Start regime of the system of computerized data transmission of prescriptions by the NHS prescribers, in the regions of Valle d'Aosta, Emilia Romagna, Abruzzo, Campania, Molise, Piedmont, Calabria, Liguria, Basilicata and the Province of Bolzano.
view of the art. 50 of Decree-Law of 30 September 2003, no 269, ratified with amendments by Law 24 November 2003, No 326, as amended and supplemented (health card system) and, in particular, paragraph 5-bis, introduced by art. 1, paragraph 810 of 27 December 2006, n. 296, concernente il collegamento telematico in rete dei medici prescrittori del Servizio sanitario nazionale (S.S.N.) e la ricetta elettronica;
Visto il decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri 26 marzo 2008, pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 124 del 28 maggio 2008, attuativo del comma 5-bis del citato art. 50, concernente, tra l'altro, i dati delle ricette e le relative modalita' di trasmissione telematica da parte dei medici prescrittori del S.S.N. al Sistema di accoglienza centrale (SAC) del Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze e la ricetta elettronica;
Visto l'art. 11, comma 16 del decreto-legge 31 maggio 2010, n. 78, convertito con modificazioni, dalla legge 30 luglio 2010, No 122, by which, among other things, additional rules were introduced 'techniques to be made available to physicians for electronic transmission of prescriptions and electronic prescriptions through the health card system;
view of the art. A decree of February 2, 2009 the Minister of Economy and Finance, in consultation with the Minister of Health, published in the Official Gazette No. 57, March 10, 2009, implementation of paragraph 5 bis of Article. 50, which provides that:
the start of experimental activities 'made in the regional context of the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of March 26, 2008, and' defined through agreements specified by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Health and the regions, taking into account any regional projects in art. 4 of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008;
in relation to these agreements, by decree of the Ministry of Economy and 'communicated to the end of the trial and entered a system of procedures in each region;
Given the current national collective agreements with physicians affiliated with the NHS, signed May 27, 2009, which provide, inter alia, that since the opening up of the health card-system networking medical-electronic prescriptions, formalized agreements with the individual region, the medical report in agreement with the NHS and 'held to strict observance of the obligations pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 and that the corresponding penalty for failure, documented through audits of the health card system, is applied by the competent health authority;
Having regard to Decree 14 July 2010, published in the Official Gazette No. 176, July 30, 2010, implementation of Decree 2 February 2009, which provides:
the date of running of the regional system of the Lombardy region, for the electronic communication of the recipe data to the SSN by prescribers regional
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the NHS, that the failure of each individual prescriber agreement occurs if where the prescribed recipes and transmitted electronically from the date of initiating a scheme, whether on a monthly basis, less than 80% of total prescriptions filled by the same doctor, where are the health card system provided the supplies of pharmaceutical and specialist outpatient;
Vista footnote 3156 January 28, 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on la condivisione con la regione Valle d'Aosta, il Ministero della salute e la SOGEI:
della data di avvio a regime, dal 1° aprile 2011, per la regione Valle d'Aosta del proprio sistema informativo regionale, riconosciuto conforme ai sensi dell'art. 4 del citato decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri 26 marzo 2008 per la trasmissione telematica dei dati delle ricette da parte dei medici prescrittori;
ai fini dell'applicazione di quanto previsto dai citati accordi collettivi nazionali vigenti con i medici convenzionati con il S.S.N., che i casi di inadempienza da parte di ogni singolo medico prescrittore regionale convenzionato, siano definiti secondo quanto previsto dall'art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;
Vista footnote 1773 to 20 January 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the letter of minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2010, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Emilia-Romagna, the Ministry of health and SOGEI, during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 May 2011, the region of Emilia-Romagna regional information system, recognized according to Article . 4 of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic communication of recipe data by prescribers;
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the NHS, and they 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement are defined in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;
Vista footnote 16445 of 10 February 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the letter of the minutes of the meeting held January 20, 2011, at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Abruzzo region, the Ministry of Health and of SOGEI in during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 July 2011, in the Abruzzo region of the procedures contained in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic transmission of data Recipe by prescribers;
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the NHS, and they 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement, be determined in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;
Vista footnote January 19, 3157 2011 Ministry of Economy and Finance on the letter of minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2010, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Campania region, the Ministry of Health and SOGEI in during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 July 2011, in the Campania region of the procedures contained in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic transmission of data Recipe by prescribers;
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the SSN, and they 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;
Vista footnote 19136 of 10 February 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the letter of the minutes of the meeting held January 20, 2011, at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Molise region, the Ministry of Health and of SOGEI, during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 July 2011 for the Molise region of the procedures contained in the Decree of the President del Consiglio dei Ministri 26 marzo 2008 per la trasmissione telematica dei dati delle ricette da parte dei medici prescrittori;
ai fini dell'applicazione di quanto previsto dai citati accordi collettivi nazionali vigenti con i medici convenzionati con il S.S.N., si e' convenuto che i casi di inadempienza da parte di ogni singolo medico prescrittore regionale convenzionato, siano definiti secondo quanto previsto dall'art. 1, comma 3 del citato decreto 14 luglio 2010;
Vista la nota n. 3153 del 19 gennaio 2011 del Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze, concernente la lettera verbale della riunione tenutasi il 17 dicembre 2010, presso il Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze, con la partecipazione Representatives of the Piedmont Region, the Ministry of Health and SOGEI, during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 July 2011, the Piedmont region of the procedures laid down in Decree President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic communication of the recipe data by prescribers,
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the SSN, you and 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 3 of Decree July 14, 2010;
Vista footnote 19004 of 10 February 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the letter of the minutes of the meeting held January 20, 2011, at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the Ministry of health and SOGEI, during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 July 2011, the autonomous province of Bolzano procedures contained in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic communication of the recipe data by prescribers,
for the purposes of di quanto previsto dai citati accordi collettivi nazionali vigenti con i medici convenzionati con il S.S.N., si e' convenuto che i casi di inadempienza da parte di ogni singolo medico prescrittore regionale convenzionato, siano definiti secondo quanto previsto dall'art. 1, comma 3 del citato decreto 14 luglio 2010;
Vista la nota n. 19518 del 10 febbraio 2011 del Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze, concernente la lettera verbale della riunione tenutasi il 20 gennaio 2011, presso il Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze, con la partecipazione dei rappresentanti della regione Calabria, del Ministero della salute e di SOGEI, nel corso della quale:
e' stata fissata la data di avvio a regime, 1 September 2011, the Calabria region of the procedures contained in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic communication of the recipe data by prescribers,
for the purposes of the provided by these national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the NHS, and they 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;
Vista footnote 3159 8 February 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the minutes of the meeting letter December 17, 2010 held at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Liguria region, the Ministry of Health and SOGEI, during which:
and 'set the start date was a scheme, from 1 September 2011, the region of Liguria regional information system, recognized according to Article. 4 of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic communication of the recipe data by prescribers,
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the NHS, and they 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;
Vista footnote 18 916 11 February 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the letter of minutes of the meeting held January 20, 2011, at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Basilicata region, the Ministry of Health and SOGEI, during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 October 2011, in the Basilicata region of the procedures contained in the Decree of the Prime Minister Ministers of 26 March 2008 for the electronic communication of the recipe data by prescribers,
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the NHS, and they 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;
Art a
testing and initiate closure regime
1. With regard to the implementation within the region of the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of March 26, 2008, concerning the electronic communication of recipe data in the SSN on the part of prescribers, and 'set the following launcher a scheme:
a) region of Valle d'Aosta, April 1, 2011;
b) Emilia-Romagna region, from 1 May 2011;
c) regions of Abruzzo, Campania, Molise and Piedmont and the province of Bolzano, July 1, 2011;
d) regions of Calabria and Liguria, September 1, 2011;
s) Basilicata region, from 1 October 2011.
2. In applying the provisions of existing national collective agreements with physicians affiliated with the NHS, signed May 27, 2009, recalled in the preamble, which provide, inter alia, that since the opening up of the health-card system networking of medical-electronic prescriptions, the doctor in relation to an agreement with the NHS and 'held to strict observance of the obligations pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of March 26, 2008, during the first application in areas referred to in paragraph 1, this failure is intende verificata nel caso in cui le ricette prescritte e trasmesse telematicamente a partire dalle date di cui al comma 1, siano, su base mensile, inferiori all'80% del totale delle ricette compilate dal medesimo medico, per le quali risultano al Sistema tessera sanitaria erogate le relative prestazioni di farmaceutica e specialistica ambulatoriale.
3. Con successivi decreti e' stabilita l'estensione alle altre regioni e province autonome del programma di avvio a regime di cui al comma 1.
Il presente decreto sara' pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica italiana.
Roma, 21 febbraio 2011
The Accountant General Canzio