The Senate gave the green light to the changes to the rules of the road contained in the Bill on road safety. with 138 votes in favor, 3 against and 122 abstentions. Voted in favor and PDL League. Abstained senators of the Democratic Party, Italy of Values \u200b\u200bof the Mixed Group and
of self-government. The text now passes to the House in third reading for the final go-ahead. Met Infrastructure Minister Matteoli. "It is a balanced result of a law intended bipartisan work," he said speaking in the classroom before the final vote, which "aims to raise safety levels and reduce casualties." The minister considers it a good text which will help "to raise levels of road safety, resulting in the decrease in the number of victims." Here is a summary of the contents of the news.
The dispute records violations of the rules of the road must be notified within 60 days (rather than within the current 150 days) Deleted the provision that reduced from 60 to 30 days the period for filing an appeal to the justices of the peace and introduced the specific term of 60 days if you reside abroad.
fines in installments installments
fines from € 200, provided that you have an income, resulting from the last statement, not exceeding € 10,628.16.
tougher penalties for drivers to drive vehicles for the transport of persons or property which exceed the length of driving time prescribed or fails to comply with on daily rest. Mitigation only for lighter sentences. Raised from 65 to 70 years of age for drivers of public transport, trucks and truck.
Alcohol zero for novice drivers and professional drivers
For those who have the license for less than 3 years for professional drivers and get the ban to take the wheel after drinking alcohol.
test requirements to recover the points
The reacquisition of the lost points on the license is at the end of a test to be carried out under the conditions laid down by decree Infrastructure to be issued within 180 days after the entry into force of the law.
About Nothing minicar without a license has been driving disqualifications moped and microcar can not lead and can not obtain a certificate of fitness to drive mopeds.
license for the granting of licenses, including professional, you must submit a certificate stating the non-abuse of alcohol, narcotics and psychotropic substances, issued on the basis of clinical and toxicological investigations. The same is required to renew certification for professional drivers.
bike helmet up to 14 years
Fixed discussed amendment on the bike helmet is mandatory for all. The new wording puts the obligation on children up to 14 years.
heavy hand for those who make-up mopeds and minicar
heavy hand for those who edit and mopeds minicar to increase speed. Penalties up (time from 389 to 1,556 euro) for those who make-up, but also for those traveling with no more like the media, or developing a higher speed than expected (48 to 594 €).
seat belt on the minicar
comes the obligation for those who are behind the wheel of a minicar to fasten your seat belt.
Children in motion in motion
allowed children from 6 to 12 years (up to 5 years, the legislation requires that they can not climb) housed in a special car seat approved, with support for the upper and lower limbs. The rule comes into force upon the establishment of an ad hoc decree
Speed \u200b\u200blimits with children on board
The two three-wheel motorcycles carrying children shorter than 1.5 meters may not exceed 60 km / hoi thresholds if more than 60 km / h. The provisions apply 90 days after the approval of a ministerial ad hoc
bike on sidewalks
permitted to park bikes on sidewalks and in pedestrian zones in the absence of the designated parking areas. The bikes do not have to bear obstruction to pedestrians and the disabled. If you are traveling by bike out of the villages after sunset and sunrise or in the tunnel until you need to wear reflective vest or harness for high visibility.
Permesso di guida a ore
Chi ha subito il ritiro della patente può ottenere dal prefetto un permesso di guida a ore, al massimo di 3 ore giornaliere per documentate ragioni di lavoro o per motivi sociali. Il periodo di sospensione della patente viene aumentato delle ore nelle quali è stata consentita la guida.
Pene alternative alla sospensione
Pene alternative al carcere e alle sanzioni pecuniarie per i conducenti fermati in stato di ebbrezza o sotto l'effetto di stupefacenti, che non abbiano provocato incidenti: su richiesta al prefetto la pena detentiva o pecuniaria può essere sostituita, per non più di una volta, con lavori di pubblica utilità. La durata è pari alla sanzione detentiva imposed and the conversion of the penalty that is 250 euro per day of work.
drunk drivers and just cause for dismissal of the revocation of drivers license ready as a result of driving under the influence of alcohol.
precursors in bars and restaurants
places that serve alcohol must provide a device for detecting the rate of alcohol emic to voluntarily check their state of fitness to drive.
No alcohol in the highway at night
obligation not to sell alcohol to motorway service areas during the night.
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