Sindacato National Independent Medical Italians
Campania region
Piazza Matteotti 67-81100 CASERTA
tel. 0823 327360 fax 0823 205833
e.mail: snamicampania@interfree.it
The Regional President
PROT. No 011/412 of 25 February 2011
the Regional Secretary of
Intesa Auditors
SUBJECT: Use of constrained resources to achieve the objectives of the National Health Plan.
Dear Friends,
as you know 13 of the BURC n 21/02/2011 have been published 12 lines design, which attaches to the present, relating to the realization of the objectives of Campania in the National Health Plan, for a total commitment of expenditure of EUR 155 million.
The founding principles of the new design can be found:
1) the centrality of "person" and the customization of interventions;
2 ) in the integration of GPs with the land and work in combination;
3) in the take over and work on the network as a guarantee of continuity of care;
4) to guarantee the right of access;
5) in the protection of "fragility" and compassionate care.
The allotment of funds is structured as follows:
• primary care: € 38,861,221.25
• the long-term care: € 12,344,244.00
• the promotion of organizational models and welfare of patients in a vegetative state and minimally conscious state in the chronic phase: € 8,000,000.00
•le cure palliative e la terapia del dolore: euro 10.860.610,00
•interventi per le biobanche di materiale umano: euro 1.629.092,00
• la sanità penitenziaria: euro 13.512.130,75
•l’attività motoria per la prevenzione delle malattie croniche e per il mantenimento dell’efficienza fisica nell’anziano; euro 2.000.000,00
•tutela della maternità e promozione dell’appropriatezza del percorso nascita euro: 20.000.000,00
•malattie rare euro 2.172.122,00
• valuing the contribution of volunteering: € 2,000,000.00
• Rehabilitation: € 8,000,000.00
• Mental Health: € 10,000,000.00
• National Plan Prevention: € 26,065,465
In this regard I believe that the General Medicine bell that usually is promptly forgotten on these occasions despite being not only "party" but "integral part" should demand the immediate opening of a table to collaborate actively in the implementation of these objectives.
If the region then, is not able to combine anything, once again demonstrating its failure will be our duty to denounce strongly the public and patient groups to any omissions.
I should ask you if you think you can operate as a unit and promptly through a joint Inter-Action for the implementation of these objectives.
Giorgio Massara
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