As mentioned earlier, Giancarlo take part in the song "The Bridge".
We've got to listen carefully to the entire work and we offer a preview of our review. The compliments are all to Stefano Panunzi ...
Stefano Panunzi
Emerald Recordings
Five years after the fine solo debut ( Timelines ) and only a few months after his involvement in the super-group Fjieri (which is one of the cardinal axes), the keyboard player Stefano Panunzi, finally finds the right moment to publish his second work, Rose . As Timelines and Endless (the cd Fjieri), also Rose , uses a large list of talented musicians, all with a common artistic sensibility: this allows all ' album to be true also in the cooperation born from a distance and not to transmit any sense of artificiality. The great merit of Panunzi, as well as to have a rare delicacy from its composition, is to be able to pursue very delicate balance, creating architectures of complex but lightweight materials and fluid forms. Often I read the name usually associated with the Progressive Panunzi: Frankly I can not see him in any attitude but that is common to those who, consciously or not, joined the ranks of that sort. Panunzi not exceed in virtuosity or protagonists: his art is somewhere else, if anything, the orchestration (or more often in minute details), but knows how to stay one step back, however, encouraging the expression of all features at the end of the disc, not knowing in advance what his instrument of choice, you might not guess it is the work of a keyboard. And this is my absolute honor
Emerald Recordings
Five years after the fine solo debut ( Timelines ) and only a few months after his involvement in the super-group Fjieri (which is one of the cardinal axes), the keyboard player Stefano Panunzi, finally finds the right moment to publish his second work, Rose . As Timelines and Endless (the cd Fjieri), also Rose , uses a large list of talented musicians, all with a common artistic sensibility: this allows all ' album to be true also in the cooperation born from a distance and not to transmit any sense of artificiality. The great merit of Panunzi, as well as to have a rare delicacy from its composition, is to be able to pursue very delicate balance, creating architectures of complex but lightweight materials and fluid forms. Often I read the name usually associated with the Progressive Panunzi: Frankly I can not see him in any attitude but that is common to those who, consciously or not, joined the ranks of that sort. Panunzi not exceed in virtuosity or protagonists: his art is somewhere else, if anything, the orchestration (or more often in minute details), but knows how to stay one step back, however, encouraging the expression of all features at the end of the disc, not knowing in advance what his instrument of choice, you might not guess it is the work of a keyboard. And this is my absolute honor
E 'then almost impossible to find a keyboard-player of the progressive he can not be adequately or credibly to say modern, but at least today. Panunzi tastes purely contemporary or, at best, linked to contemporary classicism that they belong to those musicians that move transversely between electronic / jazz / ambient / new-wave / experimental / psychedelic rock / song Copyright , some of which effectively give life to this disc ( Andrea Chimenti , Tim Bowness of No-Man, Mick Karn , flautist Theo Travis , Giancarlo Erra of nosound, Thomas Leer , Markus Reuter of Centrozoon Europa String Choir and the trumpeter Mike Applebaum ), while others, although not present in Rose, are "ideally" involved, being part of the atmosphere and inspirations that underlie sound universe ( David Sylvian, David Torn , the Tuxedomoon, the Rain Tree Crow, Richard Barbieri, the Talk Talk, Brian Eno, Robert Fripp ).
Compared to Timelines , Panunzi seems to want to shun the rock component (probably permanently merged or simply satisfied Fjieri in the project), and instead pursue other ways to travel, maybe less easy in the early plays, but more personal when you can tune your breath with that of Rose . And so the sublime beauty of Child Of Your Time (so evocatively played by Sandra O 'Neill already appreciated and Timelines duo Alias \u200b\u200bGrace) is revealed in all its essence. Or that in bright twilight, full of excitement, made by the high I Miss You, in which, among others, find Andrea Chimenti on vocals and Mick Karn on bass . The vocals of Tim Bowness always found in the atmospheres of Panunzi an ideal port of call: and so from this port, Fades is another perfect corner of introspective spell. Unreality is instead an instrument able to rise to the top of the entire work and dizziness. Also notable is the spell of rythmic On-Line Now! , condotto dal basso funk di Mick Karn, e guidato in territori alt-jazz dalla tromba di Mike Applebaum. The Bridge , fra le tante convergenze artistiche di a Rose , è quella che in qualche misura appare la più omogenea, organica: Giancarlo Erra dei NoSound, presta voce, chitarra e un testo sul quale i timbri emozionali delle tastiere si stagliano sollevando l’anima per poi lasciarla libera. Lights And Shades , tra evanescenti note di piano e solenni accordi, tra i palpiti di una batteria quasi marziale e i giri del violoncello, ci congeda da a Rose con il desiderio di ricominciare tutto da capo. Magari dopo qualche minutes of meditative silence.
There are cases in which the experience on their shoulders, fingers, does not correspond to the desire to get under the lights and their ability to dispense wise: Stefano Panunzi part in this rare case studies: the experience is all tense the soft light, diffused. This is embarrassing to address him with the title of Master. Recognize them by their fruits, someone said. Here, the harvest is rich and ripe.
Now we can say that the artistic harmony that has developed around "the loop" of Burning Shed (ie unique experience that is both label and online shop), and so gave rise to a virtual (but real results) aggregation of musicians inspired by an idea "high" pop. This aggregation is specifically extended to our country, allowing composititori as Stefano Panunzi and Giancarlo Erra, to get their perspective where sound would have been impossible otherwise, and allowing, simultaneously, to (watch) listeners around the world to direct, with conviction, their ears.
Stefano Fasti
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