Oggi 23-2-2011 di è tenuta presso l'Assessorato alla Sanità della Regione Campania una convocazione professional body subject to the Decree No commissioner 64 of 10/22/2010, Decree No commissioner 10 of the Decree of 14.2.2011 and 26.2.2010.
During the meeting, all the unions have broken with the Department, rejecting any form of collaboration on a blind insidiously brought by the public and have drafted the following document:
During the meeting, all the unions have broken with the Department, rejecting any form of collaboration on a blind insidiously brought by the public and have drafted the following document:
the regional secretariats of FIMMG, SNAME, SMI, trade union agreements, FIMP , CIPE express disappointment and concern over the arrogance with which the Campania Region, through Decrees commissarial, intends to impose during start-up of electronic transmission of prescriptions and electronic health card system (Control exemptions for income), after a trial that you do not know neither the numbers nor the levels of activity, circumventing the contractual rules and exacerbating the burden of care with a range of administrative tasks that expose and harm the general practitioners and paediatricians, and, above all, by not providing the same doctors, as required by the contract specifications, a regional agreement, the only instrument able to define tasks and resources to implement the system organizational planning.
In all the unions show an irresponsible attitude towards the category that, first of all, started spontaneously into experimental mode with its own resources and has begun the modernization of the health system of Bell since 2003.
In all the unions show an irresponsible attitude towards the category that, first of all, started spontaneously into experimental mode with its own resources and has begun the modernization of the health system of Bell since 2003.
This tax and offensive attitude on the part of the region, if it does not downsize, will have to declare a state of agitation of the class and forward a series of assertive action to protect the profession of general practitioners and Pediatrics free choice.
The trade unions reserve, also on the Decree No 10 of 02.14.2011, to appeal to the TAR.
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