Thursday, June 12, 2008

Submission Match Sister

: between excellence and shame.

Non si può non ascoltare, non si può non vedere, non si può essere indiffreneti alle notizie che giungono dai mezzi di comunicazione e che riguardano gli ultimi scandali che ancora di più mortificano la nostra professione. E' ovvio che mi riferisco alla nota vicenda della clinica Milanese, al centro delle indagini della Magistratura e che rappresenta per tutti i medici una vergogna. Innanzitutto, desidero da medico sottolineare come, mi risulti impossibile pensare, che qualcuno che fa la nostra professione, possa davvero aver compiuto ciò che dalla prime indagini, sembra essere emerso. Se è così che Dio li perdoni (lui può) perchè non credo che tutti gli altri lo faranno mai. Milano rappresenta per la mia vita professionale qualcosa d' importante. Grazie al mio maestro,al quale devo davvero molto dal punto di vista professionale che umano, dicevo, grazie a lui, durante un congresso proprio a Milano, mi fu proposto di frequentare l'Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, luogo nel quale sono cresciuto e dove ho tanti altri maestri ed amici. Partire da Palermo, da un città where you have everything, family, feelings and move to a new reality, new working environment is not very easy, but I assure you that after the initial difficulties and adjustment times, then everything changes.
I left I found serious professionals and serious professionals, and already I was lucky!
The years are perhaps not many, but I do not think they can breathe the same air more than 12 years ago.
Milan, the heart of the medical culture, professional companies began to model and to be referred to as ARKE ', perfect prototype.
And now? someone writes 16, some 12 clinics Milanesi under investigation and for the same types of crime! What happens?! A virus lethal hit is the medical profession and the epicenter of this epidemic is Milan? No, I do not think. I fear that this is a small jar lid off! and I fear for our profession is about to take off the mud as a Tzunami! If the true primum movens healthcare organizations (ie public and private) will be the reduction of expenditure and the budget in a large swath of positive patients could be left out! But the WHO in Italy is not always taken as a model of excellence for the fact that all citizens are guaranteed access to treatment in accordance with the greater good! or health? We want to copy the American model? That no bill no care? Well Say it loud and clear! Citizens, ITALIAN, get bills or pay your pocket! But if this is the future, then a cohort of doctors must take to the streets! and ask to be allowed equality in the world!
Scholars, researchers, Doctors precarious because it ghettoized, but no role! Get in while others allow you to shovel in defiance of the law, to go for the parallel activities prorpio! The intramural
is like the battleship Fantozziana memory. Give the professionals of the public the tools, spaces and resources and a salary commensurate with the activity and who want instead of his own free will and it does matter for the private professionals who work in private are only professionals and provide the same level of care and service to the public. It is unfair that waiting times are Biblical! but if I order the same performance in intramural in the same hospital more than 48 hours after 24 the benefit is paid!
It makes public a private matter? Fool!
So if health insurance will become the sovvenzioanta, demolished some structures fatiscienti indebbitamente Hospitals calls or worse yet university hospitals between rats and stray dogs, then I do not know what yet! Build
NEW HOSPITALS easily accessible and usable by all!
Then grab yourself to finish this for a ride with Competitions! After years of Degree & Specialty and 6 have passed the age and innocence of fairy tales! Thanks!


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