Saturday, March 12, 2011

Alyssa Millano Nacket

Valmy Biere Ambree

coming soon

Wefted Pink Hair Extensions

Budget, Sores remains. The skin changes Arsan

1 marzo 2011

di Ettore Mautone

Bilancio, Soresa resta. L’Arsan cambia pelle

Di Redazione Il Denaro

Approvata ieri in Aula, col voto di fiducia, la finanziaria della Campania: enhanced the role of the Regional Spa to write off debt. A new regional health agency co-opted within the junta's Palace Saint Lucia. They go to the ASL 9.

amendment to the budget

---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

CEINGE is the first step, the center of genetic engineering directed by Franco Savior becomes the center of reference in the field of laboratory diagnostics for tasks of high complexity of clinical molecular biology, genetics, laboratory and diagnostic and congenital diseases of metabolism and rare diseases as part of the reorganization of the network laboratory and within the limits of re-entry plan. Change the Flats District No 23 ASL Caserta (referred to the Law of the regional health service reform 16 of 28 November 2008) which includes the municipalities of: Castelvolturno, Mondragone, Falciano del Massico Carinola, Gate and Arnone, S. Maria La Fossa, Grazzanise Cellole and Sessa Aurunca. At the health district of Avellino are merged the following municipalities: Cervinara, Rocca Bascerana, Rotondi and San Martino Valle Caudina. Change in sight also for the territories of the ASL: "In order to rationalize and upgrade the regional health system to reduce the deficit, the Regional Council is authorized by appropriate regulations to govern the territories mentioned in Article 2 and 3 of the Law of Regional nn16 28 November 2008 and in any case no more than nine. The Region identifies the conventions for the benefit of Hospice by the establishment of a separate expenditure item. Resources are allocated for rural pharmacies: 3 000 € for pharmacies located in rural localities with population up to one thousand inhabitants, as much for a thousand to two thousand, five hundred 500 for those up to 3 000 inhabitants. The Region promotes the methodology integration of social and health on the projects supported by individual therapeutic rehabilitative health budget.

a control room

all'Arsan regard, the regional health agency is transformed by a deliberate act of the Executive in a body other than the current one. In particular, it created a technical support activities of the regional policy of regional health with functional autonomy within the offices of the same council that will meet the results of technical and administrative principles to efficiency, effectiveness and economy through rationalization and containment and control of expenditure including through consolidation and elimination of existing organizational structures and for the safeguarding of technical expertise, including the apical level, through appropriate forms of organization and collaboration without changing the current budget.


100 000 eurto are intended for the establishment of the Regional Food Safety Authority (Bear), as an operational tool of the region in food safety and with support functions responsible for guidance and planning and interventions for prevention and rehabilitation of the livestock.


monitoring of health expenditure rests with the Sores: within six months, the company's debt to regional health will ensure the creation of a unified database of all in local health providers and hospitals and their cash flows. The Sores by 30 November each year, submit to the Regional Council a report on the work done in particular with regard to data concerning the pursuit of information systems to trace the chronological order of the bills.
For every quarter need to act, to quantify in advance the amounts corresponding to the amounts still owed wages and skills to employees or agreement, and the amounts of money earmarked for delivery of essential health services. Shall not be sent to title other than those constraints, if not in chronological order as received invoices for payment.

anorexia and bulimia

The Regional Council, within ninety days , Acquired the opinion of the competent Council, governs the creation within a healthcare Region regional reference center for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of eating disorders.
The location of the center is located in one of the hospitals to be converted in the hospital for the rehabilitation plan prervisti from hospital.
Thesec particulars classification of accredited public and private sector under the regional decree 377 of 1998 is updated by order of the Commissioner ad acta.


For the service of continuity of care in disadvantaged areas, the criterion of continuity of medical care coverage to every 1500 inhabitants, 10 percent of the regional population, re-formulating the allocation of medical personnel in areas not disadvantaged in the ratio of one doctor per 6000 inhabitants or fraction of greater than 6 000 3 000 for the provincial capitals, in other areas, one doctor per 5000 inhabitants or fraction of greater than 5 000 3 000. This reorganization is defined at the enterprise level and without increases in staff.

The main measures for the Government of Health

• CEINGE: Become a diagnostic reference center for rare diseases as part of the reorganization of the network of laboratories
• ASL Caserta means the relevant District No 23 includes Castelvolturno, Mondragone, Falciano del Massico Carinola, Gate and Arnone, S. Maria La Fossa, and Sessa Aurunca Grazzanise Cellole
• District of Avellino: enter the towns of Cervinara, Rocca Bascerana, Rotondi and San Martino Valle Caudina
• The local health: attitude change and go up from 7 9-territorial
• Hospice: individuato un apposito capitolo di spesa per convenzioni da stipularer ad hoc
• Farmacie rurali: risorse per le piccole farmacie
• Riabilitazione: promossi i percorsi di Salute
• Arsan: L’agenzia sarà trasformata con atto deliberativo della giunta
• Biogem: 400 mila euro vanno al centro di ricerca irpino

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Brazilian Wax In Eugene Oregon

De Molen Lente Hop

based in Bodegraven, Netherlands, in the center of a hypothetical triangle with vertices as Amsterdam, Utrecht and Rotterdam, the mind of Brouwerij De Molen is Menno Oliver that after twelve years homebrewer, has made the big jump in 2004. Impressive activity and on and on, with more than 100 different beers produced in just six years (many of them just for once, to the delight of beer geeks ) which led De Molen, the attached restaurant, 5th place in the world rankings of the best breweries distilled in 2011 by Ratebeer and elections as the best brewpub in the world. Lens Hop (literally "spring hops", in this case are Saaz, then amarillo and in columbus dry hopping) is amber in color, cloudy. The froth that forms is ocher, creamy, quite fine and very persistent. The nose is very rich and pronounced, with an elegant bouquet of ripe tropical fruits (mango, lychee) and pine. The mouth comes very carbonated, medium body, proposing to a lesser extent fruit (grapefruit) and more emphasis on natural notes of pine and resin, but also of wood and earth. After all this wealth, a nice cut perfectly dry cleans the palate and then deliver a long bitter aftertaste, with hints of grapefruit and resin. A IPA really excellent, drinkable, tasty and fragrant. Curiously, the same beer is also produced as Zomer Hop ("Summer of hops"). Bottle of 33 cl., 6.2% ABV, 42 IBU, lot 04/06/2010, exp. 06/2015, € 5.60.

Inglese summary:
coming soon

Nasal Cannula Pressure Ulcer

duty (as well as necessary and requested) clarification

     Sul sito di "qualche sindacato" abbiamo letto, with amazement, a commentary on the "Situation political union" with statements like:

"On the blog of some union, I saw ironically interpreted our commitment and our news ..... leave comedians and the escort advertising on blogs: we are professionals who, in addition to their work, they also have duties of representation in respect of the category. "
"..... In this session, which was also attended by Dr.. Snam D'Addio, you will see that first brought as a present, they also sign the final report but later deleted as this is both as sign, because not being but simply as part of the committee support dr. Orlando, which is officially in the national committee as well as hold office in the union Snam ....."
"..... Even in the second meeting was attended by Dr.. Filippo D'Addio; Despite the record was shared by Dr. Orlando, official member of the works council and covering national posts in Snam, 14 December, the company Snam forward and the Special Commissioner, a letter of protest signed-warning (...) dr. Filippo D'Addio and Mr.. Francesco Paolo Shaw ....."
"In reference to the question Snam has also published an article in the Corriere del Mezzogiorno, where I think the journalist has also exaggerated, because so many lies have been said, I, as your Secretary of State and Provincial Works, I am concerned to calm the mood of the Company, of call for an immediate meeting with the Commissioner, and in that case, confirm the need not to submit to the Region any questions as to the recovery of arrears, and until this moment, the mutual promises have been fulfilled.
- We do not need to press any of newspaper articles to enforce our arguments;
- We do not we are the union first and then makes a statement, signed letters of protest. "

Given that this blog, which is firstly the task of being a clear voice, has link to other sites in relation to medical and public unions, with care and respect, to the "Voice of the Other," the positions of the other unions of General Medicine and circumstances that requests for clarification from the region were, as was obvious, despite the "mutual promises" regular inoltrate dalla ASL - esprimiamo la nostra piena solidarietà ai Colleghi Orlando, D'Addio e Scialla che, in quel certo Comitato aziendale ed altrove, hanno fatto e stanno facendo il proprio dovere rappresentando i legittimi diritti dei medici di Medicina Generale, così come è compito di ogni buon sindacalista.
     Auspichiamo, infine, che Colleghi che ricoprono cariche istituzionali - che rispettiamo profondamente e che vorremmo considerare, sempre e comunque, "super partes" - sappiano trovare quel giusto equilibrio che è premise and guarantee of protection, more than ever necessary in this period, the entire category.

Giorgio Massara

No Supported Webcam Driver Installed Dell

be completed by March 31 the Security Policy Document No



Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Antenuptial Agreement South Africa

Saison 1900

On Good Beer Guide Belgium, Tim Webb describes the Brasserie Lefebvre as a perfect production machine, hoping che un giorno possa trasferire anche tale eccellenza non solo agli impianti utilizzati (24 ore al giorno, 7 giorni su 7), ma anche alle birre prodotte. Dopo aver assaggiato questa Saison 1900 , non possiamo che dargli ragione. Si presenta dorata, quasi limpida, con una schiuma bianca, fine e cremosa, molto persistente. L'aroma è abbastanza fresco, floreale, con frutta (banana, mela verde), sentori dolci di miele e leggera speziatura. In bocca arriva molto leggera, sostenuta da una gasatura molto a alta; il gusto è molto debole, leggermente acidulo, una terra desolata dove si intravedono cereali e spezie. Poca roba. Secca, ha un retrogusto leggermente amaro erbaceo (radice amara?) con note legnose e di pepe. Una saison really mediocre and forgettable. Bottle: 75 cl., ABV 5.4%, exp. 11/2011, price € 4.39.

Inglese summary:

Birthcake Ideas For Dirtbikes


Start regime of the system of computerized data transmission of prescriptions by the NHS prescribers, in the regions of Valle d'Aosta, Emilia Romagna, Abruzzo, Campania, Molise, Piedmont, Calabria, Liguria, Basilicata and the Province of Bolzano.


view of the art. 50 of Decree-Law of 30 September 2003, no 269, ratified with amendments by Law 24 November 2003, No 326, as amended and supplemented (health card system) and, in particular, paragraph 5-bis, introduced by art. 1, paragraph 810 of 27 December 2006, n. 296, concernente il collegamento telematico in rete dei medici prescrittori del Servizio sanitario nazionale (S.S.N.) e la ricetta elettronica;
Visto il decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri 26 marzo 2008, pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 124 del 28 maggio 2008, attuativo del comma 5-bis del citato art. 50, concernente, tra l'altro, i dati delle ricette e le relative modalita' di trasmissione telematica da parte dei medici prescrittori del S.S.N. al Sistema di accoglienza centrale (SAC) del Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze e la ricetta elettronica;
Visto l'art. 11, comma 16 del decreto-legge 31 maggio 2010, n. 78, convertito con modificazioni, dalla legge 30 luglio 2010, No 122, by which, among other things, additional rules were introduced 'techniques to be made available to physicians for electronic transmission of prescriptions and electronic prescriptions through the health card system;
view of the art. A decree of February 2, 2009 the Minister of Economy and Finance, in consultation with the Minister of Health, published in the Official Gazette No. 57, March 10, 2009, implementation of paragraph 5 bis of Article. 50, which provides that:
the start of experimental activities 'made in the regional context of the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of March 26, 2008, and' defined through agreements specified by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Health and the regions, taking into account any regional projects in art. 4 of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008;
in relation to these agreements, by decree of the Ministry of Economy and 'communicated to the end of the trial and entered a system of procedures in each region;
Given the current national collective agreements with physicians affiliated with the NHS, signed May 27, 2009, which provide, inter alia, that since the opening up of the health card-system networking medical-electronic prescriptions, formalized agreements with the individual region, the medical report in agreement with the NHS and 'held to strict observance of the obligations pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 and that the corresponding penalty for failure, documented through audits of the health card system, is applied by the competent health authority;
Having regard to Decree 14 July 2010, published in the Official Gazette No. 176, July 30, 2010, implementation of Decree 2 February 2009, which provides:
the date of running of the regional system of the Lombardy region, for the electronic communication of the recipe data to the SSN by prescribers regional
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the NHS, that the failure of each individual prescriber agreement occurs if where the prescribed recipes and transmitted electronically from the date of initiating a scheme, whether on a monthly basis, less than 80% of total prescriptions filled by the same doctor, where are the health card system provided the supplies of pharmaceutical and specialist outpatient;
Vista footnote 3156 January 28, 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on la condivisione con la regione Valle d'Aosta, il Ministero della salute e la SOGEI:
della data di avvio a regime, dal 1° aprile 2011, per la regione Valle d'Aosta del proprio sistema informativo regionale, riconosciuto conforme ai sensi dell'art. 4 del citato decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri 26 marzo 2008 per la trasmissione telematica dei dati delle ricette da parte dei medici prescrittori;
ai fini dell'applicazione di quanto previsto dai citati accordi collettivi nazionali vigenti con i medici convenzionati con il S.S.N., che i casi di inadempienza da parte di ogni singolo medico prescrittore regionale convenzionato, siano definiti secondo quanto previsto dall'art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;
Vista footnote 1773 to 20 January 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the letter of minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2010, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Emilia-Romagna, the Ministry of health and SOGEI, during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 May 2011, the region of Emilia-Romagna regional information system, recognized according to Article . 4 of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic communication of recipe data by prescribers;
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the NHS, and they 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement are defined in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;
Vista footnote 16445 of 10 February 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the letter of the minutes of the meeting held January 20, 2011, at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Abruzzo region, the Ministry of Health and of SOGEI in during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 July 2011, in the Abruzzo region of the procedures contained in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic transmission of data Recipe by prescribers;
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the NHS, and they 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement, be determined in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;
Vista footnote January 19, 3157 2011 Ministry of Economy and Finance on the letter of minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2010, the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Campania region, the Ministry of Health and SOGEI in during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 July 2011, in the Campania region of the procedures contained in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic transmission of data Recipe by prescribers;
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the SSN, and they 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;
Vista footnote 19136 of 10 February 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the letter of the minutes of the meeting held January 20, 2011, at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Molise region, the Ministry of Health and of SOGEI, during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 July 2011 for the Molise region of the procedures contained in the Decree of the President del Consiglio dei Ministri 26 marzo 2008 per la trasmissione telematica dei dati delle ricette da parte dei medici prescrittori;
ai fini dell'applicazione di quanto previsto dai citati accordi collettivi nazionali vigenti con i medici convenzionati con il S.S.N., si e' convenuto che i casi di inadempienza da parte di ogni singolo medico prescrittore regionale convenzionato, siano definiti secondo quanto previsto dall'art. 1, comma 3 del citato decreto 14 luglio 2010;
Vista la nota n. 3153 del 19 gennaio 2011 del Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze, concernente la lettera verbale della riunione tenutasi il 17 dicembre 2010, presso il Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze, con la partecipazione Representatives of the Piedmont Region, the Ministry of Health and SOGEI, during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 July 2011, the Piedmont region of the procedures laid down in Decree President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic communication of the recipe data by prescribers,
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the SSN, you and 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 3 of Decree July 14, 2010;
Vista footnote 19004 of 10 February 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the letter of the minutes of the meeting held January 20, 2011, at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the Ministry of health and SOGEI, during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 July 2011, the autonomous province of Bolzano procedures contained in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic communication of the recipe data by prescribers,
for the purposes of di quanto previsto dai citati accordi collettivi nazionali vigenti con i medici convenzionati con il S.S.N., si e' convenuto che i casi di inadempienza da parte di ogni singolo medico prescrittore regionale convenzionato, siano definiti secondo quanto previsto dall'art. 1, comma 3 del citato decreto 14 luglio 2010;
Vista la nota n. 19518 del 10 febbraio 2011 del Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze, concernente la lettera verbale della riunione tenutasi il 20 gennaio 2011, presso il Ministero dell'economia e delle finanze, con la partecipazione dei rappresentanti della regione Calabria, del Ministero della salute e di SOGEI, nel corso della quale:
e' stata fissata la data di avvio a regime, 1 September 2011, the Calabria region of the procedures contained in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic communication of the recipe data by prescribers,
for the purposes of the provided by these national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the NHS, and they 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;
Vista footnote 3159 8 February 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the minutes of the meeting letter December 17, 2010 held at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Liguria region, the Ministry of Health and SOGEI, during which:
and 'set the start date was a scheme, from 1 September 2011, the region of Liguria regional information system, recognized according to Article. 4 of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 26 March 2008 for the electronic communication of the recipe data by prescribers,
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the NHS, and they 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;
Vista footnote 18 916 11 February 2011 the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the letter of minutes of the meeting held January 20, 2011, at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, with the participation of representatives of the Basilicata region, the Ministry of Health and SOGEI, during which:
and 'the starting date was fixed to the regime, from 1 October 2011, in the Basilicata region of the procedures contained in the Decree of the Prime Minister Ministers of 26 March 2008 for the electronic communication of the recipe data by prescribers,
for the application of the provisions cited by the national collective agreements in force with physicians affiliated with the NHS, and they 'agreed that cases of failure of each individual prescriber regional agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of art. 1, paragraph 3 of the Decree of 14 July 2010;


Art a

testing and initiate closure regime

1. With regard to the implementation within the region of the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of March 26, 2008, concerning the electronic communication of recipe data in the SSN on the part of prescribers, and 'set the following launcher a scheme:
a) region of Valle d'Aosta, April 1, 2011;
b) Emilia-Romagna region, from 1 May 2011;
c) regions of Abruzzo, Campania, Molise and Piedmont and the province of Bolzano, July 1, 2011;
d) regions of Calabria and Liguria, September 1, 2011;
s) Basilicata region, from 1 October 2011.
2. In applying the provisions of existing national collective agreements with physicians affiliated with the NHS, signed May 27, 2009, recalled in the preamble, which provide, inter alia, that since the opening up of the health-card system networking of medical-electronic prescriptions, the doctor in relation to an agreement with the NHS and 'held to strict observance of the obligations pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of March 26, 2008, during the first application in areas referred to in paragraph 1, this failure is intende verificata nel caso in cui le ricette prescritte e trasmesse telematicamente a partire dalle date di cui al comma 1, siano, su base mensile, inferiori all'80% del totale delle ricette compilate dal medesimo medico, per le quali risultano al Sistema tessera sanitaria erogate le relative prestazioni di farmaceutica e specialistica ambulatoriale.
3. Con successivi decreti e' stabilita l'estensione alle altre regioni e province autonome del programma di avvio a regime di cui al comma 1.
Il presente decreto sara' pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica italiana.

Roma, 21 febbraio 2011

The Accountant General Canzio

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Atlantic Paranormal Society Fakes

Adelardus Trudoabdijbier Bruin

Produced by Brouwerij Kerkom , beer of abbey dedicated to Adelardus , one of the most important abbot of Trudo, Sint-Truiden, where precisely the Kerkom established. Appearance is dark brown, cloudy, some form of a foam finger light beige, creamy and persistent. The aroma is sweet, fruity (especially berries), caramel, sugar, spices (used a secret mix of ten regional spices called "the gentle storm"). Light on the palate, has average carbonation and a medium to legggero body. Molasses, caramel, dried fruit (dates, prunes), spices and some metallic notes characterize the taste, sweet. Still managed to end up dry cleaning the palate where there is a sweet aftertaste, with hints of toast, but also metal. Beer which pushes on the pedal of the cake, but remains balanced all things considered. The strong light in the mouth makes it much more than indicated bevivile its alcohol content, but at the same time it affects taste by sliding away too quickly. Bottle of 33 cl., 7% ABV, Lot B, exp. 10/2014, 2.50 €.

Inglese summary:
coming soon

How Much Is It The Bed

February 21, 2011 "Circular Brunetta" certifications online: commentary by Amedeo Bianco


has finally been enacted so-called " Third round Brunetta. Given birth after a long negotiation between the Ministry for Innovation, the doctors and the Regions, Circular express better, softening the criteria for application of sanctions in case of violations of returning the certificates of illness online. Two days later, the president of FNOMCeO, Amedeo Bianco, has released the Office Print, on the subject, the following interview.

Then, President: This Circular calms the waters?

the latest circular of the Ministry for Innovation, in many respects, contains all the complex question of certification on its line of disease in real terms.
First, we note that the indisputably positive results of the mailings, as reported by the Minister Brunetta, are the result of the liability of doctors, and not afraid of sanctions.
These results are in fact, been achieved in a period of formal derogation from the application of these provisions, and in a context of obvious technical inability to detect violations, as they have officially declared regions. It was also clear that the purpose of this innovation, to which also the FNOMCeO - as well as all professional members of the profession - has shown its approval, required a strong involvement and alignment of all responsibilities in the field: from central government and devices - both public and private - to citizens, health organizations and professionals. It seems that the Circular, by choice or by force, he has had to take note.

Che ruolo ha giocato la FNOMCeO in questa partita?

La partenza era tutta in salita, stante le previsioni dell’articolo 55 – septies del provvedimento [decreto legislativo 30 marzo 2001, n°165, introdotto dall’articolo 69 del decreto legislativo 150 del 27 ottobre 2009, ndr] che, se ben ricordo, il Parlamento ha licenziato, in un clima di “caccia ai fannulloni”, tra i voti della maggioranza e le astensioni dell’opposizione.
Credo infatti – ma non spetta a me sottolinearlo – che la FNOMCeO si sia mossa con responsabilità, Having in mind the one hand, the goodness of the objectives and, secondly, the complexity of their implementation, exacerbated by inadequate political approach to the problem.

wants to better explain the picture?

I refer, of course, the system of sanctions, which on several occasions we have unnecessarily stigmatized as muscle, which bet on the threat that is more than the sense of responsibility of professionals.
And this is what has shocked and saddened us doctors, as well as some accelerations unrealistic and unfounded on the functionality of the system: an unpleasant lack of respect, civil and professional, for our business.

This case therefore has put a strain on the compactness of the medical front?

Some problems, undoubtedly, there was, and there may yet be. But it is gratifying to have found in recent months, a strong and substantial cooperation and unity of purpose with all the unions in addressing the issues in formulating the proposals, to share solutions. In my view, this was also an important opportunity to strengthen relationships with our institutional partners physiological. Health Minister, Professor Ferruccio Fazio, and regions: their descent into the field has been instrumental in defining this balance.

You can turn off the lights, then?

No, for two reasons. The first, specific, requires us to follow very carefully the applications in regional contexts. The second, more general, seeks to highlight a different cultural and legal approach to the contents and forms of medical certification.

What do you mean?

I mean that the certification request or due to the city - while not denying the objective aspects of government - is primarily a delicate medical procedure, which should not involve threats or injury to the relationship of trust and confidentiality between doctor and patient.
should therefore avoid all the legal solutions that favor the appearance administrative than professional. This should also make us reflect on the fact that, without prejudice to criminal offenses, the inappropriate certification must be riscontro disciplinare nel suo ambito naturale: quello deontologico.

25/02/2011 15:55 - Autore: a cura dell'Ufficio Stampa FNOMCeO

Monday, March 7, 2011

Difference Between Expungement And Dismissal

Fullers Golden Pride

was produced for the first time in 1967 to replace the strong ale of that period was thus representing a significant drop in sales. The first version was marketed by Fuller's like a barley wine and had an alcohol content of 9%. With time, then the Golden Pride lost the name of barley wine el'ABV down to the current 8.5%. Made with hops target (for amaricatura), Northdown and Challenger (fragrance). In the glass is a beautiful amber-colored, ruby, with una persistente schiuma ocra, fine e cremosa. Al naso sentori erbacei di luppolo si mescolano a frutta sotto spirito (arancia e ciliegie). Il corpo è sostenuto, medio-pieno, con bassa carbonatazione. In bocca si rivela il “passato” da barley wine , con un dominio dei malti pressappoco totale (biscotto, leggera tostatura), alcool e qualche note di frutta sotto spirito, Il retrogusto è liquoroso, abboccato, alcolico, e riscalda. Michael Jackson la definì “ the Cognac of beers' . Ed è senz’altro un bel winter warmer da mezzo litro, che però si lascia bere bene. Scad. 08/2011, prezzo: 3.70 €.
english summary:
comin soon

Sunday, March 6, 2011

схема Maha-c9000

Birra del Borgo Re Ale Extra

Versione "extra luppolata" della Re Ale , sia per quel che riguarda l'utilizzo dei luppoli (immessi durante gli ultimi 10 minuti di bollitura) che la quantità (tre volte superiore). Il risultato è una splendida India Pale Ale dai profumi spiccatamente americani che si presenta di colore ambrato/ramato, con una bella schiuma bianca, cremosa, non molto fine ma persistente. Bellissimo naso fruttato con mango, ananas, agrumi, pino ed una nota di menta che lo rende molto fresco ed invitante. In bocca risulta meno "morbida" della Re Ale, corpo medio, carbonatazione abbastanza elevata. Il gusto è simile all'aroma, with a great balance of hops that "bite", the sweet notes of tropical fruit, caramel malt and light hints of yeast "Belgian" typical of many creations of Leonardo Di Vincenzo (as well as Teo Musso, eh!) that give a certain uniqueness in the context of IPA stars and stripes. Nice cut dry, it will go, followed by a not very long aftertaste, bitter, herbal and resinous with a pleasant peppery note. A very good beer (although a bit 'too carbonated at least in this bottigilia), very well made, drinkable, tasty and fragrant, arguably one of the brewing excellence of our country. 75 cl bottle., ABV 6.4%, lot LC035/2010, exp. 02/2012, Price: € 8.70.

Inglese summary:
coming soon

Difference Urinalysis Urine Culture

SNAME Workshop & Territory General Medicine - Bologna 11-13 March 2011

Lo SNAMI Campania contribuirà con uno studio su:

Linesey Dawn Mckenzie

by Corriere della Sera of March 4, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Make Football Helmet Cake

Mikkeller Single Hop Cascade IPA

Second "single hop" tasted after Centennial . This time is the cascade hops to be the protagonist. Probably the most widely used type of hops in the United States, was "created" in 1972 in Oregon by the USDA (U.S. Department dell'Agricolutra) crossing and Fuggles hops Serebrianker (Russia), the name " cascade" is a tribute to the homonymous mountain range that crosses the Oregon.
The appearance is amber, sheer, large foam ocher, fine, creamy and very persistent. The nose is sweet, with orange and grapefruit pulp, as well as malt and caramel. The mouth is very light, slim, with a medium-high carbonation. On the palate we find the same elements of the flavoring; IPA this is definitely the most balanced and enjoyable Centennial, with a nice balance of malt and hops. Ends dry, astringent soon, leaving a bitter aftertaste, resinous but not "scraping", not very long. An exercise in "learning" that gives rise to a beer almost "complete" a good IPA but little muscular, with a body very fragile. Bottle of 33 cl., ABV 6.9%, maturity, 12/2011, € 5.90.

Inglese summary:

Friday, March 4, 2011

Extreme Curves Mature

Mikkeller Single Hop Centennial IPA

of beer produced using only one type of hops (at least according to the trade description ...) there are several, but probably Mikkeller was the first (to be denied) to have the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a whole range of beers " hop single," for educational purposes. The series is suitable both for a hypothetical horizontal tasting in order to capture the differences (the base of the malt is always the same) is to be a sort of "manual" for practical homebrewers. The beers are all produced to De Proef , Belgium. The Centennial is amber in color, cloudy. The foam is ocher, fine and creamy, long finish. The nose develops aromas mainly citrus (grapefruit, lime) and pine. The body is slender, medium carbonation. In mouth to direct, abrupt, but other than a bitter fades soon enough (always peel of citrus and grapefruit) is the malt and caramel to drive the ball. The beer gives a few nuances and, honestly, the taste quickly becomes saturated and flows out without any particular emotion. Finishes very dry, a little 'astringent taste very bitter, resinous that "scratch" taste. Interesting experiment, beer is missing (intentionally) to focus on the characteristics of complexity Centennial hops. We are reminded of another excellent production immediately "all centennial: the Founders . If this indeed is only with this brass hop, comparing it wins hands down. Rating excessively high (97/100) on Ratebeer , for that matter. Bottle of 33 cl., ABV 6.9%, maturity, 12/2011, € 5.90.

Inglese summary:

How To Baking Nike Bauer Skates

Roberto Vecchioni - Mr Judge

Roberta Flack in 1979 was accused of drug dealing by the court instructor Marsala: The charge related to an incident two years earlier during an evening at Unity Day in the same town in Sicily.
Flack was arrested and released pending trial after a few days after having received absolution from this personal experience, exacerbated by the expectation in prison because the judge had to return from holiday, then drew the inspiration to write songs Letter from Mr. Marsala, and the judge (a man so well).


Mr Judge (A man so so)

judge Mr
the stars are clear
for those who can see
maybe according to the sea.
judge Mr
who knows who knows only
it covers, please
that can hurt
imagine will
things bigger than us
forse una moglie
troppo giovane
e ci scusiamo con lei
d'importunarla così
ma ci capisca
in fondo siamo uomini così così.
Abbiamo donne, abbiamo amici così così
leggiamo poco, leggiamo libri così così
picture and we are always so-so.
judge Mr
come when she wants
more we will wait
be nice to get out more.
judge Mr
you buy the costume, you eat the kumquat
with his tomato
we are many, we are here, we call dad already
of those dad
who do not know
that day when he will be judged without mercy
so we are ashamed of being men
We dream little dreams we dream so so
have grandmothers, mothers have so so
married wives and almost always so-so
if we can make children so-so.
We all have the same faces so so
trip shortly, so we see places like
and every night we find so-so.
Mr. Judge, we are what we are
but the wing of a gull may fly away.
Mr judge, here the time passes plan
but we worship that over time we play.
The shadow on the wall is not a girl
però ci fai l'amore per abitudine
lei certamente farà quello che è giusto
per noi che ci fidiamo e continuiamo
a vivere così così così.
Sappiamo poco, sappiamo cose così così
ci accontentiamo perchè noi siamo così così
a casa nostra ci sono quadri così così
e se c'è sole è sempre sole così so.
We dream little dreams we dream so so
picture and we are always so-so
and every night we find so-so.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Do I Show 3rd Party Sick Pay On My 1040

Moulins dAscq Blonde

Beer organic certification is not filtered or pasteurized to Moulins D'Ascq, Villeneuve-d'Ascq (Nord-pas- de-Calais) not far from the Belgian border. Pale yellow, thinly veiled, generous cap of white foam, creamy, fine and persistent. Opening a hint acetic but disappear, leaving room for a nice fruity nose with citrus (orange), spices, flowers and rustic notes of "dust". The taste is mostly malt with a nice peppery notes and hints of fruit (orange flesh). Body medium to light, it ends a bit 'too fast, watery, grassy, \u200b\u200bslightly bitter. Simple and drinkable beer, fragrant aroma, weak at the end of it but basically nice but with some difettino forgivable. Ratebeer the standings - a bit 'like all le francesi – come biere da garde , ma ci pare più simile ad una ale belga. Bottiglia da 75 cl., AB 6.2%, lotto 48/10, scad. 12/2011, 4.30 €.
english summary:
A nice belgian ale brewed in France by
Moulins d'Ascq . Hazy yellow color with a big creamy white head. Some acetic smell when opening the bottle. Once this is gone, aroma is crisp with lots of citrus (orange), spices, flower and some “farm” dust ! Taste is malty with fruits (orange pulp) and a nice peppery note. Watery finish, slightly bitter and grassy. Overall a decent French brew with a definitive Belgian touch. 75 cl. bottle, 6.2% ABV, batch 48/10, 4.30 €

Whats A Good Valentines Gift

Veronesi, on bioassay: text unconstitutional and anti-historical

of March 3, 2011

A text 'unconstitutional' and 'unhistorical' so the oncologist Umberto Veronesi considers the document on Living Will: "I hope that the Chamber becomes aware of this and do without una legge anticostituzionale». Lo ha detto ieri a Roma lo stesso Veronesi, a margine del primo incontro del ciclo "Vivere in salute alla Sapienza", organizzato dall'università romana. «Se vogliamo guardare al futuro e a una vera democrazia» ha proseguito Veronesi «non possiamo togliere alle persone la libertà all'autodeterminazione. Altri Paesi stanno aprendo alla depenalizzazione dell'eutanasia, noi stiamo invece imboccando una deriva antistorica». Dopo un passaggio al Senato che Veronesi ha definito «vergognoso», ora la parola è alla Camera. Ma secondo l'oncologo «a questo punto la cosa migliore sarebbe non avere una legge sul testamento biologico: non siamo pronti». Il ministro della Salute Ferruccio Fazio invece invita a dare « fiducia ai medici». «Il mio reale auspicio» ha detto il ministro a margine dell'inaugurazione di un nuovo reparto per pazienti in stato vegetativo presso l'azienda ospedaliera di Roma San Camillo-Forlanini «e mi sembra che si stia andando in questa direzione, è di lasciare al medico la possibilità di fare il medico, perché da medico devo ricordare che i nostri specialisti non solo sono bravi e coscienziosi ma hanno anche tantissima umanità.


Boat Laminate Flooring

National Council - the Central Committee of 27 February 2011: the SNAME to the "strike electronic"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Does Tay Sachs Work

Nøgne Ø Imperial Stout

Kjetil Jikiun began his first experiments in 1997 by homebrewer. At that time, was still an airline pilot for Scandinavian Airlines and, frequently found in the United States, to pack, in addition to beer, all he needs, including malts and hops, and brings them in Norway. Even his brewing education is based primarily on what happens in the scene of American microbreweries. The final step takes place in 2002 when, along with Gunnar Wiig, sets up the Nogna Ø Kompromissløse Bryggeri AS Det. After nearly half a luster of uncertainty and economic hardship for some years the brewery has deservedly gained a place among the main characters of craft beer, and its beers are now exported almost all over the world. Graphics, labels and names of the beers in very austere and minimalist style, like this one called simply Imperial Stout. Almost black, compact foam, hazelnut, fine and creamy. The nose hints of fruit in alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, vanilla and smoke. Backed by a massive body (but not exactly a low carbonation, style), it is very soft in the mouth but immediately strikes the palate with a mouth and decided to coffee roasted malts, which seugono hints of cocoa and fruit in spirit that disappear as the temperature of the beer stands. Dry, takes his leave with a beautiful rich finish of finely roasted malts that leave a bitter taste delicious without any burning. The alcohol (9%) without interfering with the warm drink. An imperial stout very well balanced roasted malt and fruity notes and an excellent companion for cold winter evenings. Bottle 50 cl., 9% ABV, 75 IBU, lot 390 pack. on 27/10/2008, expires 10/2013, € 5.70.

_________________ Inglese
Black color with a beautiful creamy tanned head. Fruit, coffee, chocolate, vanilla and smoke in the wooded nose. Taste is of coffee and roasted malt, cocoa with burdens, alcohol and fruits. Full bodied, smooth mouthfeel is not very But still this is a very drinkable brew in which alcohol is pleasantly warming up. Dry finish filled with luscious roasted bitterness. Great Imperial Stout, a perfect companion for warm and dark winter nights. 50 cl. bottle, 9% ABV, 75 IBUs, batch # 390 (27/10/2008), bb. 10/2013, 5.70 €