunetta, are the result of the liability of doctors, and not afraid of sanctions.
These results are in fact, been achieved in a period of formal derogation from the application of these provisions, and in a context of obvious technical inability to detect violations, as they have officially declared regions. It was also clear that the purpose of this innovation, to which also the FNOMCeO - as well as all professional members of the profession - has shown its approval, required a strong involvement and alignment of all responsibilities in the field: from central government and devices - both public and private - to citizens, health organizations and professionals. It seems that the Circular, by choice or by force, he has had to take note.
Che ruolo ha giocato la FNOMCeO in questa partita?
La partenza era tutta in salita, stante le previsioni dell’articolo 55 – septies del provvedimento [decreto legislativo 30 marzo 2001, n°165, introdotto dall’articolo 69 del decreto legislativo 150 del 27 ottobre 2009, ndr] che, se ben ricordo, il Parlamento ha licenziato, in un clima di “caccia ai fannulloni”, tra i voti della maggioranza e le astensioni dell’opposizione.
Credo infatti – ma non spetta a me sottolinearlo – che la FNOMCeO si sia mossa con responsabilità, Having in mind the one hand, the goodness of the objectives and, secondly, the complexity of their implementation, exacerbated by inadequate political approach to the problem.
wants to better explain the picture?
I refer, of course, the system of sanctions, which on several occasions we have unnecessarily stigmatized as muscle, which bet on the threat that is more than the sense of responsibility of professionals.
And this is what has shocked and saddened us doctors, as well as some accelerations unrealistic and unfounded on the functionality of the system: an unpleasant lack of respect, civil and professional, for our business.
This case therefore has put a strain on the compactness of the medical front?
Some problems, undoubtedly, there was, and there may yet be. But it is gratifying to have found in recent months, a strong and substantial cooperation and unity of purpose with all the unions in addressing the issues in formulating the proposals, to share solutions. In my view, this was also an important opportunity to strengthen relationships with our institutional partners physiological. Health Minister, Professor Ferruccio Fazio, and regions: their descent into the field has been instrumental in defining this balance.
You can turn off the lights, then?
No, for two reasons. The first, specific, requires us to follow very carefully the applications in regional contexts. The second, more general, seeks to highlight a different cultural and legal approach to the contents and forms of medical certification.
What do you mean?
I mean that the certification request or due to the city - while not denying the objective aspects of government - is primarily a delicate medical procedure, which should not involve threats or injury to the relationship of trust and confidentiality between doctor and patient.
should therefore avoid all the legal solutions that favor the appearance administrative than professional. This should also make us reflect on the fact that, without prejudice to criminal offenses, the inappropriate certification must be riscontro disciplinare nel suo ambito naturale: quello deontologico.
25/02/2011 15:55 - Autore: a cura dell'Ufficio Stampa FNOMCeO
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