Friday, November 7, 2008

Good Words For Sympathy Flowers

Constipation ... Laxatives ... ... .. and the joke!

Looking at this picture, many would smile, but a good chunk of people, they might reflect and find each other. It is estimated that the problem "STISPI" belongs to the 10-15% of the general adult population and 3-10% of the pediatric population! (American College Gastroenterology Crhonic Costipation Task Force 2005)
But who defines styptic? Over the years, many of whom were the definitions, as u n inadequate number of bowel movements per week (less than 2-3 times a week)
But the definition which, in my humble opinion, this is good clinical picture is Prof. Bazzocchi:

"Constipation is a symptom, a complaint which the patient's dissatisfaction with the evacuation."

And I might add a footnote to this definition: " which is also reflected strongly in the quality of life of the patient"
Yet, patients often overestimate or underestimate or even the problem! It is therefore very important to understand
Who is the patient suffering from constipation? understand what he meant by that term. For a large number of individuals of no daily evacuation of stool from the patient is defined as constipation. (Ed I would say 70% of patients) But it is also true, especially in young women, in cases where the discharge is rare, is that every 4,6,8, even 20 days!
Because of this difficulty in framing the patient and the variability of the subjective perception of the problem, we tried to define the problem in an objective way, using certain criteria to better define the concept of constipation:

Presence of at least two of the following signs for at least three months, without taking laxatives:
"Excessive strain on defecation at least once in four;

'sensation of incomplete evacuation at least once four;

"Presence, small stools and / or hard at least once in four;

" Less than three bowel movements per week.

But what are the causes of so much suffering?

briefly analyze some typical picture:

  • slow transit (diseases of the smooth muscle, nerve)
  • obstructive syndromes (disorders of the anal canal) or pelvic floor disenergia
  • IBS

Beware these organic causes are associated with other causes such as:
  • Pregnancy
  • medication
  • central nervous system disorders
  • transients
  • improper diet
  • no hydration
  • electrolyte abnormalities
  • Surgery
  • immobilization
  • thyroid dysfunction (hyper-active thyroid)
  • Depression

short, the list is not complete, but as you will understand the causes varie.Un aspect can be just as assessed is taking medication. E 'is often underestimated, factor cocktail that many patients are developed.

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( my friend Gregory consumes a tons) can cause constipation, as well as some antacids containing magnesium and aluminum, antidepressants, beta-blockers, diuretics, antiparchinsoniani etc etc. Without these

That said, there is talk that the approach to the patient in terms of clinical and instrumental, but before intreprendere this way, I turn my attention to that patient population PURGE OFFICIALS!

It is to you, children of tea, plums, and decoctions of the bottle of laxative hidden in the cupboard!
In recent days, I responded to a request for consultation, which was received on my e-mail, which then prompted me to write and treatment of constipation do it yourself!
Few people know the effects of chronic purges! and as a joke can be the cause!
Warning! I refer to the proportion of patients who are scouring employee for many years!
I refer to "Melanie colic that IS NOT 'A Pre-cancerous! but a dark pigmentation that is detected during a colonoscopy examination it is reversible! (Just stop with the cathartic) often associated with the recruitment of the Seine (anthraquinone plants) or phenolphthalein. But at what
joke I was referring, parlanado of laxatives? The atonia
colic, or stop driving peristaltic wave, which just serves to bring out from our intetsino feces.
So, beware of the do-it-yourself therapy, often started by young women to lose that chiletto more quickly! Or the elderly patient, immobilized in bed without tea is not empty.
But back to the diagnosis of constipation. Colonoscopy NOT FIND NO INDICATION IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF CONSTIPATION, unless there is clinical suspicion of a morbid condition specisfica (search for polyps or colonic cancer).
weapons at our disposal are:

  1. Studio transit time
  2. defecography
  3. Manometry

This clinical-instrumental patterns, must always be preceded by an evaluation of colon-proctology and are considered sensitive and specific changes to the definition dele functional anatomy of the gastro-intestinal tract.

So before we talk about constipation ........ Wait a minute!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Average Muscle Percentage In Women

2008 the year of the prevention of cancer of the colon and rectum

The statistically colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of mortality cancer in males, after that of the lung, both in women after breast cancer.
This type of cancer is particularly suitable for an effective screening program because it is characterized by slow growth and is also characterized by a chronological sequence through the transition from adenoma polyp or tumor lesion that is on average 10 years.
Currently the early diagnosis of colorectal cancer is performed by the routine examination of faecal occult blood testing and execution of such instrument and rettosigmoidoscopia colonscopia.Quest 'last test is the most effective and sensitive but is also the most invasive, the most unwelcome to the patient and the most expensive, both of which have helped to limit its use as a screening test mass.
in recent years have sought new and improved integrated X-ray imaging techniques to optimize the evaluation of the colon and rectum are born as virtual colonoscopy, and latest addition to technology, particularly effective, the evaluation with virtual colonoscopy CAD-Colon (Computer Assisted Detection). Cad-
Colonrappresenta the latest and most sophisticated development of virtual colonoscopy, tending to the improvement and the drastic reduction of the objective limits of the same and is represented by a software that can automatically identify themselves and the formations intraluminal polypoid. This software uses the classification criteria based on the morphology of the surface of the colon and the densitometric values \u200b\u200bof attenuation.
In research studies in the laboratory but also on real populations the CAD-Colon has shown excellent results in terms of sensitivity for identifying clinically significant polyps (> 10mm) with a reasonably low number of false positivi.Per why Considering that the CAD-Colon can be used as a "second reader" in a position to assist and cooperate with the radiologist in the search for forms of colon preneoplastic.
The state of the literature revealed a sensitivity of methods including between 92 and 94% for lesions between 6 and 10 mm.
In this connection, it should report the recent alarming data on the prevalence of colorectal cancer, which state that approximately 50% of the population worldwide is colon polyps that increase progressively with increasing age. Histologically can be defined Two types of polyps: hyperplastic and early adenomatosi.I not turn into cancer representing 50% of polyps \u0026lt;5 mm and 30% of polyps between 6 and 9 mm, while the latter are transformed into carcinomas presenting a risk related their size.
The occurrence of adenocarcinoma has been estimated at 1% in polyps adenomatous smaller than 10 mm and 10% with those with size between 1 and 2 cm, and 40% in those with larger than 2 cm.
E 'then a common opinion that should be resected polyps larger than 1 cm (referred to as "advanced adenoma") then those that have a higher probability of malignant degeneration. And 'the importance of intuitive Virtual Colonoscopy CAD-Colon is able to detect 100% of lesions greater than cm.
E 'was calculated that early detection of these lesions would be able to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer by 76% to 90% in the whole population.
done with virtual colonoscopy CAD Colon show the benefits of non-invasive method and provides more degrees of accuracy fully comparable to conventional colonoscopy, simplifies preparation by increasing their level of tolerance by the patient. For these reasons, the examination is completed, you can resume normal daily activities. The non-invasive test

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Can I Give Myself A Brazilian With Nair

The rectal cancer: diagnosis, staging and therapy

tumors of the colon and rectum, are a major cause of morbidity and cancer mortality in all western countries with high development technology. In Italy, an estimated incidence of 35 to 40,000 new cases a year die from the disease every year about 18,000 people, with a higher mortality rate in central and northern Europe, the lowest in the south and islands. Over the past decades in Italy, as in much of Europe, the mortality trends were more favorable for women and the ratio of mortality between sexes (M / F) for bowel cancer is increased systematically from 1.2 in the 50s until reaching 1.5 in the 90s. Surgical treatment of colon - rectum remains a challenge, despite the undeniable progress occurred over the years and the important acquisitions that have had a forte incremento nel corso dell’ultimo ventennio, grazie a diversi fattori:

Il progredire delle conoscenze sulle modalità di diffusione del cancro del retto.
L’asportazione totale del mesoretto ( T.M.E. ) che ha ridotto drasticamente il tasso di recidive locali, aumentando quindi, la sopravvivenza.
Purtroppo però, la sensibilizzazione del cittadino,in Italia, verso il problema della "Prevenzione" è davvero poco stimolata. Vuoi perchè i sintomi iniziali della malattia neoplastica del colon-retto, sono spesso sovrapponibili alla più diffusa malattia emorroidaria (sanguinamento) con conseguente sottostima degli eventi, vuoi perchè in Italia non si è mai sviluppata una cultura Colonproctologica,per which often fails to identify the national professional, in charge of anorectal diseases and medical treatment are left to "counter" and therefore easy to find and to think you can solve his illness. To all this we must also add the inner fear of the citizen to undergo endoscopy, experienced as a deeply traumatic moment, and for the method of bowel preparation (use of strong laxatives) but also, for fear of having to suffer excruciating pain during the execution of the method, but unfortunately we must also emphasize to the clogging of the waiting lists of centers of Digestive Endoscopy often with infinite time before the exam.
However, is now difficult to understand at a / a patient who has completed the 50th year of age, the occult blood stool test, visit the Colon-proctology and endoscopy or Vitual traditional tools are useful and effective for:

1) Lowering the incidence rates of cancer in advanced stage
2) Increasing consensus through Section 1, the survival rates in patients with colorectal cancer, thanks to their early identification and treatment.

If the theme is cultural, then the disclosure of this baggage must be institutions, how much more widespread in the area, investing professionals at various levels:
general practitioner -> Specialist in colo-proctology -> specialist in digestive endoscopy. The chain has, however, the weak point:

1) The failure to inform the public on prevention campaigns in the area.

2) The user's underestimation of symptoms such as bleeding that you always back in the automatic haemorrhoids.

3) failure to notify the general practitioner of symptoms

4) the lack of knowledge of professionals (colorectal proctologist? "This unknown")

5) the long waiting lists to perform endoscopic examinations.

Needless to add, that this list could, or rather, it is incomplete, but whatever the cause Unfortunately, the effect is the same: The ratirdo diagnostic and increasing rates of neoplastic disease in an advanced stage.

If I really aim, I'd be the first to congratulate me, so I hope to be able once and for all delivered to clarify that the blood from the anus NOT 'PHYSIOLOGICAL EVER! It 'a symptom of a disorder, such as haemorrhoids, which is the red herring of the kind of thinking that, = Blood Hemorrhoids -> NO PROBLEM!

NO! it is not.

in Anglo culture is colon-proctology well established, thanks to the fact that talking about hemorrhoids is not as outrageous as in Italy. The first British patients to sign whatever it is, the challenge facing the specialist and correction of hemorrhoidal disease if present.
correction of hemorrhoidal disease, has a dual effect:

1) correct the disease

2) cut considerably the causes of bleeding, thus prompting the patient to an early focus on the symptom and then to the cause!

such as the following example, a cancer of the colon, which stenotizza (not occluded), the light organ, which was manifested by bleeding and reduction of serum iron (iron) and that the patient back to the old 20-year haemorrhoids.
that nobody believes that this is only a coincidence, in the case histories of patients to have these random archives full. It 'obvious that the aim of prevention is to resolve these cases.

Needless to say, the detection of polypoid lesions, as in this image of a virtual colonoscopy, are the overwhelming majority, but it is unclear that this lesion and its degenerate two are the result of the previous .
policy identification and remediation of the colon by means of endoscopic polypectomy is the very instrument through which to break down the growth rates of Cancer of the colon and rectum. Wanting

then draw conclusions that we have to say: The
occult blood stool is:
The first step toward identifying asymptomatic patients at risk of developing cancer
That alone does not however represent a good nothing if not followed by the Colon-proctology Visit which aims to identify anorectal diseases in the patient and that alone is able to identify 50% of cancers of the rectum.
It must be said that 50% Mother House colon rectal cancer develops within the first 5 cm of the rectum from the anal margin, or the terminal portion of the rectum which then connects to the anus.
So it is understandable that, EDAR or anorectal exploration performed by experienced operators allow the detection or exclusion of a considerable portion of those tumors with a higher incidence of development and which are those of the terminal rectum or rectum low!
This also means that, early detection of cancer at an early stage in this anatomical region defined, then preventing the implementation of interventions such as demolition amputation abdomino-perineal "Miles Intervention" which includes the packaging of ' preternatural anus or permanent colostomy, said in a nutshell " the bag in the belly .
Why is it okay to say that the anterior resection of the rectum, showed the same effect dell'amputaione abdomino-perineal resection in the treatment of rectal cancer or low subperitoneal, but only if the disease is locally advanced.
To then return to the topic of the post in question, occult blood, and visit proctological pancolonscopia are the means by which we prevent and / or diagnosis.

But the positivity of occult blood cancer mean?

NO! means that there is a leak blood, which could be caused by various diseases including cancer, colorectal cancer, but not exclusively.

But if you suffer from hemorrhoids and I have tested the blood in the stool, the visit and the colonoscopy and is not nothing I can avoid surgery for hemorrhoids?

The choice is personal, it can cope with his hemorrhoidal disease course, but remember that the occult blood test would become increasingly DISTORTION both good thanks to hemorrhoidal bleeding that is not only eye-catching of the blood in the cup! but also the "hidden" from gavocciolo of micro-cracks.

E 'useful to the cancer markers in asymptomatic patients as a test of prevention?

NO! Oncology markers have no role in the prevention of disease! Are indicators that should be used and interpreted in the follow-up of patients with a history of cancer alone and have no role.

Which intervention for rectal cancer?

Surgical options for rectal cancer defined as "low" may be different:
Therefore, it is essential to perform a proper pre-operative Staging (Eco trans-rectal, endoanal MRI) and a proper evaluation of the clinical and general the patient, and only then, implement the most effective therapeutic option in respect of oncological radicality and quality of life of patients. Today, the indication for abdomino-perineal amputation have changed in the past, it reserves this treatment in cases of sphincter infiltration structures, documented by surveys of staging or in the case of incontinence, where the packaging of a permanent colostomy is certainly more appropriate view dysfunction of the base. The introduction of mechanical
suturatici in colorectal surgery Fain et al. in the mid 70's, has allowed conservation work in a larger number of patients. E 'in the early nineteenth century, the first documented attempt to pack with a mechanical device, the intestinal continuity. The succession of efforts in creating an instrument mechanic, act for that purpose, culminating in the availability of all the operating rooms of the globe principals reliable. Spurred on by these technologies, in compliance with the radical cancer, many surgeons have made resection of the rectum with preservation of sphincter function and packaging of low and ultra low anastomosis, especially in patients with cancer of the lower third of the rectum.
a result, the number of abdominal-perineal amputation has been gradually reduced.
studies last thirty years have definitely made it clear that at the same level, grading and biological characteristics, the RA and the App are equivalent in terms of results, because the recurrence is closely related to an inadequate removal of tissue periviscerale the rectum or mesorectum. The
suturatici have certainly set the pace, because they have made possible the packaging of colo-rectal anastomosis significantly lower and safer than they were, where possible and would result in the hands of a few surgeons, the manual anastomosis.
But all this technical and cultural effort which is essential for the treatment of neoplastic disease alone would be little without a culture of cancer prevention.
I must say that the efforts being made in surgery and medicine and will have many.
But it must be stressed that the citizen is too often ill-informed.
E 'to praise the work done by national associations for the fight against cancer prevention campaigns that disseminate the area through the work of volunteers, but tuuto is not enough.
should be realized that the only way to stop a disease that unfortunately affects INEVITABLY a slice of the population, is the use of the tool of prevention.
But the treatment of rectal cancer is surgery alone?
Yes, the surgery is in place which ensure the 50% median survival in patients with this tumor and is not essential that the surgical can be a variable. Colon-Rectal Surgery was established by a process of training is essential and indispensable. In countries like the USA, there have long been the unit of JRC (colorectal surgery) that address both the benign neoplastic disease. In Italy, this training and technical and cultural knowledge should be provided within the course of specialist training. From 8 years about national reference centers and clinical scientific research institutes (IRCS) have, with great effort, inaugurated the training through the Masters, where many surgeons " at their expense" were able to increase their cultural and technical confronting reality even abroad. The approach surgery is the son of a correct staging of the disease. In cases of locally advanced disease, surgery is delegated after the use of chemo-radiotherapy. Who have shown good efficacy in reducing not Neoadjuvant local recurrence, but able to implement the Down-SIZE namely the reduction of the disease locally, and then can not be reserved for patients demolition operations.
There has been innovation in surgical technique?
Surgical Innovation indeed coincides with the best biological knowledge of the disease cancer. The biggest step forward The concept was mesorectum was brought to the fore in 1982 when Heald, Husband and Ryall have a job where it was first described the technique of excision of the mesorectum performed on five patients with distal rectal cancer (TEM). Heald, in the light of his experience, he proposed to carry out the removal of the block structure in the surgical treatment of middle and distal rectal cancer, due to the fact that after such treatment, the rate of local recurrence detected amounted to only 5 %. Rectum and mesorectum are therefore an 'linfovascolare precise amount that must be excised en bloc without creating discontinuity in the mesorectal fascia in order to perform a radical excision oncologically. Irisultati obtained from Heald through the total mesorectum excision (TME) with survival rates in 5 years (87% versus 60% reported in world literature) and very low rates of locoregional recurrence of 3.7% at 4 years versus 30 % of the scientific community. (Hida)
bag in the belly (vehicle or ileostomy) is still necessary or not?
Firstly I should clarify two major aspects:
UNFORTUNATELY, not all patients can undergo a sphincter-conserving surgery and then have a candidatiad radical surgery and amputation abdomino perineal colostomy permanent. The reason is that even today! Some patients come to the observation of the surgeon too late in the disease.
For patients candidates for surgery conservative "anterior resection of rectum" packaging "Temporary " of Ileostomy or colostomy (depends on the school) turns out to be a duty.
So in conclusion how to defeat the cancer of the rectum:
few years ago discussing with a colleague, looking for a way to create an acronym to describe briefly the three golden rules to be disclosed.
After so much I married rimurginare " APC" that bed so it seems say nothing!
A = Attention
careful what we eat the diet that must always be balanced attention to obesity, attention to the high protein intake of alcohol and tobacco to the low consumption of fruits and vegetables.
P = Prevention
prevention starts at age 50 even though Personally I do not agree with the application of statistics in this age group, since their thirties and forties were my patients. But strictly speaking, we use the Prevention of course first! Of course, such as pattern change (sudden constipation and diarrhea), bleeding, rectal pain, family history of cancer! is worth emphasizing that if the family the father or the mother developed a colonic neoplasm children must turn on the light bulb! and attention to themselves the problem. The fecal occult blood test is quick! and useful! Contact your proctologist is not an option! Ask a colonoscopy at age 50 is not going to the gallows!
C = Caring for the Care
prorpio aspect is a priority! heal the body but is not? Care identifies a number of behaviors that should be well considered. Unfortunately, when you get sick, the logic is displaced by fear! And 'that's when everyone is susceptible.
Cure is now possible. The surgery has become by demolitiva a conservativa, la medicina oncologica ha nuove terapie meno invalidanti che agiscono a livelli sempre più selettivi e senza i reliquati di un tempo, senza cioè quel disconfort tipico dei sintomi legati ai trattamenti antiblastici. La radioterapia ha affinato sempre più le metodiche risparmiando sempre di più il tessuto sano a scapito di quello malato.
Gli anni che verranno saranno sicuramente ricolmi di grandi novità e speranze per la cura dei tumori. Noi oggi però dobbiamo sforzarci nel far comprendere ai sani che il tumore si può prevenire ed ai malati che di tumore si può guarire.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Liquor License Ontario Party

The faecal occult blood ... a small gesture can save a life. The Italian Health

Qualche lettore dei precedenti post, mi ha inviato una e-mail with a bitter taste. "It is 10 minutes and I would not be so small!" The theme is prevention! Only 10 minutes to defeat the cancer can! The occult blood in the stool is still a most effective means in preventing colon cancer and rectum. In Italy, thanks to the work of many volunteers, centers such as the Italian League Against Cancer, the Italian Association for Cancer Research allows you to test quickly and in some agencies will be subject to examination.
I do not know how many times that the rectal bleeding, is not physiological and that the occult blood test and a visit proctological could save a life.
Hei! I say to you who read these pages! Yes egoista solo 1 minuto! Rifletti sulla vera grande ricchezza che hai "la tua salute"! getta via i falsi pudori! Fai il test! e se risulta positivo non tremare! Esegui la visita e la pancolonscopia! Prova anche tu, come fanno già altri, a battere sul tempo quel nemico silente e qualche volta implacabile che si chiama TUMORE!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Submission Match Sister

: between excellence and shame.

Non si può non ascoltare, non si può non vedere, non si può essere indiffreneti alle notizie che giungono dai mezzi di comunicazione e che riguardano gli ultimi scandali che ancora di più mortificano la nostra professione. E' ovvio che mi riferisco alla nota vicenda della clinica Milanese, al centro delle indagini della Magistratura e che rappresenta per tutti i medici una vergogna. Innanzitutto, desidero da medico sottolineare come, mi risulti impossibile pensare, che qualcuno che fa la nostra professione, possa davvero aver compiuto ciò che dalla prime indagini, sembra essere emerso. Se è così che Dio li perdoni (lui può) perchè non credo che tutti gli altri lo faranno mai. Milano rappresenta per la mia vita professionale qualcosa d' importante. Grazie al mio maestro,al quale devo davvero molto dal punto di vista professionale che umano, dicevo, grazie a lui, durante un congresso proprio a Milano, mi fu proposto di frequentare l'Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, luogo nel quale sono cresciuto e dove ho tanti altri maestri ed amici. Partire da Palermo, da un città where you have everything, family, feelings and move to a new reality, new working environment is not very easy, but I assure you that after the initial difficulties and adjustment times, then everything changes.
I left I found serious professionals and serious professionals, and already I was lucky!
The years are perhaps not many, but I do not think they can breathe the same air more than 12 years ago.
Milan, the heart of the medical culture, professional companies began to model and to be referred to as ARKE ', perfect prototype.
And now? someone writes 16, some 12 clinics Milanesi under investigation and for the same types of crime! What happens?! A virus lethal hit is the medical profession and the epicenter of this epidemic is Milan? No, I do not think. I fear that this is a small jar lid off! and I fear for our profession is about to take off the mud as a Tzunami! If the true primum movens healthcare organizations (ie public and private) will be the reduction of expenditure and the budget in a large swath of positive patients could be left out! But the WHO in Italy is not always taken as a model of excellence for the fact that all citizens are guaranteed access to treatment in accordance with the greater good! or health? We want to copy the American model? That no bill no care? Well Say it loud and clear! Citizens, ITALIAN, get bills or pay your pocket! But if this is the future, then a cohort of doctors must take to the streets! and ask to be allowed equality in the world!
Scholars, researchers, Doctors precarious because it ghettoized, but no role! Get in while others allow you to shovel in defiance of the law, to go for the parallel activities prorpio! The intramural
is like the battleship Fantozziana memory. Give the professionals of the public the tools, spaces and resources and a salary commensurate with the activity and who want instead of his own free will and it does matter for the private professionals who work in private are only professionals and provide the same level of care and service to the public. It is unfair that waiting times are Biblical! but if I order the same performance in intramural in the same hospital more than 48 hours after 24 the benefit is paid!
It makes public a private matter? Fool!
So if health insurance will become the sovvenzioanta, demolished some structures fatiscienti indebbitamente Hospitals calls or worse yet university hospitals between rats and stray dogs, then I do not know what yet! Build
NEW HOSPITALS easily accessible and usable by all!
Then grab yourself to finish this for a ride with Competitions! After years of Degree & Specialty and 6 have passed the age and innocence of fairy tales! Thanks!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Oragnize Euro Pillows

Stress, swollen belly, stomach cramps, constipation and / or diarrhea irritable bowel syndrome ...

The irritable bowel syndromes is really a social disease? Some estimate affects about 20% of the population but the most pessimistic talk as much as 30%.

Cramps, borborygmi, Flatulence , real abdominal colic, diarrhea or constipation Is a series of symptoms that can be traced back to known IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

What are the mechanisms that trigger the symptoms and what will never be the cause of much suffering?

say that the sticker says that I have chosen good cause. I know that saying, stress, some might say "already, as usual," but just in IBS with stress is a key factor.

the life they lead is certainly not that of our ancestors bucolic, clean air, no traffic, no telephone and mobile phones, plenty of exercise and a regulated diet.

today eat hurriedly, at the Bar in the office and even while you bite the usual sandwich, the phone rings or you meet the fellow who reminds you that when you finish there is a practice to attend to urgent! Aw, Snap! We say! the intestine but is not limited to UFFA!

here it is, the hearty meal of modern work! Certainly when you are hungry and you are at work who does not bite into a sandwich like this? We do it all and almost every day!

Some prefer to find even in the cafeteria under the office of the flavors of home, that big plate of steaming pasta!
satisfied! Here are our pre-cooked spaghetti! that after adequate riscaldatina are ready to console our need for housing.

Most smalizziati, thanks to the greed or conscience momemtaneamente unreachable as the cell and the absence of the Holy Inquisition Domestica ( Wife telling you that your cholesterol rears daily like oil in your bag and you can also sell a barrel! ) between fried and sauteed drown the pain of a hectic day.

What is the outcome then?

Here! and paradigmatic is the sentence that begins by saying the patient.
"Doctor help are swollen / a like a balloon!"
or "Doctor, I do not understand I finish eating and everything seems to hang here in the stomach" short, the fish ball here next to a good representation of the symptoms of IBS.

But why?

Our brain activity, manages many things including the organs and systems. And 'well-known that fear stimuli bladder (pee). How anger instead, increase pressure, dilates vascular structures (red with anger!) Well, the colon receives many stimuli and encodes them by increasing its contraction, causing cramps or colic, and interfering with the normal contraction of the intestine, known as peristalsis. In short, the goodies views once taken are discarded as waste. Well, the colon contracts so that these wastes pass to the exit. Stress interferes with peristalsis in some places by stopping the progression of nuclear, constipation or favoring instead it may increase the speed of transit and diarrhea appear. Increasing or slowing of transit translates into higher gasification of the colon and then increased bloating etc etc.
the Eventually, many patients find themselves having to also live with other fastdi.


is a tool that I thought lost between the therapeutic arsenal of many, but I was wrong! Sure to work with the newspaper under his arm, not offend anyone, but seeing the legendary tick Donut! However or her or his surrogates, pillow bearings are shown in many offices. Of course they are more discreet! But they say the same thing anyway! Inflammation of the anus or prolapsed hemorrhoids or anal fissure! Well worth the relatives of the disease and IBS direct causes of this.

Yes, but the therapy? what should it be?

Medical therapy can reduce symptoms but can not remove the cause! In addition, chronic therapy with prokinetics and antispasmodics or muscle relaxants are not there in the various solution nor the gold-standard!

Beating stress, finding ways and space to gratify his ego and his own body would do good to all. Unfortunately this is not always possible, therefore, in cases where symptoms worsen quality of life, specific therapies designed to reduce the nuisance and taken for short periods soluzione.Il may be the only patient with IBS often know the causes of his being sick, which is accompanied by other extra-intestinal symptoms such as disrupted sleep, insomnia, fatigue, nervousness etc etc.

A good diet, proper hydration, exercise and a lot of love for themselves so they can help. Ricordandocci that stress is still there and we can strike even when there is less aware of it!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Women Brest Maintanas

Medical Doctor and Internet ... Help me!

Grazie al sito non credo che avrei scritto qualcosa su questo tema. Eppure con il passare dei mesi, mi accorgo che il "Consulting" medico su internet è una realtà di vaste proporzioni. Molta gente, naviga in rete e spesso ricerca sui grandi motori come Google ,argomenti riguardanti la salute. Eppure il territorio è coperto da molti professionisti, ma la rete è piena di richieste di consulenza o chiarimenti. Perchè? Siamo noi camici binachi, figli dell'ermetismo estremo oppure chi ci ascolta non si fida. Che alcuni pazienti girovighino, tra vari professionisti per valutare se quello who say they agree! is not new! But there is a group of patients and / or relatives, who struggles to find answers, treatment centers, some see new terapie.Rispondendo Medicitalia up, I realize that there is a need for consultation. The numbers and statistics, drawn from the site, speak for themselves.

Doctor help me! often open up the request for consultations. Although these heartfelt requests for assistance, a 50% overestimate the clinical problem. But this request as follows should give us pause. The city often feel lonely or abandoned on the network and avoids trying to answer the many and whether or not discussed but not resolved. So we are still an important resource for society, despite le Nostre e le Altrui colpe siamo un caposaldo!

Forti quindi di ciò e coscienti del ruolo gravoso ma gratificante che ricopriamo,ogni giorno nonostante tutto, siamo consapevoli che c'è chi ha bisogno di noi, forse solo di un'incoraggiamento,solo una pacca sulla spalla oppure molto di più e ai primi come per gli ultimi, sia nel reale che nell'effimero virtuale della rete, tutti noi siamo quì per tutti voi.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How To Make A Bike Wheel Cake

Dr.House ... how I envy you!

Già come ti invidio Gregory! Un bell'ospedale, rifinito con gusto, non sai how I love that wall of water where you sit every now and then! Hospital room equipped with all the point! Beautiful, bright, clean and say of persoanle. Just say it louder EMERGENCY! come and droves of nurses! But not enough! Legal Advice
H24! Study where you can also afford to play ball! glass desk! A PC funzioanante ready and at your left! The stereo! and what about the meeting room with adjoining kitchen and a coffee machine! But then what strikes me as close to a craniotomy and exploration ..... ..... and then to immuniglobuline un'echinocossi liver! But yeah, you do not change, I understand! is alright, I do not have to convince yourself that you know the importance of the insurance paghi! Oh si! hai ragione l'Italia ha il miglior sistema sanitario perchè è gratuito e garantisce a tutti le cure! Si hai ragione siamo fichissimi! Però sai, riflettevo su una cosa...non che sia indispensabile ma pensavo..che ne diresti se ci scambiassimo di posto per 1 mesetto? Insomma vorrei tanto farti provare la vita che facciamo noi camici bianchi in Italia. Non credi che suonerebbe bene Piazza,s come Titolo per la serie televisiva? Tranquillo a questo ci penso io! Che ne dici: Da Dr.House a Dr.Square! insomma esci da Casa (House) e ti ritrovi in Square (Piazza). Dici di si? Bene affare fatto! Come scusa...? Vuoi sapare come è un Ospsedale Italiano? Bhe....... allora....Insomma non hai forse il parcheggio! ti consiglio di mettere the chain on the bike or go home on foot! Your room may be less sunny side of what you have, and I do not think that the PC always works, you know how it is made depends on the net! certain hospital networks in Italy are more in oil! I recommend you not angry if you can not download any article or missing a medical journal, often in the library (if it still exists!) You stop to 1989 or so! I recommend, however, wear the shirts! You do not go around with tennis shoes and a long beard! To see the meeting room .... well, to make do under some stairs in a medical center or in other words you do! Mind you to forget that in Italy there are the DRG! you just like you! yes but with a difference that does not touch you un centesimo! No non perchè sei straniero macchè, mica siamo razzisti ! e che in Italia non funziona come da te! ed un'altra cosa! Da noi non si prendono in carico solo i casi che ti stimolano! NO! da noi si curano tutti i pazienti che hanno bisogno di cure! Come? così non ti diverti? Non sapresti come vivere con lo stipendio Italiano ed in più curando tutti quelli che passano?
Ti Deprimi?????!!!! Altro che Vicodin? ci vorrebbe il Prozac!!!!!
Vabbè come non detto! resta lì Gregory mi sa che non hai la stoffa giusta per lavorare in Italia.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

How Is Lupus Transmitted

THD Vs Intervention Longo

Società Italiana di Chirurgia ColoRettale 2° Congresso Nazionale – Verona 15 – 17 Ottobre 2007 46
Introduzione: La malattia emorroidaria e’ il piu’ comune disordine proctologico. Meno del 50% dei casi richiede trattamento che nel 10-15% dei casi e’ chirurgico. L’emorroidectomia convenzionale e’ ancora l’intervento chirurgico piu’ eseguito ma negli ultimi dieci anni, al fine di ridurre il dolore post-operatorio e di rendere piu’ rapido il ritorno alle normali attivita’ quotidiane, nuove tecniche chirurgiche cosiddette "pain free" were introduced.
Of these the two most 'notes are emorroidopessi with "stapler", and the Doppler guided transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialization, better known as "PPH" and "THD". Several trials have shown that PPH and 'an effective technique with minimal postoperative pain, but in the long term seems to be suffering from a relapse rate higher and can' cause serious complications such as chronic anal pain on defecation and urgency.
individual studies and one randomized trial vs the conventional hemorrhoidectomy with short-term follow-up carried out showed that the THD and 'a safe and effective technique with minimal postoperative pain, but the results are not yet known a distanza. Obiettivo dello studio e’ stato quello di paragonare l’efficacia e la sicurezza a breve termine della THD vs la PPH nei pazienti con emorroidi di II e III grado in cui il trattamento conservativo avevano fallito. Pazienti e Metodi: La PPH e’ stata eseguita secondo la tecnica di Longo. La THD consiste nella legatura multipla delle branche terminali dell’arteria emorroidaria superiore identificate tramite un apposito doppler posizionato all’estremita’ di uno speciale proctoscopio monouso. In seguito una mucopessi del cuscinetto emorroidario prolassato viene eseguita al di sopra della linea dentata con punti di Vycril 2/0. Tutti gli interventi sono stati eseguiti in "Day Surgery" e in anestesia generale. I sintomi, il dolore post-operative pain expected by the patient, possible complications and the return to normal activity 'daily were analyzed prospectively with a questionnaire. The follow-up and 'state of 2 and 8 months. Results: The study was carried out between September 2004 and December 2005, included 52 patients (36 males with age 'average of 51) of which 28 (20M, age' average 54) were subject to the THD and 24 PPH (16 M, eta ' average 48). In group THD 16 patients had Grade II hemorrhoids and 12 grade III, while in the PPH group were 15 and 9 respectively. The average postoperative pain assessed by visual scale from 0 to 10 and 'state 2 (THD) vs. 3.5 (PPH) (p = ns). The average pain since the patient assessed with visual scale from -5 (less than expected) to +5 (more 'than expected) and' state of -4 (THD) vs -3 (PPH). And there 'was no difference in the use of postoperative analgesics required (paracetamol + diclofenac), but 25/28 (vs 12/24) THD patients to have returned to normal activity' daily within 4 days (p = 0.01). At follow-up of 8 months were 2 recurrences THD vs 1 and PPH Symptoms are 'resolved in 25 patients in the THD and 21 in the PPH group. In the PPH group, 2 patients complained of urgency to defecation and one developed a rectal stenosis, whereas in the group and THD is' un'ematoma had two complications and rectal submucosal minor technical.
Conclusion: With a median follow-up both short-term techniques have proved effective and safe with minimal postoperative pain for the surgical treatment of haemorrhoids of grade II and III. The group of patients THD but 'has not developed any serious complication, and all have returned to their normal activities the first' day. Prospective randomized trial with long-term follow-up but are 'necessary to confirm the results of our study.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

How To Reduce File Size Proshow Gold

colorectal cancer and Research: New Frontiers.

colorectal cancer, represents a major cause of morbidity and mortality from cancer in all Western countries and high technology development. Surgery, yet today, is the most effective means of therapy in the treatment of rectal cancer, where, in most cases, the actions of amputation adddomino-perineal resection and anterior apply.

Transformation adenoma-carcinoma is considered the main mechanism for the development of el colorectal cancer, and this model has been described for the first time in 1975. The various phases of this process, which involves the transition from normal mucosa to adenoma and then to carcinoma in situ and finally to the spread of disease to other districts, are characterized by mutational events that occur in the genome against oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes responsible transformation and tumor progression. The molecular characterization was performed for the first time in the early '90s, by a research team led by Bert Vogelstein, and therefore the development of colorectal molecular model is also known as the "model of Vogelstein. According to that report, mutations in specific genes lead to specific developmental stages colorectal cancer: mutations in the APC gene cause an overgrowth, which becomes adenoma after inactivation by promoter hypermethylation of several genes (such as p16INK4a) and the gene mutations iperattivanti K -Ras. Following alterations inactivating TP53 gene leads to the stage of carcinoma in situ and, therefore, with the loss of expression of altri geni oncosoppressori, principalmente localizzati sul braccio lungo del cromosoma 18, come DCC, SMAD2 e SMAD4, la malattia è in grado di metastatizzare in altri distretti corporei, tipicamente il fegato e, in minor misura, il polmone.Il gran numero di studi che ha portato alla formulazione di tale modello ha fatto sì che il tumore colorettale venga considerato ancora oggi come paradigma di modello molecolare della crescita tumorale. Quantunque il modello di Vogelstein sia supportato da un'ampia gamma di studi epidemiologici, clinici, istopatologici e genetici, non è mai stato dimostrato direttamente. Risultati recentemente pubblicati sembrano porre in discussione tale modello. Infatti, emerge che solo in rare occasioni, circa il 10% dei casi, il tumore colorettale si sia sviluppato seguendo tale modello e che invece esistano numerose altre vie che portano ugualmente alla formazione del tumore colorettale, tutte accomunate da un'alterazione iniziale a carico del gene APC o dei prodotti genici con cui la proteina APC interagisce, come la proteina b-catenina. Un ulteriore elemento di critica al modello di Vogelstein è rappresentato dal fatto che i tumori del colon e quelli del retto sembra possano seguire vie di sviluppo differenti. Gli studi finora condotti hanno avuto il pregio di individuare una serie di marcatori molecolari, le cui alterazioni determinano l'insorgenza della neoplasia. Lo scopo delle ricerche attuali è quello di individuare, attraverso analisi molecolari, marcatori sensibili e specifici that can be used to detect early disease onset. Molecular analysis on body fluids such as feces and plasma, may provide high sensitivity with reduced invasiveness. In particular, the influx of exfoliated cells in the colon of feces, in an amount equal to about 1010 cells per day, suggests the use of fecal material to obtain DNA suitable for the determination of molecular alterations and the detection of cancerous lesions at the level intestinal epithelium. The search for molecular markers in DNA extracted from feces of patients operated on for colorectal cancer revealed conflicting aspects. The analysis of the APC gene, mutated in more than 80% of cases and involved in fasi precoci dello sviluppo tumorale, dovrebbe rappresentare un marcatore ideale. Tuttavia la sequenza di tale gene è molto ampia (2843 aminoacidi) e le mutazioni inattivanti possono insorgere ovunque. Le 5-6 mutazioni più frequenti (hot-spot mutations) non arrivano a coprire il 20% di tutte le mutazioni. Per questi motivi, la ricerca di mutazioni nel gene APC nelle feci, che recentemente è stata condotta grazie a metodiche molto sensibili, è molto laboriosa, costosa e potrebbe quindi essere indicata per predire la ripresa di malattia, ma non per la diagnosi precoce. Lo stesso discorso può valere per il gene TP53. Alterazioni a carico del gene K-Ras, invece, derivano da mutazioni in soltanto tre posizioni della sequenza nucleotidica del gene, two of which cover more than 98% of the mutations. In this relative ease of analysis, however, is matched by a low sensitivity: the K-Ras gene is mutated in only 50% of cases and it is possible to identify the mutation in fecal samples only if the primary tumor is located in the descending colon, sigmoid colon or in rectum. A recent study seems to offer significant prospects for a new molecular approach, less laborious and expensive. This approach stems from the observation of a correlation between the conservation of the DNA extracted from feces and presence of tumor cells in the colon. The ability to amplify DNA stool seems to be higher, thus allowing a greater level of amplification in DNA extracted from feces of patients with colorectal cancer or adenoma, compared to that obtained from healthy individuals. With the simple analysis of the amplified levels of fecal DNA (L-DNA: Long DNA) could be identified more than half of patients with cancer or precancerous lesions, with high specificity. In addition to good sensitivity and specificity, this technique of investigation has the advantage of being relatively simple and require shorter time and lower cost than the traditional analysis mutazionale.I reasons for the increased efficiency of amplification of DNA extracted from feces of patients with colorectal cancer are not known with accuracy. The hypothesis is that in healthy cells that exfoliate siano spesso necrotiche o apoptotiche e quindi con un DNA genomico degradato, frammentato e, conseguentemente, difficile da amplificare, mentre nei pazienti, le cellule tumorali esfoliate nel lume intestinale sarebbero prevalentemente integre e vitali e quindi con un DNA genomico ben conservato e più facilmente amplificabile.Le stesse considerazioni possono essere formulate anche per le analisi sul plasma, in cui tuttavia un nuovo marcatore sembra ricoprire un ruolo molto importante: il DNA liberamente circolante nel plasma non associato a cellule (cell-free DNA), di origine tumorale. Recentemente è emerso infatti che livelli abnormemente elevati di DNA liberamente circolante nel plasma sono correlati alla presenza di tumore colorettale primario. Dato che in altre malignancies such as non-small cell lung cancer, it was demonstrated that the level of free circulating DNA in plasma is predictive of disease recurrence or onset of metastases in specific body areas, such as the liver, in the follow-up patients, it is desirable that a similar correspondence is shown to be valid also for colorectal cancer, so you can have an additional and more efficient method of analysis of serological tests in addition to the CEA and CA19.9. In addition, a qualitative analysis of this DNA could provide a tool for early detection of malattia.Poiché analysis of individual molecular markers have not been successful, the future goal of research is to identify a battery of molecular markers that, together, are able to identify all the primary tumors and predict the recovery in the spot or in other districts. Such analysis, based on highly specific molecular alterations in the quality of their cancer may be associated, as mentioned above, the quantitative analysis is currently being studied in plasma. With the development of ever more sophisticated and sensitive, you may also be measured simultaneously in the same tumor gene expression of many thousands of genes is the case of the technique of cDNA microarray. Using this method will also be possible to analyze colorectal cancer mutational patterns that are different and therefore have followed different paths of transformation and tumor progression. The search and identification of new molecular markers with the technique of cDNA microarray, could lead to the identification of new therapeutic strategies to decrease the risk of developing cancers of the colon and rectum. It 's the case of studies involving the protein cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). COX-2 is a protein whose expression is induced as a result of many types of stress. E 'was shown that all of colon cancer, has greatly elevated levels of COX-2. Overexpression of this protein is present instead in at least 50% of adenomas. E 'was evaluated with RT-PCR, the expression of mRNA for COX-2 in 63 sporadic colorectal adenomas, generally higher in all lesions compared to that observed in the corresponding normal mucosa, the levels of mRNA for COX-2 correlated with the size but not with dell'adenoma headquarters, the macroscopic shape or degree of dysplasia. This increase in expression inhibits apoptosis and / or increase angiogenesis. This protein could then be linked to the risk or even result in the development of colorectal tumors. Therefore, drugs that inhibit the production of COX-2, such as anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), could play an important role in the prophylactic prevention of neoplastic transformation of mucosa del colon-retto, ripristinando i meccanismi favorenti l'apoptosi e regolando l'angiogenesi. In particolare, potrebbero beneficiare dell'assunzione di tali farmaci gli individui affetti da FAP; peraltro, sono disponibili dati che documentano un effetto protettivo di questa classe di farmaci anche per quanto riguarda i carcinomi sporadici. In particolare, in soggetti consumatori cronici di acido acetilsalicilico o di altri FANS è stata stimata una riduzione del rischio relativo di sviluppare carcinomi del colon-retto pari al 40-50%. Questi farmaci hanno dimostrato di possedere un effetto positivo prevenendo l'insorgenza di neoplasie (adenomi e carcinomi), determinando la regressione degli adenomi, inibendo la crescita dei carcinomi. La loro efficacia, which is also expressed in terms of reduction in tumor-associated mortality, has no correlation with age, sex, with the head concerned or with other risk factors coexist. However, NSAIDs also inhibit trade in the other proteins belonging to the family of cyclooxygenase, cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1), which is vital in maintaining gastric homeostasis. Therefore, the possible benefits are largely canceled by the onset of side effects, particularly frequent and often important, especially when you consider that the effectiveness is closely related to dose (ineffective low dose acetylsalicylic acid) and recruitment of the drug, ceasing with the interruption administration. More recently, they were marketed, and are currently under investigation in oncology, NSAIDs selective cyclooxygenase-2. In particular, celecoxib and rofecoxib are at an advanced stage of evaluation, the results are currently available to lay a protective effect as the other non-selective NSAIDs, with fewer adverse side effects.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Homemade Hotel Luggage Cart

Focus on diverticular disease colon. Hemorrhoids and THD

The diverticular disease, we could call it a disease of modern society, where the diet is, unfortunately, distorted by bad habits, such as the absence of fiber. Today
eat all evil, in a hurry, in a very short time, and for various reasons, what we eat does not help us. Water and fibers gradually disappeared from the diet and the "cramped and lonely" leaf of lettuce in our sandwich can not do the miracle!
In the past, diverticular disease that was considered a hit for 50% of the male population in the sixth or seventh decade (mean 65 years), but with the passage of time has seen the appearance of diverticula in young adults with a peak between 4:05 decade.

But what is a diverticulum develops and why?

diverticulum is just a hernia of the colon wall that occurs at a precise anatomical point of the wall, or if they penetrate the penetrating arterioles. The example gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe diverticulum and often use to explain what is the cause of the air space of the old bike! (Now perhaps no longer exist). When the pressure exerted on the wall of the rubber becomes too strong, it forms a bulge like a bubble, the pressure reduced scompare.Quello this happens in the colon is the same, a spastic colon involves an intense and continuous contraction of the bowel wall also The faeces poor fiber sharing in mechanism hypercontractility colon with further increase of pressure!
short, the colon push the stool dry moving slightly, and then increases the pressure segments which contract more energicamente e con il passare del tempo e degli anni il danno è fatto!
Quali sono i sintomi?

E' bene distinguere la progressione dei sintomi a seconda dell'evoluzione della malattia.
All'inizio i sintomi sono vaghi! (termine spesso con il quale si dice tutto e nulla!)
Spasmi del colon, meteorismo,coliche al fianco sinistro (sede tipica).
E' ovvio che sono sovrapponibili alla ben nota sindrome del colon irritabile e di fatto spesso dovremmo chiederci dove inizia la prima e finisce la seconda! Con il passare del tempo i sintomi divengono sempre più particolareggiati e dieta dipendente!
Alcuni pazienti lamentano the occurrence of bloating, pain at Finch, nausea and urinary difficulties often! (Often for grievance ureteral stones: Kidney stones or diverticular disease?)
But if you listen well the patients, what is striking is that:
Doctor Excuse I eat lots of vegetables both cooked and raw! Beans, peas, artichokes, spinach, spelled! but I noticed that after eating these foods discomfort and pain increases! How is it possible?
The problem, unfortunately, lies in the type of food taken in a patient diverticulosis could only be hand santa! but in the case of diverticulosis are known as the cause of quell'eveto Diverticulitis!
diverticulum due to the indigestible fiber in our body (which is why they form mass!) Is filled with these and I did that sealed the first involving a septic process that causes symptoms such as:






But how does the diagnosis?

sopsetto In cases of clinical, barium enema is certainly a valuable tool.
abdominal CT should be reserved ONLY and in some selected cases where there may be doubts about the validity of the image with Enema. Needless to say, the virtual colonoscopy is significantly more enlightening to reconstruct three-dimensional view of the organ!

Which therapy?

Of course, we take the fiber in our diet and also in patients with diverticulosis! The simple recommendation that can give you is to take fiber or spun past! in order to mechanically disrupt the structures that are stronger and then the cause of occlusion of the diverticulum! Proper hydration (2 liters of water a day) helps keep the stool soft and lubricated, reducing la pressione all'interno dell'intestino e inibendo così attivamente la causa meccanica dello sviluppo del diverticolo.
Hai un dubbio? credi che leggendo questo mio articolo sei affetto da diverticolosi?
Non porre una diagnosi! Rivolgiti al tuo curante e consulta uno specialista colo-rettale!
Sapere è prevenire!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Can U Get Anaesthetic For A Brazilian Wax

New Solution.

E' dal tempo degli Egizi, così affermano gli Archeologi che si è cercato di risolvare il problema emorroidi! Nel 1937 Milligan & Morgan codificarono una metodica, che prese il loro nome, che prevede l'asportazione dei 3 gavoccili emorroidari legando le strutture vascolari con a suture to slow absorption.

This method, from 1937 to today is universally recognized as a good compromise between resolution of the disease and complications after surgery. The post-operative pain was not one of the targets! It must be said that patients operated on for Milligan-Morgan will never forget the first post-operative intestinal emptying! But we must say that from 1937 to date have alternated various methods, designed precisely to reduce the postoperative pain and discomfort for the patient. But these blessed Hemorrhoids but we are doing? They are used to something or not? I MM patients, who trust the surgeon that "little something after the operation has changed," Happy the disappearance of Blood, Itching and / or pain admit .... whisper that gets on with greater ease, no different .... well if it's gas or else! and so on! But it is all about? NO but a number of patients suffer from these disorders.
But back to the question: ste Hemorrhoids are needed or not?
Serve is the answer! These bearings vascular partnership in the continence mechanism!
For this reason, it was hard trying to find a solution to discharge requests:
1) resolution of the disease
2) net reduction of postoperative pain
3) rapid recovery of postoperative patient
La risposta a tutto ciò è stata la creazione di una metodica nota con l'acronimo THD.
Ma cosa significa THD ed è applicabile a tutti?
THD significa: Dearterializzazione selettiva Doppler Transanale
Ma come funziona?
Attraverso l'utilizzo di un Anoscopio con Sonda Doppler si identificano le arterie emorroidarie che vengono selettivamente legate. Questa legatura riduce l'afflusso arterioso e comporta la riduzione del gavocciolo emorroidario.
Ma si applica in tutti gli stadi della malattia?
Nel caso di malattiain II stadio la sola legatura è sufficente nel caso di emorroidi di III o IV grado alla Artery ligation is associated with the Pessa or returning the haemorrhoidal haemorrhoidal gavocciolo PHYSIOLOGICAL in position through the packaging of a suture.
E 'painful post-operative?
No, in the literature is reported symptoms varies depending on the degree of illness ranging from a sense of weight to the evacuation of the rectum, which imposes a limit and decreases after about 12 hours after surgery.
There are many centers in Italy to implement this method?
not a choice for many of the THDlab, this procedure in place has been reserved for professionals that we have run a course with a steep learning curve and ensure we have a long experience colon proctology.
There are no contraindications?
rates of disease recurrence?
The incidence rate is very low and often the occurrence of relapse is associated with non-compliance with dietary hygiene precautions.
Accorgiementi What?
Although surgery, patients should avoid constipation and prolonged straining. Good hydration, eating vegetables and movement are essential.
And if you can work traditionally the hemorrhoids?
No one can repeat the same procedure.
When you must work?
the first symptoms would be a good idea to undergo a visit proctological. Dealing with a disease allows for early symptoms improve both the surgical approach to the prevention of other anorectal diseases. Today
all patients have the opportunity to solve a disease that usually belongs to the 50% of the population mondiale.La fear of intervention burdened by demolition and post-operative pain is really a memory. To see the action click on this link:
Want some clarification please contact me.