They Circular No. 3 of the Minister Brunetta, with the openings approved dall'Intersindacale sanctions and exemptions from certification, do not like. "They" are the family doctors of Snam Lombardy, which threaten to cross the wires but not the arms if they see their demands met. Cable is the connection to Sissy, the regional information system: for the union, in fact, the platform continues to be plagued by malfunctions that not only prevent the certification on line, but also hinder the achievement of those computerized percentage of recipes that avoid counterproductive the deductions provided for in the Convention. Hence the threat of what might be called a strike Mr line: "For us stand out clearly from Siss protest for a few days' summarizes the Chairman of Snam Lombardia, Roberto Carlo Rossi
"and with respect to the certificates fall back on paper each time the system will force us to wait more than a minute. " Unless, as mentioned, the independent trade union does not see his demands met. Three in all: the immediate lifting of sanctions for the failure of transmission line on the certificates of illness, pay time and expenses related to the requirements of the law Brunetta; repeal of printing duplicate certificates transmitted Teleservices. And the board to fold the paper when sending electronic effect on time spent with patient arrives by Snam Italy: "The clinical task prevails over bureaucratic" it said in a statement released Friday, "and consider a failed system that requires more than one minute for the transmission and receipt of the certificate of registration number. It is therefore recommended to all doctors, if found inefficiencies in the system and were therefore obliged to carry out certification on paper, on the certificate to indicate that this is necessitated by the failure of the system. "
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