Italian National Syndicate of Independent Doctors
Campania region
Piazza Matteotti 67-81100 CASERTA
tel. 0823 327360 fax 0823 205833
The Regional President
Prot No 11/410 of February 14, 2011
to Dr. Mario Vasco
Director of the Health Care Sector
Service primary care
Department of Health Regione Campania
to Dr. Eleonora Amato
Medical Service Basic
Campania Region Health Department
Alla Dott.ssa Giovanna Fiume
A.R.San. Regione Campania
e p. c. Ai Commissari Straordinari delle AA.SS.LL. della Campania
Alle OO.SS. della medicina Generale
Loro Sedi
Visto il comma 5-ter dell’art. 50 DL 30 settembre 2003 n. 269 convertito dalla L. n. 326 del 24 novembre 2003 e s.m.i. che riconosce ai medici prescrittori convenzionati con il NHS contribution for 2008 of EUR 10 million;
Viewed the Ministry of Economy Decree of 16.12.2008, which defines the unit amount to be paid to prescribers listed in Annex 1;
Since the Decree of 11.6.2009 Ministry of Economy to doctors who experienced the 50% of the total amount allocated to the region, determined based on the number of physicians listed in Annex 1 (5019 MMG + 863 PLS);
Viewed Decree No Commissarial 24 of 13.4.2010 laying down in € 894,064 the total amount of the contribution regional, and will provide a total of 178 medical investigator,
Given that some medical researchers have not actually done this task before the deadline of 31/01/2011, agreed on 10 November as the end of us being tested;
is asked
determine the amount of the contribution due to outstanding medical researchers which is responsible the total sum of Euro 447,032 representing 50% of the total and to proceed the clearance, as required by paragraph 4 of the said Decree on Commissarial, authorizing the Local Health Authorities cover the balance of the amounts that the same Local Health Authorities must anticipate, as stated in the minutes of Understanding Department-OO-Arsan. SS. (The parties, as regards the date for the trial of the Prime Minister's Decree 26 March 2008, agree on a date of January 31, 2011. To all the medical researchers who have completed at least one posting for that date will be paid the sum due by the decree. These sums will be deferred from AASSLL with reimbursement by the MEF) signed November 10, 2010;
to determine also the start of phase regime the amount of the contribution due to the unitary other providers listed in Annex 1 and that they are still in business, arranging, at the same start-up, liquidation.
; Dr. Giorgio Massara
Regional President of SNAME Campania
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