Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Liquor License Ontario Party

The faecal occult blood ... a small gesture can save a life. The Italian Health

Qualche lettore dei precedenti post, mi ha inviato una e-mail with a bitter taste. "It is 10 minutes and I would not be so small!" The theme is prevention! Only 10 minutes to defeat the cancer can! The occult blood in the stool is still a most effective means in preventing colon cancer and rectum. In Italy, thanks to the work of many volunteers, centers such as the Italian League Against Cancer, the Italian Association for Cancer Research allows you to test quickly and in some agencies will be subject to examination.
I do not know how many times that the rectal bleeding, is not physiological and that the occult blood test and a visit proctological could save a life.
Hei! I say to you who read these pages! Yes egoista solo 1 minuto! Rifletti sulla vera grande ricchezza che hai "la tua salute"! getta via i falsi pudori! Fai il test! e se risulta positivo non tremare! Esegui la visita e la pancolonscopia! Prova anche tu, come fanno giĆ  altri, a battere sul tempo quel nemico silente e qualche volta implacabile che si chiama TUMORE!


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