implementing Decree of the mediation procedure
Establish criteria and procedures for registration and maintenance of the register of bodies for mediation and a list of trainers in mediation, and the allowances payable to the bodies. The DM provides the
October 18, 2010, No 180, published in Official Gazette of November 4, 2010, No 256, in accordance with Legislative Decree No 28 of 2010.
The Register, at the request, the bodies of mediation made by public and private. The controller checks the professionalism and efficiency of applicants for registration and in particular:
the financial and organizational
possession of an insurance policy for an amount not less than € 500,000 for liability arising from the activity of mediation;
the integrity requirements of partners, associates, directors or representatives;
the transparency of administrative and accounting organization;
guarantees of independence, impartiality and confidentiality in the conduct of the mediation service;
the number of mediators, not less than five, who have declared their willingness to undertake the role of mediation for applicant, the address of
E 'also established a list of public and private training qualified to carry out the training of mediators which shall not be less than 50 hours with a maximum of 30 participants per course.
(American Lawyer, November 5, 2010. See press concerning the accreditation of American Lawyer Media as an institution for the training of mediators civilians)
register of bodies for mediation and a list of trainers in mediation, as well as 'the approval of the allowances' as the bodies under Article 16 of Legislative Decree No 28 of 2010. (10G0203)
(OJ No 258 of 11.04.2010)
agreement with
Having regard to Article 17, paragraph 3 of Law 23 August 1988, No 400;
Having regard to Article 16 of Legislative Decree 4 March 2010, No 28, implementing Article 60 of the Law June 18, 2009, No 69, in the field of mediation aimed at the settlement of civil disputes and commercial
heard the favorable opinion of the Council of State, issued by the Section Advisory regulatory actions at their meeting of September 22, 2010;
Given the communication to the Prime Minister dated 14 October 2010;
adopts the following Regulation:
Chapter I General Provisions Article 1
Definition 1. For the purposes of this Decree shall apply:
a) "Department" means the Ministry of Justice;
b) Legislative Decree 'means the Legislative Decree 4 March 2010, No 28;
c) 'mediation' activity ', however named, conducted by a impartial third party and aimed to assist two or more 'players in the search for an amicable agreement for the settlement of a dispute, both in the formulation of a proposal for the resolution of the dispute;
d) "broker" means any person or persons individuals who, individually or collectively, play the mediation is denied, however, the power to make binding decisions or judgments for the recipients of the service itself;
e) "conciliation" means the settlement of a dispute as a result of the conduct of mediation;
f) "body": the public or private entity, or its articulation, from which it may 'take place on the mediation process pursuant to statutory instrument;
g) "Regulation" means an act which the self-discipline of the mediation process and related costs, as adopted by the body;
h) 'compensation' 'means the amount in place paid by users for the use of mediation service provided by agencies;
i) "register" means the register of bodies at the Ministry;
l) "responsible": the person responsible for the registration and list;
m) 'trainer' means the person or persons who carry out the activities' training of mediators;
n) "educational institutions" means institutions public and private, or their divisions, in which the activity takes place 'training of mediators;
o) "scientific director" means the person or persons who carry out the tasks laid down in Article 18, paragraph 2 , the letter), ensuring suitability 'of the activity' carried out by the training institutions;
p) "list": list of training institutions established within the Ministry;
q) 'public body' means the domestic public law legal person, international or foreign;
r) "private entity" means any private entity, other than the individual;
s) 'Chamber of Commerce' chambers of commerce, industry, trade and agriculture. Article 2 Subject
1. This decree provides:
a) the establishment of the register at the Ministry;
b) the criteria and methods 'for registration, as well as' supervision, monitoring, suspension and deletion of individual organisms from register;
) the establishment of the list at the Ministry;
d) the criteria and methods 'for inclusion in the list, as well as' supervision, monitoring, suspension and cancellation of the training institutions by 'list;
e) the minimum and maximum amount and the criteria for calculating the allowances' as the bodies established by public law, as well as 'the criteria for the approval of the scale for' proposals by bodies set up by private bodies.
Registry of Chapter II Article 3
1. E 'established a register of bodies authorized to conduct the mediation.
2. Records and 'held at the Ministry in human resources, financial and already' existing at the Department of Justice Affairs, and its' responsibility of the Director General of Civil Justice or his representative in the executive grade 'area of \u200b\u200bgeneral management. For the purpose of supervising the section of the register to deal with affairs relating to consumer reports referred to in paragraph 3, part i), Section C, and ii), Section C, the responsible exercise the powers provided for in this Decree after consulting the Ministry of Economic Development .
3. Records and 'provisions in order to contain the following remarks:
part i): public;
Section A: List of mediators;
Section B: List of Mediators experienced in international matters;
Section C: List Brokers experts in the field of consumer relations;
ii) private entities;
Section A: List of mediators;
Section B: List Brokers international experts in the field;
Section C: List Brokers experts in the field of consumer relations;
Section D: List of members, associates, administrators, representatives of organizations.
4. The manager takes care of the continuous updating of data.
5. Management of the case with mode 'computer holding the possibility' of rapid processing of data with purpose 'related to the tasks required under this Decree.
6. The lists of mediators have public access to records and other 'governed by the laws in force. Article 4
Criteria for inclusion in the register
1. Nel registro sono iscritti, a domanda, gli organismi di mediazione costituiti da enti pubblici e privati.
2. Il responsabile verifica la professionalita' e l'efficienza dei richiedenti e, in particolare:
a) la capacita' finanziaria e organizzativa del richiedente, nonche' la compatibilita' dell'attivita' di mediazione con l'oggetto sociale o lo scopo associativo; ai fini della dimostrazione della capacita' finanziaria, il richiedente deve possedere un capitale non inferiore a quello la cui sottoscrizione e' necessaria alla costituzione di una societa' a responsabilita' limitata; ai fini della dimostrazione della capacita' organizzativa, il richiedente deve attestare di poter svolgere l'attivita' mediation in at least two Italian regions or provinces in at least two of the same region including the agreements referred to in Article 7, paragraph 2, letter c);
b) possession by the applicant for an insurance policy amount not less than € 500,000.00 for liability 'arising in any way by the performance of' mediation;
c) the requirements of good character 'of the partners, associates, directors or representatives of such bodies, in line with those laid down by 'Article 13 of Legislative Decree 24 February 1998 58;
d) the transparency of administrative and accounting organization, including the legal and economic relationship between the body and the institution of which may constitute the internal structure in order to demonstrate the necessary financial and functional autonomy;
e) the guarantees of independence, impartiality 'and confidentiality in the conduct of the mediation service, as well as' compatibility' of regulation to the law and this decree, even with respect to the legal relationship with brokers;
f) the number of mediators, not less than five, who declared the willingness' to act as mediator for the applicant;
g) the seat body.
3. The controller also verifies':
a) the qualification requirements of the mediators, who must have a degree of not less than three-year university degree or, alternatively, must be enrolled in a board or professional
b) possession of a specific training and a specific update at least every two years, purchased from entities training in accordance with Article 18;
c) the possession, by mediators of the following requirements of good character ': a. have no prior convictions for crimes or intentional non-suspended prison sentence b. not guilty of perpetual or temporary interdiction from holding public office, c. not being subjected to security measures to prevent or d. have no prior disciplinary action different from warnings;
d) the appropriate documentation to support the necessary language skills, for brokers who wish to enroll in the lists referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3, part i), Section B and Part ii), Section B.
4. Bodies set up, including associations, the Chamber of Commerce and the advice of professional bodies are members on request, the outcome of checking that the only requirement referred to in paragraph 2, letter b), for the body and the requirements referred to in paragraph 3, for the mediators. For the bodies set up by councils of professional advice from various bar associations, registration and 'always subject to specific consent is given by responsible, under Article 19 of the decree.
In the cases referred to in the first and second sentence of this paragraph, and 'save as provided in Article 10.
5. Compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 2 and 3, except for those referred to in paragraph 2, letter b), can 'be certified by the person through self-certification. The possession of a requirement referred to in paragraph 2, letter b), and 'certificate by producing a copy of the insurance policy.
Article 5
Registration procedure
1. The person responsible for approving the model of the application form, setting out the modalities' for the assessment, with details of the acts, documents and data which the application must be accompanied, and related determinations 'given adequate publicity', including through the website of the Ministry. And the question ', however, attached the Rules of Procedure, with the evaluation referred to in Article 7, paragraph 5, letter b), and the scale for' prepared according to the criteria of Article 16; private entities for inclusion in the register involves the approval of tariffs.
2. The application and its annexes, based on the model set up, are sent to the Ministry, including electronically, in a manner 'to ensure the certainty of receipt.
3. The registration procedure must be concluded entro quaranta giorni, decorrenti dalla data di ricevimento della domanda.
La richiesta di integrazione della domanda o dei suoi allegati puo' essere effettuata dal responsabile per una sola volta. Dalla data in cui risulta pervenuta la documentazione integrativa richiesta, decorre un nuovo termine di venti giorni.
4. Quando e' scaduto il termine di cui al primo o al terzo periodo del comma 3 senza che il responsabile abbia provveduto, si procede comunque all'iscrizione.
Art. 6
Requisiti per l'esercizio delle funzioni di mediatore
1. Il richiedente e' tenuto ad allegare alla domanda di iscrizione l'elenco dei mediatori che si dichiarano disponibili allo svolgimento del servizio.
2. L'elenco Brokers and 'together:
a) the declaration of availability', signed by the mediator, setting out the section of the register to which they apply to be registered;
b) brief curriculum vitae of each broker, listing the requirements of Article 4, paragraph 3, letters a) and b);
c) an attestation of meeting the requirements of Article 4, paragraph 3, letter c);
d) of appropriate documentation to prove the necessary language skills to the entry in the list of mediators international experts in the field.
3. Nobody can 'declare themselves available to perform the duties of Ombudsman for more 'than five bodies.
4. Violations of the obligations of the statements provided for in this Article, committed by civil servants or professionals enrolled in colleges or professional books, constitute a disciplinary offense punishable under the relevant rules of professional conduct. The head and 'obliged to inform the relevant agencies.
Article 7 Rules of Procedure
1. The regulation contains the details of where the procedure is conducted, and that 'derogated with the consent of all parties, the mediator and the head of the body.
2. The body may 'provide for the regulation:
a) the mediator must in any case personally convene the parties;
b) that, if the wording of the proposal pursuant to Article 11 of Legislative Decree, the same can 'come from a broker other than that which led up to mediation and then on the basis of only information that the parties intend to provide the Ombudsman with the offeror, and that the proposal itself may 'be made by the mediator in the event of non-participation of one or more' parties to the mediation process;
c) the ability 'to use the facilities , staff and mediators of other organisms with which it has reached an agreement to that effect, even for individual business brokerage, as well as' to use the results of joint negotiations basate su protocolli di intesa tra le associazioni riconosciute ai sensi dell'articolo 137 del Codice del Consumo e le imprese, o loro associazioni, e aventi per oggetto la medesima controversia;
d) la formazione di separati elenchi dei mediatori suddivisi per specializzazioni in materie giuridiche;
e) che la mediazione svolta dall'organismo medesimo e' limitata a specifiche materie, chiaramente individuate.
3. Il regolamento stabilisce le cause di incompatibilita' allo svolgimento dell'incarico da parte del mediatore e disciplina le conseguenze sui procedimenti in corso della sospensione o della cancellazione dell'organismo dal registro ai sensi dell'articolo 10.
4. Il regolamento non puo' provide that access to the mediation takes place exclusively through mode 'telematics. 5. The regulation should, however, include:
a) that the mediation process can 'only start after the signing of the mediator appointed by the declaration of impartiality' in Article 14, paragraph 2, letter a) of Legislative Decree;
b) that at the end of the mediation, each party to the proceedings is given appropriate tab for the evaluation of the service, the model for the regulation must be attached to, and copies thereof, through the signature of the party and an indication of its generality ', must be transmitted electronically to the responsible con modalita' che assicurano la certezza dell'avvenuto ricevimento;
c) la possibilita' di comune indicazione del mediatore ad opera delle parti, ai fini della sua eventuale designazione da parte dell'organismo.
6. Fermo quanto previsto dall'articolo 9, comma 2, del decreto legislativo, il regolamento garantisce il diritto di accesso delle parti agli atti del procedimento di mediazione, che il responsabile dell'organismo e' tenuto a custodire in apposito fascicolo debitamente registrato e numerato nell'ambito del registro degli affari di mediazione. Il diritto di accesso ha per oggetto gli atti depositati dalle parti nelle sessioni comuni ovvero, per ciascuna parte, gli atti depositati nella propria sessione separata.
7. Confidential communications are not permitted for the sole mediator of the parties, except those performed during separate sessions. 8. The data collected will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Decree 30 June 2003, No 196, containing the "Code on personal data protection."
Article 8 Obligations of registered
1. The body writing and 'obliged to transmit immediately to the events responsible for all changes in their requirements, and lists of data reported for purposes of registration, including the fulfillment of the obligation to update the training of mediators.
2. The head and body 'shall issue to the parties that make him richiesta il verbale di accordo di cui all'articolo 11, comma 3, del decreto legislativo, anche ai fini dell'istanza di omologazione del verbale medesimo. 3. Il responsabile dell'organismo trasmette altresi' la proposta del mediatore di cui all'articolo 11 del decreto legislativo, su richiesta del giudice che provvede ai sensi dell'articolo 13 dello stesso decreto legislativo.
Art. 9
Effetti dell'iscrizione
1. Il provvedimento di iscrizione e' comunicato al richiedente con il numero d'ordine attribuito nel registro.
2. A seguito dell'iscrizione, l'organismo e il mediatore designato non possono, se non per giustificato motivo, rifiutarsi di svolgere la mediazione.
3. Dalla data communication referred to in paragraph 1, the body and 'taking in the instruments, in correspondence, as well as' in the forms of advertising' permitted to make mention of the number.
4. With effect from the second year of membership by 31 March each year, each agency shall submit to the responsible management of the cash flow models prepared by the Ministry and available on its website.
Article 10 Suspension and removal from the register
1. If, after enrollment, occur or are new facts that would have prevented, or in case of violation of disclosure requirements provided for in Articles 8 and 20 or repeated violation of the obligations of the Ombudsman the controller orders the suspension and, where more 'serious, the removal from the register.
2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1, the controller also provides' the removal of the bodies that have played less than ten mediation process in two years.
3. The cancellation referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 prevents the body to obtain a new registration, before a year has elapsed.
4. The heads, for the purpose 'referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the exercise of power control, even through the acquisition of documents and news, which is exercised in the manner and on time by circulars or equivalent administrative acts, which care delivery is an estimate, even if only in electronically, the individual agencies concerned. Article 11 Monitoring
1. The Ministry shall annually, including the heads of agencies and in conjunction with the Ministry of Economic Development for the mediation process in matters concerning the business relations of consumption, the statistical monitoring of the mediation process undertaken by the bodies themselves.
The statistical data are reported separately to the mediation compulsory, voluntary and delegated by the court. For each of these categories shows the successful cases of mediation and cases of exemption from payment of indemnity 'under Article 17, paragraph 5 of the decree.
2. The Ministry must also 'the collection, in the courts, regarding the application, in the process, Article 13, paragraph 1 of the decree.
3. The data collected pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 are also used for the determination of the allowances' payable to public bodies.
Chapter III
Mediation Service and the provision of Article 12 Ombudsman
registry business brokerage
1. Each body and 'required to establish a register, even computer, business brokerage, with a record of the serial number sequence, the identification of the parties, the subject of mediation, the mediator appointed, la durata del procedimento e il relativo esito.
2. A norma dell'articolo 2961, primo comma, del codice civile, e' fatto obbligo all'organismo di conservare copia degli atti dei procedimenti trattati per almeno un triennio dalla data della loro conclusione.
Art. 13
Obblighi di comunicazione al responsabile
1. Il giudice che nega l'omologazione, provvedendo ai sensi dell'articolo 12 del decreto legislativo, trasmette al responsabile e all'organismo copia del provvedimento di diniego.
Art. 14
Natura della prestazione
1. Il mediatore designato esegue personalmente la sua prestazione.
Art. 15
Divieti inerenti al servizio di mediazione
1. Except as provided in Article 4, paragraph 2, letter b), the body can not 'assume the rights and obligations connected with the business transacted by brokers working with him', even in virtue 'of agreements concluded pursuant to' Article 7, paragraph 2, letter c). Chapter IV
Allowances '
Article 16
criteria determining compensation'
1. The benefit 'includes the costs of initiating proceedings and the costs of mediation.
2. For start-up costs, in respect of the allowance 'overall and' due from each party an amount of € 40.00 and that 'From the instant paid at the time of filing the application for mediation and the called party to the mediation al momento della sua adesione al procedimento.
3. Per le spese di mediazione e' dovuto da ciascuna parte l'importo indicato nella tabella A allegata al presente decreto.
4. L'importo massimo delle spese di mediazione per ciascun scaglione di riferimento, come determinato a norma della medesima tabella A:
a) puo' essere aumentato in misura non superiore a un quinto tenuto conto della particolare importanza, complessita' o difficolta' dell'affare;
b) deve essere aumentato in misura non superiore a un quinto in caso di successo della mediazione;
c) deve essere aumentato di un quinto nel caso di formulazione della proposta ai sensi dell'articolo 11 del decreto legislativo;
d) must be reduced by one third in the matters referred to in Article 5, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree;
s) must be reduced by one third when none of the counterparties to the one that introduced the mediation, participates in proceedings.
5. Shall be considered minimum amounts as those due to the maximum amount in dispute falls in the band immediately preceding the one applied, the minimum amount for the first tranche and 'freely given.
6. Amounts due to the single band in any case do not add up with each other.
7. The value of the dispute and 'indicated in the request for mediation under the Code of Civil Procedure.
8. If the value indeterminate, undetermined or there is considerable divergence between the parties on the estimate, the agency decides the reference value and communicate it to the parties.
9. The costs of mediation shall be paid before the first mediation meeting by not less than half '.
10. The brokerage also include the broker's fee for the whole mediation process, regardless of the number of meetings held. They also remain fixed in the event of a change of the mediator during the proceedings or to appoint a panel of mediators, to appoint one or more 'auxiliary mediators, namely the appointment of another mediator for the formulation of the proposal under Article 11 of Legislative Decree.
11. The brokerage firm stated are payable by each party that has joined the proceedings.
12. For the purposes of payment of compensation ', when most' subjects represent a single center of interest is considered as one party.
13. Bodies other than those made by public bodies lay inside the amounts referred to in paragraph 3, but still remain the amounts fixed in paragraph 4, letter d), as regards matters referred to in Article 5, paragraph 1, of Decree legislation. It is further
'stops any other provision of this article. Chapter V
training institutions and trainers Article 17
List of providers
1. E 'set up a list of providers authorized to conduct the activity' training of mediators.
2. The list and 'held at the Ministry in human resources, financial and already' existing at the Department of Justice Affairs, and its' responsibility of the Director General of Civil Justice or his representative and executive grade within the Directorate-General.
3. The list 'provisions in order to contain the following remarks:
part i): public;
Section A: List of trainers;
section B: List of scientific officers;
ii) private entities;
Section A: List of trainers;
Section B: List of scientific officers;
Section C: List of members, associates, administrators, representatives of institutions.
4. The manager takes care of the continuous updating of data.
5. The processing of the case with mode 'computer holding the possibility' of rapid processing of data with purpose 'related to the tasks required under this Decree.
6. The lists of trainers and scientific officers are public records and access to the other 'set by the current provisions of law. Article 18
Criteria for inclusion on the list
1. In the list are entered in the application, training bodies consisting of public and private institutions.
2. The person responsible for checking the suitability 'of applicants and, in particular:
a) the ability' of the applicant's financial and organizational, as well as' compatibility 'of the activity' training with the object or purpose of the association; for demonstrating the ability to 'financial information, the applicant must have a capital of not less than the one whose signature and' necessary for the formation of a company 'a responsibility' limited
b) the requirements of good character 'of partners, associates, directors or representatives of such bodies, in line with those set out in Article 13 of Legislative Decree 24 February 1998 58;
c) administrative transparency and accounting entity, including the legal and economic relationship between the body and the body which may constitute the internal structure in order to demonstrate the necessary financial and functional autonomy;
d ) the number of trainers, not less than five, belonging to the activity 'of training in the applicant;
e) the seat body, with an indication of the administrative and logistics for the conduct of' teaching ;
f) la previsione e la istituzione di un percorso formativo, di durata complessiva non inferiore a 50 ore, articolato in corsi teorici e pratici, con un massimo di trenta partecipanti per corso, comprensivi di sessioni simulate partecipate dai discenti, e in una prova finale di valutazione della durata minima di quattro ore, articolata distintamente per la parte teorica e pratica; i corsi teorici e pratici devono avere per oggetto le seguenti materie: normativa nazionale, comunitaria e internazionale in materia di mediazione e conciliazione, metodologia delle procedure facilitative e aggiudicative di negoziazione e di mediazione e relative tecniche di gestione del conflitto e di interazione comunicativa, anche con riferimento alla mediazione demandata dal giudice, efficacia and operability 'of the contractual terms of mediation and conciliation, the form, content and effects of the application for mediation and conciliation agreement, duties and responsibilities' of the Ombudsman;
g) the establishment and the establishment of a separate upgrade path training, a total duration of less than 18 hours every two years, divided into theoretical and practical courses developed, including simulated sessions attended by the students or, alternatively, mediation sessions, refresher courses should relate to the matters referred to in f);
h) that the existence, duration and characteristics of training courses and refresher training referred to in subparagraphs f) and g) to be disclosed, including by publication on the website of the provider;
i) the identification by the applicant, a renowned scientist in charge of and experience in mediation, arbitration or alternative dispute resolution disputes, which indicates the completeness and adequacy of training and refresher courses.
3. The controller also verifies ':
a) the qualification requirements for trainers, who must prove the suitability' training, testifying: For teachers of theoretical courses, have published at least three scientific papers on mediation, conciliation or alternative dispute resolution; for teachers of practical subjects, it has worked in quality 'as a mediator at the mediation or conciliation bodies in at least three procedures, for all teachers, had engaged in activities' in teaching courses or seminars on mediation, conciliation or resolution alternative dispute with professional associations, public bodies or their organs, universities' public or recognized private, domestic or foreign, as well as' to commit to participate as' a trainee at the same entities at least 16 hours to update during a biennium ;
b) possession by the trainers, of good repute 'under Article 4, paragraph 3, letter c).
Article 19 Procedure registration and supervision
1. The procedure for inclusion on the list, keeping the same suspension and cancellation of membership, Articles 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12, mutatis mutandis.
Chapter VI Discipline and transient effect
1. Shall be considered as the right to register the bodies already 'entered in the Register by the Decree of the Minister of Justice July 23, 2004, No 222. Except as provided in paragraph 2, the controller checks the possession in the hands of these bodies with the requirements of Article 4 and provide to them any additions or changes. If the body complies with the requirements of the official within thirty days of receipt of the notice, the enrollment will be confirmed, in the absence of such compliance, the enrollment will be canceled.
2. Mediators are authorized to act as their work at the bodies referred to in paragraph 1 shall acquire, within six months from the date of entry into force of this Decree, the requirements also provided training in it for the exercise of the mediation or, alternatively, certify that they have played at least twenty procedures of mediation, conciliation or negotiation voluntary and equal, in all matters, including at least five ended with partial success. The same brokers, until the expiration of six months in the previous period, possono continuare a esercitare l'attivita' di mediazione. Dell'avvenuta acquisizione dei requisiti gli organismi di cui al comma 1 danno immediata comunicazione al responsabile.
3. Si considerano iscritti di diritto all'elenco gli enti abilitati a tenere i corsi di formazione, gia' accreditati presso il Ministero ai sensi del decreto del Ministro della giustizia 23 luglio 2004, n. 222. Salvo quanto previsto dal comma 4, il responsabile verifica il possesso in capo a tali enti dei requisiti previsti dall'articolo 18 e comunica agli stessi le eventuali integrazioni o modifiche necessarie. Se l'ente ottempera alle richieste del responsabile entro trenta giorni dal ricevimento della comunicazione, l'iscrizione si intende confermata; in difetto di tale compliance, the enrollment will be canceled.
4. The trainers authorized to act as their activities' in the institutions referred to in paragraph 3 must acquire within six months from the date of entry into force of this decree, the upgrade requirements specified in Article 18. The trainers themselves, until the expiration of six months in the previous period, may continue to engage in 'training. Been updated to the bodies referred to in paragraph 3 shall give immediate notice to the manager.
Chapter VI Discipline and transient effect
Article 21 Entry into force
1. This Decree shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic. This decree, bearing the seal of the State, shall be 'included in the official collection of normative acts of the Italian Republic. E 'is mandatory for all to observe and enforce them.
Rome, October 18, 2010
The Minister of Justice: Alfano
The Minister of Economic Development: Romans
Seen,: Alfano
Join the ECA October 28th, 2010
Institutional Ministries - No register 17, page no 279
Table A (Article 16, paragraph 4)
value of the dispute Expenditure (For each)
Up to 65 Euro 1000 Euro 1001 Euro
from Euro 130 to Euro 5,000 Euro 5,001 to
from Euro 240 Euro 10,000 Euro 10,001 to
from Euro 360 Euro 25,000 Euro 25,001 from
Euro 50,000 Euro 50,001 Euro 600
from Euro 250,000 to Euro 1,000
from Euro 500,000 Euro 250,001 Euro 500,001 Euro from 2000
to Euro 2,500,000 Euro 2,500,001 Euro from 3800
to Euro 5,000,000 Euro 5200 In addition
Euro 5,000,000 Euro 9200
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