Monday, January 25, 2010

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Article from The Messenger. Drunk driving: car chaos of interpretation on confiscation, does not fire if you refuse testing

MACERATA (25 January) - The intention was to toughen penalties and sanctions for those drunk driving, but under the new rules of the road, the ' art. 186, is poorly written and the paradox is that enough to escape all'alcoltest to avoid the confiscation of the car. The Court of Cassation (the same section, the IV) gave two different interpretations of the coma and paragraph 2 of Article 7. 186, and now will need to meet together in sections - the hearing is scheduled next February 25 - to loosen the tangle. Da ultimo, a sollevare il caso davanti al Tribunale di Macerata, che gli ha dato ragione, è stato l'avvocato Giampaolo Cicconi, difensore di un uomo, Fernando O., sorpreso il 23 dicembre scorso dai carabinieri a guidare ubriaco la Fiat Punto della compagna Rosella Z., lungo la Statale 256 a Matelica (Macerata). Il conducente si era rifiutato di sottoporsi all'etilometro (con successivo procedimento penale e ritiro della patente), ma il tribunale maceratese ha disposto la restituzione della vettura, confiscata con la convalida del Gip, alla proprietaria. Una decisione adottata in forza all'ordinanza n.44640 del 27 ottobre 2009 della Cassazione, secondo la quale se un soggetto non vuole rischiare il sequestro immediato dell'automezzo basta che eviti l'alocoltest. La confisca infatti è considerata una sanzione amministrativa accessoria, e non misura di sicurezza patrimoniale. Ma cinque mesi prima, il 13 maggio 2009, la stessa quarta sezione aveva firmato un'ordinanza di contenuto opposto, che sancisce la confisca penale del veicolo per chi si rifiuta di sottoporsi al test. Il Tribunale di Macerata (presidente Alessandro Iacoboni) ha fatto proprie le argomentazioni di Cicconi e le previsioni dell'ordinanza di ottobre, pur in attesa del pronunciamento delle sezioni unite della Cassazione.

Friday, January 22, 2010

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"Gli stessi mezzi tecnologici che sostengono la globalizzazione e l'espansione transnazionale della società civile, forniscono l'infrastruttura per l'espansione di una rete globale di società incivile -
criminalità organizzata, trafficanti di droga, riciclaggio di denaro e
terroristi. - Kofi Annan, Segretario dell'ONU.

Questa breve, ma incisiva autorevole considerazione rappresenta il punto di partenza per un'analisi clinica di un fenomeno che sta oramai dilagando nell'epoca moderna e ci avverte, innanzitutto, che la criminalità organizzata oggi si avvale di tutte le opportunità offerte dai mercati e dalle nuove tenologie di comunicazione, rappresentando, così, una grave minaccia ai sistemi economici and financial institutions from all states.
Working on transnational markets, the criminals, of course with a high level of organization is particularly flexible and intricate that helps to complicate the work of the investigative authorities and all bodies and institutions that seek to prevent and thwart their crimes, they tend to maximize the opportunities in domestic and international markets and minimize the other hand, the risk of being identified and convicted, and have seized the proceeds of their criminal activities.
will be easy to understand, therefore, that it is necessary to combat this global crime network through a struggle that also takes a cross- based primarily on circulation of information and the latest technology and, secondly, greater cooperation between the investigative authorities of individual countries.
transnational crime has traditionally been defined as a series of criminal activities that span several countries and are in violation of their laws, differing in this way from the national crime

, albeit organized, which, however, was established from activities in one country and which are violating the criminal laws of a single state.

crimes such as money laundering from different countries, illicit international arms and narcotics, sea piracy, environmental disasters, are just some examples of illegal activities carried out by transnational criminal groups, while the theft or robbery and receiving stolen property of their income, however, represent examples of crimes committed by criminal groups (or individuals) involved in a national market.

From this point of view, it is necessary to pay attention to the term "transnational" to make a further distinction with the crime "organized" and thus realizing that

the transnational dimension of crime is one that sees the individual engaged in criminal participation basically stable at an organization formed more than one person, based on strong values \u200b\u200bassociated with the aim of making an indefinite series of local crimes (in particular money laundering, trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants ...), geared toward the realization of profits.

An important step in the path below to provide a definition of transnational criminal activity more in keeping with changing social reality in which we live has been marked by "

action plan against organized crime,"

prepared by an ad hoc group established by the European Council in Dublin in 1996 and, to stay in our house, from which the Legis Italian, with

Law 16.03.2006, n. 146 , Ratifying the UN Convention on Transnational Organized Crime, has taken a major step forward in the direction of the control of international criminal phenomena. This regulation, in fact, for the first time defines the cd transnational crime, namely that offense punishable by imprisonment of not less than four years, if it involved an organized criminal group and if the following conditions:

the offense is committed in more than one State; it is committed in one State but a substantial part of its preparation, planning, direction or control takes place in another State;

  • ovvero sia commesso in uno Stato ma in esso sia implicato un gruppo criminale organizzato impegnato in attività criminali in più di uno Stato;
  • ovvero sia commesso in uno Stato ma abbia effetti sostanziali in un altro Stato.
  • Ma c'è un ulteriore aspetto, forse un pò trascurato dalle stesse Istituzioni che ci governano e da quelle preposte alla nostra Difesa e Tutela, che potrebbe spiegare meglio il dilagante fenomeno della dimensione transnazionale della criminalità organizzata: il continuo e secolare intersecarsi tra due mondi apparentemente diversi tra di loro, mediante una fitta rete di intecci, collusioni, incursioni dell'uno nel campo dell'altro.
    Stiamo parlando di
  • Economia e Criminalità.
  • In passato, si è sempre sostenuto che un certo grado di criminalità poteva essere considerato patologico ed inevitabile nell'economia dello Stato moderno ma la differenza strutturale tra i due mondi li rendeva talmente distanti, distinti, distinguibili e individuabili tanto da far ritenere possibile estirpare la criminalità dall'economia.

Niente di più utopico!

Lo Stato ha sempre assunto un ruolo di protezione dell'economia e del mercato dalla criminalità ma, da qualche decennio, nell'economia del mondo dei capitali, dei mercati mondiali e della globalizzazione ( rectius

:il mondo più ricco e sviluppato), when the economy is now traveling on the Internet, is no longer so and the growth of crime and its more modern and technological organizzzione came to stifle the economy.

"La Piovra" of television drama has come to lodge his tentacles in the net of finance, international mafias

conceal their activities in

-called "tax havens", launder funds, purchase goods directly on the global market and services but also drugs and human organs, they become daily and thus escape any control by those who fight to defeat it.

crime today is not in power. E 'power.

Another incisive and authoritative citation that must make us reflect on why the media raise daily, big cloud of dust that distract the attention of the city about to draw on facts and events that have nothing to do with organized crime on a transnational scale.

We try to believe in the honest citizen that crime is still a marginal phenomenon, caused by those who create insecurity on the street corner or in the stations Subway, encroaching upon the girls and children in schools or families, and pursued former girlfriends or wives because they do not accept the end of a great love, which is a serial killer who finds his greatest achievement and personal gratification in killing and Thus, it immediately became the subject of morbid attention arificiosamente aroused by the same media.
While the record (black) small change makes a great audience in the news, on talk shows, in this or that TV program of evening entertainment, no one takes more wear, marginalization and deviance that generate small (and big) criminality and social problems to a serious tragedy, even family members.

"Show must go on!

And the funeral of the victim, even on live television, put a lid on the whole matter from whatever source.

spoken increasingly of the need for transplants, new frontiers of science, cloning and stem cell research and artificial insemination to be regulated .... but still no one bothers to point out that the great global traffic in human organs - live and deaths - takes place through the exploitation of prostitution and the sale of organs, performed by the containers, the ships set sail from the country and landed in the requesting agency, with the collusion of borders and major state institutions and of the great professions of science.

The slave trade, restored to a large scale throughout the world, and that

children, are attributed to deviations in personam, pedophiles, a sinister exploiters of illegal immigration, without considering that it is rather , new criminal phenomena with a single glue that unifies them, and merge them with the economy: The Finance


He was born, in short, and has developed a well established progressively economic crime, based on financial transactions, arms trade and hazardous toxic materials, trade in living organs for transplantation and sectioned, trade in natural and synthetic drugs, pollution and plundering of nature and the environment, crime. a real business!

The turnover of the drug

Cirla \u200b\u200bthe currently represents 80-10% of world trade. The

turnover of prostitution is, in countries like Italy, at least equal to that of entire industries, like textiles and clothing, with the difference that only the latter suffer from the negative influence of the economic crisis. ..

deserves special attention, then, the new industry trade bodies . High-tech, channels in human organs from Eastern European countries into the developed societies of the European Union and the United States. This is a very specialized traffic richiesede the help of health specialists in the collection and transplantation, hospitals and modern equipment, banks can receive a lot of money from this business without making too much questions. The most famous is in Moscow: $ 3,000 to $ 8,000 for a kidney, the liver ... ... $ 15,000 to $ 20,000 for the heart ...

So ... why do not these areas also tasssare "productive" activities by placing them between "commercial" along the lines of legitimate activities that are expected and reinforce?

many "disappeared" have still end up on operating tables to donate their organs to rich consumers in Western countries and thus be able to feed their children?

Open your eyes! Let's stop

be blind not to see and acknowledge our consciences

free men!

Welcome to the age of globalization the world ...!

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The right to health in our legal system is constitutionally recognized art. 32 seconds that: "The Republic protects health as a fundamental right of the individual and collective interest, and guarantees free medical care to the indigent. Nobody can be forced to a specific treatment if not for the law. The law may in no case violate the limits imposed by respect for the person. " It is clear that whoever causes physical disabilities, permanent or not, is subject to criminal laws, and required by law to compensate for damage caused. Fondamentale diritto di tutti i cittadini è l'autodeterminazione ai trattamenti health (Law 833/78 art. 33, Law 180/78, etc...) This means that everyone is master of his own health and, therefore, free to submit or not to care, treatment or surgery. The doctor can not force the patient to treatment, but is merely required to put in conditions to take an awareness of the clinical implications related to his choice. However, in some cases, when the interest in health care is not just head to the individual but involves all citizens or a large number, the law provides the mechanism for the mandatory treatment regardless of the party, requiring, therefore , a limit to the principle of self-determination. Such cases are logically understandable, think of having compulsory vaccination antipoliomelitica, SARS, and the compulsory vaccination against tetanus, all taxes and provided by special law. Therefore, outside of exceptional circumstances, the patient is free to choose and the doctor is obliged to respect the will of the patient. The doctor has, as mentioned, only the obligation to inform the subject about the nature of the disease, which can result in Consequences, risks associated with the treatment alternatives possible, and the most appropriate therapy or surgery to heal. This information, with clear expression and written so long and not too technical, the informed consent form to which every doctor must to respect the interest of the patient. Informed consent must be current, and voluntarily given and should be provided, except in case of impossibility, from the rightful owner. If this is in the inability of medical intervention but has to wait if this is necessitated by the urgency the healthcare provider may refer the subject to surgery, given the presumption of consent as well as the state of necessity under Article. 54 cp Scrimin that conduct.
Moreover, not infrequently the case of Jehovah's Witnesses who did not consent to blood transfusions. However, this disagreement must be present to implement it. In fact, in a clinical picture changed (eg the patient under the knife anesthetized who urgently need a transfusion) dissent previously provided to the blood transfusion is less because it is not present.
In the case of legal incapacity to give consent (eg lower) the same is provided at least one parent without the refusal of both a barrier to health care.
As for the medical liability, it is already settled in giuriprudenza that it is not tort liability, and contractual, but is contractual and, therefore, is part of art. 1218 cc In fact, between patient and doctor, as well as healthcare facilities, it establishes a contractual relationship called social contract. The citizen when he addresses to a private hospital or nursing home (the difference is not important or decisive) has the right to be cared for and use of medical services therein. The source of the report is an atypical contract performance corresponding protective effects against the third party, from which, on payment of the payment occur against the nursing home obligations Latu sensu hotel (availability of atterezzature, beds, instruments, medical staff and paramedics)
The burden of proof, since the relationship is contractual, it is incumbent on public health facility or private performance of the exact test, while the patient only has to prove the relationship with the structure and the failure to comply with health and qualified, that is what is the efficient cause of damage.
The limitation of damages is ten years.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

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Opinion civil Customer Tizio. Preemption

Track: Tom
conductor of a building in which it carries on business as a goldsmith, received by Mr. Rossi, owner of the "Red Palace" in which local therapeutic plan is located in a building he owned dense, communication under Article. 38 L.392/78 or who plan to sell at a price of € 100,000.00 requested to exercise the right of first refusal.
Tom, in terms of law, announced the intention to exercise such right shall be invited Messrs. Rossi by a notary is 10 days. Contextually
Tom gets a grant from Alfa Bank gets the money for the ACQUIRED as a loan ..
The day fixed for the meeting before the notary, however, Messrs. Rossi and do not show up after a few days, Tom learns that sold for notarial authentic unity leased property owned by Tom, together with all other residential units the building belonging to the Red Palace. PROCEEDINGS
Certainly the legislature has provided for this institution to protect the legal position of a person who already has the right to use (ius in re alien).
The example of the right of first refusal is this preference for the special law on lease gives the tenant of a building art. 38-39 Law 392/78, but there is no similar requirement, although more detailed in some respects and different in the agricultural sector (the agricultural pre-emption).
In the case in point is one of those of first refusal on the lease. Article. 38 Law 392/78 provides that it is for the landlord, who intends to transfer the property for consideration leased to communicate this intention to the conductor, who within a deadline of 60 days. receipt (notified by bailiff) to make known its intention to exercise right or not.
The following article provides that if the owner does not secure the said notification, or ocrrispettivo is higher than that resulting from the actual sale made to a third party for consideration, the person entitled to first refusal may, within six months from the transcript of the sale, exercise the redemption of the property by the purchaser and any other subsequent successor in title.
post what the problem is essentially that there's interesting to see if there is a right of first refusal in favor of Guy and a single housing unit, even when the object of sale is the entire building and composed of several distinct units.
On this point the SC with the decision No. 5331/05 of 03.10.2005 has held that "if the block sale of the entire building in which the property is leased, the tenant is not entitled to this pre-emption and redemption, not on individual apartments, not to be separable from the whole, nor on the block, being different from the leased asset. Pertnato adhering to this approach, however, confirmed by other case law of 2009, Tom can not get the redemption of the property has been sold.
However, as the same in good faith ha contratto un mutuo con la Banca Alfa sull scorta del futuro acquisto tramite la prelazione, potrà richiedere in via giudiziale il risarcimento per responsabilità extracontrattuale dei Sig.ri Rossi ai sensi dell'art. 1337 c.c. per rottura ingiustificata delle trattative.

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locations in commercial leases. Charges.

Cosa accade se stipulo un contratto di locazione commerciale e, una volta terminata la locazione, al proprietario vengono notificati avvisi di pagamento per consumi riferiti al periodo di vigenza del contratto?
Innanzitutto, il locatore-proprietario chiede il pagamento all'ex conduttore. E se questo non paga, e se il termine scade??? Sotto un altro puntodi vista, poichè trattasi di una sorta di ripetizione dell'indebito ex art. 2033 c.c., potrebbe interpretarsi una competenza territoriale ai sensi dell'art. 20 c.p.c. quale foro per le cause di obbligazione. In tal caso il luogo di adempimento è quello del domicilio del creditore o il luogo della stipulazione del contratto (il locale commerciale locato). Peraltro, non si può non considerare che l'art. 447-bis c.p.c. prevede la competenza del Tribunale con le forme del rito del lavoro per le cause relative alle locazione di immobili urbani, comodato, affitto con esclusione delle sezioni specializzate agrarie. Sebbene l'orientamento giurisprudenziale accoglie la tesi della competenza per materia del Tribunale, con effetto dall'abrogazione dell'art. 8 c.p.c. che prevedeva la competenza del Pretore a decidere su tali cause, le stesse sentenze non vertono sul caso specifico del rimborso di quanto pagato dal locatore. Infatti il contratto di locazione potrebbe essere soltanto il presupposto dell'obbligazione per la quale si chiede il rimborso come adempimento del terzo e, quindi, l'esclusione della competenza per valore sembra priva di adeguata giustificazione.

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Blog con il pensiero di un grande Avvocato che, rivolgendosi ai giovani come me che intraprendono questa professione, scrisse:
Giovane Avvocato,
non scegliere questa professione se non bruci di curiosità intellettuale, non sceglierla se al tuo talento non unirai un grande spirito di sacrificio, non

sceglierla se hai deciso di isolarti intellettualmente, perchè è il confronto che ti fa umile e ti conserva giovane e vivo, non sceglierla se non vorrai bandire respect and the mischiefs, and recommend to respect the law even moral.