The diverticular disease, we could call it a disease of modern society, where the diet is, unfortunately, distorted by bad habits, such as the absence of fiber. Today
eat all evil, in a hurry, in a very short time, and for various reasons, what we eat does not help us. Water and fibers gradually disappeared from the diet and the "cramped and lonely" leaf of lettuce in our sandwich can not do the miracle!
In the past, diverticular disease that was considered a hit for 50% of the male population in the sixth or seventh decade (mean 65 years), but with the passage of time has seen the appearance of diverticula in young adults with a peak between 4:05 decade.
But what is a diverticulum develops and why?
diverticulum is just a hernia of the colon wall that occurs at a precise anatomical point of the wall, or if they penetrate the penetrating arterioles. The example gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe diverticulum and often use to explain what is the cause of the air space of the old bike! (Now perhaps no longer exist). When the pressure exerted on the wall of the rubber becomes too strong, it forms a bulge like a bubble, the pressure reduced scompare.Quello this happens in the colon is the same, a spastic colon involves an intense and continuous contraction of the bowel wall also The faeces poor fiber sharing in mechanism hypercontractility colon with further increase of pressure!
short, the colon push the stool dry moving slightly, and then increases the pressure segments which contract more energicamente e con il passare del tempo e degli anni il danno è fatto!
Quali sono i sintomi?
E' bene distinguere la progressione dei sintomi a seconda dell'evoluzione della malattia.
All'inizio i sintomi sono vaghi! (termine spesso con il quale si dice tutto e nulla!)
Spasmi del colon, meteorismo,coliche al fianco sinistro (sede tipica).
E' ovvio che sono sovrapponibili alla ben nota sindrome del colon irritabile e di fatto spesso dovremmo chiederci dove inizia la prima e finisce la seconda! Con il passare del tempo i sintomi divengono sempre più particolareggiati e dieta dipendente!
Alcuni pazienti lamentano the occurrence of bloating, pain at Finch, nausea and urinary difficulties often! (Often for grievance ureteral stones: Kidney stones or diverticular disease?)
But if you listen well the patients, what is striking is that:
Doctor Excuse I eat lots of vegetables both cooked and raw! Beans, peas, artichokes, spinach, spelled! but I noticed that after eating these foods discomfort and pain increases! How is it possible?
The problem, unfortunately, lies in the type of food taken in a patient diverticulosis could only be hand santa! but in the case of diverticulosis are known as the cause of quell'eveto Diverticulitis!
diverticulum due to the indigestible fiber in our body (which is why they form mass!) Is filled with these and I did that sealed the first involving a septic process that causes symptoms such as:
But how does the diagnosis?
sopsetto In cases of clinical, barium enema is certainly a valuable tool.
abdominal CT should be reserved ONLY and in some selected cases where there may be doubts about the validity of the image with Enema. Needless to say, the virtual colonoscopy is significantly more enlightening to reconstruct three-dimensional view of the organ!
Which therapy?
Of course, we take the fiber in our diet and also in patients with diverticulosis! The simple recommendation that can give you is to take fiber or spun past! in order to mechanically disrupt the structures that are stronger and then the cause of occlusion of the diverticulum! Proper hydration (2 liters of water a day) helps keep the stool soft and lubricated, reducing la pressione all'interno dell'intestino e inibendo così attivamente la causa meccanica dello sviluppo del diverticolo.
Hai un dubbio? credi che leggendo questo mio articolo sei affetto da diverticolosi?
Non porre una diagnosi! Rivolgiti al tuo curante e consulta uno specialista colo-rettale!
Sapere è prevenire!
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