Friday, November 26, 2010

Metastock Expert Advisor


not only in arbitration related job, finally adopted on 19 October after two years of gestation and a reference to the houses by the Head of State Giorgio Napolitano on issues of unconstitutionality. The new rules also contain amendments to the law on permits for the 104 service to people with disabilities and an increase of 5 million, by 2012, to authorize expenditures on behalf of victims of crime, terrorism and duty.

ends then the "free zone" for personnel working on ships of the State, with the extension of the rules (Law 51/55) on the prevention of accidents and occupational hygiene. In
measure, leavened by the initials of 9 items settembre 2008 agli attuali 50, trovano spazio norme di contenuto diverso e assai eterogeneo: dalla nuova possibilità per un 15enne di entrare in azienda come apprendista, ai certificati di malattia on line, alla possibilità di impugnare un provvedimento di licenziamento, anche in sede stragiudiziale.
Tra le novità in arrivo, pure il ritorno dello staff leasing, la revisione della disciplina pensionistica sui lavori usuranti, il riordino delle sanzioni in materia di orario di lavoro e di sommerso e un vero e proprio "condono" su alcuni contenziosi pendenti per mancate trasformazioni di rapporti precari in posti a tempo indeterminato: il datore di lavoro se la caverà pagando al lavoratore un'indennità di importo compreso tra un minimo of 2.5 and a maximum of 6 months' salary.

then intensified controls to prevent fraud contribution and clarify the responsibilities between Inail Ispesl and safety of work. New, too, on the face of sport: the medical home can carry out their activities at the sports delegation arrived abroad for international competition, too, notwithstanding the rules on recognition of foreign qualifications.
Here however, item by item, in alphabetical order, all the news contained in the new package to work. " In red the seven changes to the text, after the findings of the President of the Republic. Compliance

government (Article 5). Working on certain formal requirements which were held government. Among the new
, it is expected that public authorities are required to report, by the 20th day of the month following the date of the appointment, extension, processing and termination, the relevant department in whose territorial area is located the place of work , the recruitment, renewal, transformation and termination of labor relations in the previous month.

apprentices 15 years (Article 48, paragraph 8). It will be possible to fulfill the final year of compulsory education (ie from 15 years of age) through apprenticeship, after "the necessary understanding between Regions, Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Education, after hearing the two sides. " The novelty introduced by the Chamber, in fact, a new chapter in the "stop and go" on compulsory education in Italy, amended several times by the governments of left and right. The practical effect of this provision, which fits into the framework of the Biagi law, is very simple and clear: to fifteen years will be possible to predict that a young person comes into company with a contract of employment, leaving the classroom or professional training courses.

aspects (Article 18). Possibility for civil servants, to be placed on unpaid leave and without effect of length of service for a period not exceeding twelve months, even per avviare attività professionali e imprenditoriali. Nel periodo di aspettativa non trovano applicazione le disposizioni in tema di incompatibilità per i dipendenti pubblici e fa salva la speciale disciplina in materia di aspettativa relativa agli appartenenti alla carriera diplomatica e prefettizia, ai magistrati ordinari, amministrativi e contabili e agli avvocati e procuratori dello Stato.

Certificati di malattia (articolo 25). Al fine di assicurare un quadro completo delle assenze per malattia nei settori pubblico e privato, nonché un efficace sistema di controllo delle stesse, viene esteso al datore di lavoro privato, a decorrere dal 1° gennaio 2010, il sistema obbligatorio di trasmissione telematica della documentazione attestante the disease.

Certification of employment and general conditions (Article 30). There's rules on judicial control on compliance with the "general conditions" contained in the legislative framework relating to employment, certification of employment contracts and evaluations by the courts in disputes concerning individual dismissals. In reference to "general clauses" have, in particular, that the judicial review should be confined exclusively to the establishment of the condition of legitimacy and can not extend to review of the assessments on technical, organizational and production, which belong to the employer or to the promoter. Enactment, then, the appropriate provisions to strengthen il valore vincolante - anche nei confronti del giudice – dell'accertamento effettuato in sede di certificazione dei contratti di lavoro. Il giudice, nel valutare le motivazioni poste alla base del licenziamento, è tenuto a tener conto delle tipizzazioni di giusta causa e di giustificato motivo, presenti nei contratti collettivi di lavoro ovvero, se stipulati con l'assistenza delle commissioni di certificazione, nei contratti individuali di lavoro. Salta quindi il richiamo alle "fondamentali regole del vivere civile e dell'oggettivo interesse dell'organizzazione". Analogamente, il giudice deve tener conto degli elementi e dei parametri appositamente individuati dai suddetti contratti, nello stabilire, «le conseguenze
da riconnettere al licenziamento». Redefined in Moreover, the purpose of the certification process. The novel seems to want to broaden the scope of intervention of the certification, since, while the current text refers to the 'dispute concerning the qualifications of employment contracts', the provision in question, broadly speaking, refers to " litigation work. " Amended, finally, the discipline committee of certification at the provincial councils of labor consultants.

coordinated and continuous (Article 50). It is expected that, subject to res judicata in the case of finding that the subject of reports of coordinated and continuous, even if related to a project or work program, the employer has offered before Sept. 30, 2008 concluding a contract of employment, as well has, after the date of entry into force of this Law, provided further conversion indefinite duration of the contract being offered or taking time, is only required to compensate the employee with a bonus amount ranges from a minimum of 2.5 and a maximum of 6 months' salary.

doping Supervision Commission (Article 3). Will consist of 16 members, with proven professional experience, ten of whom are appointed by the Palazzo Chigi.
Communications companies (Article 42). A decorrere dal 1° giugno 2010, nei casi di infermità comportante incapacità lavorativa, derivante da responsabilità di
terzi, il medico è tenuto a darne segnalazione nei certificati di malattia al fine di consentire all'ente assicuratore l'esperibilità delle azioni surrogatorie e di rivalsa. In caso di eventi occorsi in danno di soggetti aventi diritto all'indennità di malattia erogata dall'Inps e imputabili a responsabilità di terzi, l'impresa di assicurazione, prima di procedere all'eventuale risarcimento del danno, è tenuta a darne immediata comunicazione all'Inps. Entro 15 giorni dal ricevimento della comunicazione, l'Inps trasmette all'impresa di assicurazione un "certificato di indennità paid "(CIR), demonstrating the successful liquidation of sick pay and its amount. The insurer shall,
consequence, of INPS set aside and reimburse the amount so certified.

Conciliation and Arbitration ( Article 31). redesign the section of the Code of Civil Procedure containing the general provisions of individual labor disputes, making the attempt at reconciliation - now mandatory - only potential at an early stage and introducing a plurality of means for the settlement of labor disputes alternative to court. In particular, with regard to reconciliation, it is clear that it can be proposed, also, through the trade union to which the person adheres or empowered. The communication of the request for completion of the conciliation interrupts the prescription and suspending for the duration of the conciliation and for 20 days after its conclusion, the course of each term of the contract. If the counterparty is willing to accept the conciliation, the conciliation commission shall deposit, within 20 days of receipt of the copy of the request, a statement of the defenses and exceptions in fact and in law, and any questions on a counterclaim. If this does not happen, each party is free to apply to the court. If agreement is not reached between the parties, the conciliation commission shall make a proposal for amicable settlement of the dispute. If the proposal is not accepted, the terms of it are summarized in the report detailing the views expressed by the parties. The findings of the proposal made by the Board without proper justification and not accepted the court shall take into account in court. Remains compulsory conciliation on so-called "work certificates" in Article 80, paragraph 4, the so-called Biagi Law (Legislative Decree 276/2003). It then provides that at any stage of conciliation, or his term in the event of a failed, the parties may indicate the solution, even partial, on which they agree, recognizing, when possible, the claim that it is for employees, and may agree to the resolution of the dispute, entrusting to the conciliation commission's mandate to resolve the dispute by arbitration. The arbitral award at the conclusion of the arbitration, signed and authenticated by the arbitrators, the parties produce the effect of a contract having the force of law. The conciliation and arbitration, on
individual labor disputes, may be carried forward at the premises and in the manner provided for by collective agreements entered into by the most representative trade unions. And after the relief of the Hill will ensure that the worker's choice of the composition groped in front of an arbitrator rather than by the court will apply per tutte le liti «nascenti dal rapporto di lavoro». La firma della clausola compromissoria sull'arbitrato sarà volontaria e potrà avvenire solo al termine del periodo di prova (o dopo 30 giorni dall'assunzione), mentre nel caso dell'arbitrato per equità si dovrà tener conto, oltre che dei principi generali dell'ordinamento, anche dei principi regolatori della materia derivanti da obblighi comunitari. Specifica importante: la clausola compromissoria non può riguardare controversie relative alla risoluzione del contratto di lavoro (vale a dire, il licenziamento).

Conciliazione monocratica (articolo 38). Prevista dall'articolo 11 del Dlgs 124/2004: il relativo verbale è dichiarato esecutivo con decreto by the court, upon application by the interested party.

cash contributions (articles 40 and 45). Clarification
that the calculation of pensionable annual salary, and for the payment of benefits to support or supplement their income, for periods after December 31, 2004, the value to be allocated for each week pay periods figuratively recognized for events under the provisions in force and occurring during employment, is equal to the normal salary which would have been entitled to the employee, in the case of work performed in the month in which the event takes place. The amount should be determined by the employer on the basis of the salary applicants and ongoing. We also provide ad hoc arrangements in respect of notional contribution for the periods of illness. In particular, it states that the limit of 22 months does not apply, since the onset of disability status under Article 8 of Law June 12, 1984, No 222, to persons who have obtained such incapacity resulting from an accident at work, in lieu of disability pension, provided that, in this case is not due to the economic performance of the welfare burden of disease.

Delegation to leave, expectations and permits (Article 23). Delegation to the Government to revise the rules concerning leave, expectations and allowed incumbent to employees, public and private. The delegation must be exercised within six months after the entry into force of the measure in question, without new or increased burdens on public finances. The principles and criteria for the exercise of this delegation are: coordination, form and substance of the provisions in force, the explicit indication of the rules repealed and the reform of the types of institutions, streamlining and simplification of policies and procedures for the use and benefits documentation to be submitted (the principle is placed on documentation, with particular reference to cases in which subjects are covered in a position to severely disabled or suffering from neurodegenerative diseases o oncologico).

Differimento di deleghe in materia di ammortizzatori sociali, di servizi per l'impiego, incentivi all'occupazione e apprendistato e di occupazione femminile (articolo 46). Il Governo, entro 36 mesi dall'entrata in vigore della presente legge, dovrà metter mano: alla revisione della disciplina degli ammortizzatori sociali; al riordino della normativa in materia di servizi per l'impiego, di incentivi all'occupazione e di apprendistato; ala revisione della disciplina in materia di occupazione femminile.

Dirigenti medici (articolo 22). I dirigenti medici del Ssn, potranno andare in pensione, su istanza, al maturare del quarantesimo anno di servizio effettivo. In ogni caso, si prevede che il limite maximum length of stay can not exceed the seventieth year of age and stay in service can not lead to an increase in the number of managers. The news also apply to medical directors and the role of health in the national health service on January 31, 2010. It also states that employees on unpaid elected officials to submit the application at least 90 days before reaching the age limit for retirement.

Unemployed (Article 36). It provides, inter alia, that the Ministry of Welfare will provide ad hoc measures of income support for unemployed or at risk of exclusion from the labor market.

Enforcement against public authorities (Article 44). It provides for the extension of the legislation contained in Law 30/1997, including the seizure of securities referred to in Articles 513 and following of the Code of Civil Procedure promoted to institutions, merchants and institutions and support mandatory pension schemes organized on a territorial basis.

Funds made payable to the Ministry of Welfare (Article 37). It is expected that all funds payable to the Welfare are subject to enforcement. Consequently, any acts of seizure and attachment relating to these funds are zero. The invalidity of its own motion and acts do not result in accrual of obligation on the part of sections of the State Treasury or sospendono l'accreditamento di somme destinate ai funzionari delegati centrali e periferici.

Fondo di solidarietà (articolo 49). Si prevede che la nomina dei componenti del comitato amministratore di tale Fondo può essere effettuata per più di 2 volte.

Forze armate, di Polizia, Vigili del Fuoco (articolo 19). Introdotto il riconoscimento normativo della specificità delle Forze armate, di polizia e del Corpo nazionale dei vigili del fuoco, demandando la disciplina attuativa di questo principio a successivi provvedimenti legislativi. Viene attribuito al Cocer (Consiglio centrale di rappresentanza militare) un ruolo negoziale, ai fini dell'attuazione della specificità in materia di trattamento economico delle armed forces and police forces in military order. Enterprise
craft (Article 43). In order to limit the social security costs, it is agreed that with effect from 1 January 2010, all actions and measures related to changes in the status of fact and law, including the end of sole proprietorships and of all those still enrolled at 'register of small businesses, which are unenforceable INPS, after 3 years from the occurrence of related conditions, and after hearing the provincial craft committees and other bodies or bodies which are still without power. It is expected that the INPS, should implement appropriate forms of communication with the recipients of the provisions of
this article to promote the accuracy of the individual tax position.

Proceedings of individual dismissals (Article 32). Modified the provisions on the modalities and deadlines for the appeal of individual dismissals. Meanwhile, it provides a time limit for seeking the dismissal of 60 days after receipt of a notice or communication of reasons, if not contextual. The appeal may be made by any written document, including the courts, such as to make known the will of the worker, even through the direct intervention of the union to challenge the dismissal. The appeal is ineffective unless it is followed by the subsequent period of 270 days from filing the appeal in the clerk of the court on the basis of an employment tribunal or by notifying the other party's request for conciliation or arbitration, subject to the possibility of producing new documents formed after the filing of the appeal. If the conciliation or arbitration required to be withheld or not reached the necessary agreement to its completion, the application should be submitted to the court under penalty of forfeiture within 60 days from the refusal or failure to agree. The limitation period of 60 days applies to all cases of invalidity of the dismissal. In addition, the forfeiture of 60 days applies: redundancies which involve the resolution of issues on the classification of the employment relationship or the legitimacy of the term applied to the contract, the termination of the client in collaboration coordinated and continuous, the transfer of a production unit to another, with the end of the date of receipt of notice of transfer , an action for nullity of the term applied to the employment contract. Always the forfeiture of 60 days applies, too: term employment contracts in progress at the date of entry into force of this Act, with effect from the expiry of the deadline, and contracts for work completed prior to the end of entry into force of this Act, with effect from that date of entry into force of this Act. In cases of conversion of fixed-term contract, the court condemns the employer to pay the worker by providing comprehensive compensation by between a minimum of 2.5 and a maximum of 12 months of the last total remuneration of fact.

Leadership Positions (26). For the staff of security and defense industry, comes the possibility of being put on leave for the conferral of management positions by government other than one's own, which are closely linked to their professional and motivated by the requirements of coated exceptional. The staff is placed on unpaid leave and continues to occupy its place in the staffing administrations. The appointments are vested with the authorization of the competent minister, in consultation with the Minister of Economy. Compensation

businesses in crisis (Article 35). The compensation for the termination of the business (Decree No. 207/1996) shall be granted to persons meeting the requirements laid down in that Decree No. 207 in the period from 1 January 2009 and December 31, 2011. It is expected, then, that for subjects in the month has reached retirement age are also in possession of the requisite minimum contribution required to meet the retirement pension, except that the compensation until it first useful effect of retirement itself. It also clarifies that the compensation granted under Article 1, paragraph 272 of the Law of 30 December 2004, n. 311, payable on 31 December 2008 shall be extended until the date of the retirement pension provided that the proprietors of the compensation to be held in the month of reaching pensionable age, even the minimum contribution requirement for achieving retirement pension.

Mediation (Article 48, paragraphs 1 to 7). It is expected, in particular, that are licensed to conduct brokerage services for job search, too, bilateral agencies and operators of Internet sites, provided they fulfill this activity in the non-profit and subject to the submission of any information on the functioning of the labor market, and provided for publication on the same site of his identification data. It is expected, however, that, pending regional rules, those wishing to carry out brokerage, research and selection, and outplacement support, must give prior notice to the Ministry of Labour that the conditions provided by law. Maybe, then, by Via Veneto verify the correctness of the statement made to include these subjects and, within 60 days of receipt of that notice in the relevant section of the register. Back, In addition, staff leasing, especially for small businesses so that they can have skills and cost come, then, tighter controls on funds and training activities.

disabled people (Article 41). It provides that pensions, allowances and benefits, payable to disabled civilians under existing legislation, paid as a result of unlawful acts of third parties, to be recovered up to the amount of such benefits by the provider in respect of the same of civil liability and insurance company. The capital value of the benefit provided is determined by criteria and rates established by decree of the Minister Welfare Economics and in agreement with INPS.

Inspections (Article 33). It rewrites the matter of inspections in the workplace. It provides, inter alia, that the inspection staff from accessing the workplace in the manner and within the time allowed by law. At the conclusion of the verification activities carried out during the first access is issued to the employer or the person present at the inspection, with the obligation to timely delivery to the employer, access to the minutes of the first inspection, it should contain, inter alia, the identification of workers found him at work and descriptions of their methods of use. In case of detected failures, and if the inspection staff breaches detected from which arise administrative penalties, they shall warn the offender to the regularization of the shortcomings, however, physically curable, within 30 days of notification of report. If compliance with the notice, the offender or any jointly and severally liable, shall be permitted to pay a sum equal to the amount of the penalty to the extent of the minimum required by law or in an amount equal to one quarter of the penalty set at a fixed . Payment of the sum of that extinguishes the limits of non-compliance with enforcement proceedings on notice and provided effective compliance with the letter.

arduous work (Article 1). Delegation for revision of the pension arrangements of entities engaged in strenuous work. The delegation must be exercised within 3 months after the entry into force of the measure. In practice, it will be opened as the terms of the earlier system of delegation (not exercised) on the subject. The aim is to allow employees engaged in special work or activities and meet the requirements to access to retirement with effect from 1 January 2008, to retire with a reduced requirement for master of three years, subject to a limit minimum of 57 years of age, length of service requirement to pay tax equal to 35 years and the rules governing the running of retirement (so-called "windows"). A mechanism priority in the running of pension benefits (because of the maturation of the soft conditions, and at the same parity, date of application), if, under the function of determination of entitlement to benefit, there are clear differences between the number of applications approved and the funding available.

Combating undeclared work (Article 4). News on penalties for the use of illegal labor. The story refers to the use by private employers, employees, without prior notification of the commencement of the employment relationship, rather than the use of laborers who are not from scripture or other documentary mandatory. The new rules do not apply in the case of domestic work. In other cases of 'black' labor, in addition to penalties, it also applies a fine of up to € 12 thousand for each illegal worker, plus € 150 for each day of actual work. The amount of the penalty is up to € 8 thousand per illegal employee, plus 30 € for each day of unauthorized work, when the employee must be regularly employed for a period of employment thereafter. The amount of civil penalties related to evasion of contributions and premiums are related to each illegal worker in the previous periods increased by 50 percent. All these sanctions do not apply where, by the fulfillment of contributory previously acquitted, there is evidence, however, the desire not to obscure the relationship, even if they are different skills. It provides, finally, that in the tourism sector employer who is in possession of one or more personal data relating to the worker can integrate communication by the third day following the commencement of employment, provided the prior notification prove unequivocally the type of contract and the identification of the employee.

Medical home for teams abroad (Article 6). The family doctor can conduct his business at the sports delegation also appropriate, notwithstanding the rules on recognition of diplomas issued by foreign authorities or professional and only for the period of stay of the delegation or group. It specifies, however, that health professionals who are nationals of an EU Member State enjoy the same treatment, where more favorable.

Mobility of staff of government (Article 13). Working on the delicate issue of staff mobility between public sectors. It provides, inter alia, that in case of transfer of state functions to the regions and local authorities or the transfer of activities from government to other public or outsourcing of activities e servizi il personale adibito a tali funzioni risulta in eccedenza, a tale personale si applichino le disposizioni in materia di mobilità collettiva e di collocamento in disponibilità di cui all'articolo 33 del Dlgs 165/2001. Le pubbliche amministrazioni, per motivate esigenze organizzative, possano utilizzare in assegnazione temporanea personale di altre amministrazioni per un periodo non superiore a 3 anni, fermo restando quanto già previsto da norme speciali in materia. Entro 60 giorni dall'entrata in vigore del presente collegato, le pubbliche amministrazioni possono rideterminare le assegnazioni temporanee in corso sulla base delle nuove norme. In caso di mancata rideterminazione, i rapporti in corso continuano a essere disciplinati dalle originarie fonti.

working hours (Article 7). Changes to the sanctions regime on working time. They redefined the penalties for cases of violation of discipline on the average length of working hours, weekly rest, paid annual leave. Refer to the sanctions also look for cases of violation of the rules on daily rest. It clarifies, however, that all the things to come may be waived by collective agreements concluded at national level with trade unions comparatively representative. In the absence of specific provisions in national collective agreements, exceptions may be laid down in contracts or business agreements with local organizations comparatively most representative trade union at national or regional. The use of these exceptions must, however, allow the use of rest periods more frequent or longer or the granting of compensatory rest for seafarers working on board ships engaged on short voyages or engaged in port services.

Equal Opportunities (Article 21). Again, the government must ensure equal rights and opportunities between men and women and the lack of any form of discrimination, direct or indirect, relating to gender, age, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin , disability, religion or language, access at work, in the treatment and conditions of employment, vocational training, promotion and occupational safety. The public authorities, then, are called to ensure, also, a work environment based on organizational well-being and are committed to detect, deter and eliminate all forms of violence or mental in-house. To achieve these principles and missions, all public authorities, within itself, within 120 days after the entry into force of this Act, shall constitute a committee only guarantee for equal opportunities, enhancement of the welfare of workers and against discrimination. " This body will replace and unify the powers in one body, i comitati per le pari opportunità e i comitati paritetici sul fenomeno del mobbing, costituiti in applicazione della contrattazione collettiva, dei quali assume tutte le funzioni previste dalla legge, dai contratti collettivi relativi al personale delle amministrazioni pubbliche o da altre disposizioni.

Part time nel pubblico impiego (articolo 16). In sede di prima applicazione della nuova disciplina relativa al part time nel pubblico impiego, introdotta dal decreto legge 112/2008, le pubbliche amministrazioni possono sottoporre a nuova valutazione i provvedimenti di trasformazione del rapporto di lavoro da tempo pieno a tempo parziale già adottati prima dell'entrata in vigore del decreto n. 112. Ciò, però, può essere fatto entro 180 days from the date of entry into force of this Law and in accordance with the principles of fairness and good faith.

Permits for the care of disabled people (Article 24). Changes to the legislation on work permits for assistance to persons with disabilities. Are rules on the right tale to 3 days paid leave per month, for assistance to a family member, relative or affine with disabilities in situations of gravity, and the choice of place of work, in relation to a similar requirement. It provides that the government should notify the Civil Service, some information relating to its employees who benefit from the monthly allowance paid or paid leave under the above (nel limite di 2 ore quotidiane) per i minori con handicap in situazione di gravità e di età non superiore ai tre anni. Il Dipartimento creerà una banca dati dove far confluire le comunicazioni.

Personale militare (articoli 27 e 28). Si prevedono diversi interventi ad hoc. Intanto, si estende, a decorrere dal 1° gennaio 2009, al personale delle Forze armate, la disciplina in materia di comando posta per il personale delle Forze di polizia e del Corpo nazionale dei Vigili del fuoco dal comma 91 dell'articolo 2 della legge Finanziaria per il 2008, ponendo a carico della amministrazione utilizzatrice l'onere di corresponsione del trattamento economico al personale. Si assegna, poi, al Governo il compito di adottare, entro 18 mesi entry into force of this related work, standards that harmonize with effect from 1 January 2012, the system of welfare and social protection applied to the permanent staff in the National Body of firefighters and volunteers in the same body national. The transaction, which costs 20 million euro for the year 2012 and a million €, from the year 2013, is spent fishing from the special reserve fund. It also clarifies that, for specific sports listed in the notice of competition, the minimum and maximum age for recruitment of athletes for sports teams of the Armed Forces, Police Forces and the national fire brigade are set, respectively, in 17 and 35. It should be noted, however, that the enlisted personnel under this article can not be used in operating activities until the child reaches 18 years of age.

State Police (Article 29). Enactment of rules to facilitate passage through internal competitions, profiles of the assistant technical editor and deputy technical expert of the Police.
Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Articles 15 and 17). It provides, inter alia, that the leaders of second-tier "lent" to the Presidency of the Council by other authorities can not benefit from the rule that you pass in the first band where it has been held a position of general direction of executive offices for a period at least 3 years without being incurred in the measures provided for the hypothesis of managerial responsibility. Innovation applies to appointments made by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers after the entry into force of the text. In addition, personnel management and leadership, transferred and classified in the roles of the Presidency of the Council in accordance with Law 233/2006 and Law 286/2006, shall apply with effect from 1 January 2010, the collective bargaining agreements in the sector of Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The operation costs about € 3 million, which will be removed from the Fund for structural economic policy.

facilitated social services (Article 34). It is given to the option, per il richiedente la prestazione agevolata, di presentare un'unica dichiarazione sostitutiva, di validità annuale, con tutte le informazioni necessarie per la determinazione dell'indicatore della situazione economica equivalente. Si potrà poi modificare, presentando una nuova dichiarazione, qualora il cittadino intenda far rilevare i mutamenti delle condizioni familiari ed economiche ai fini del calcolo dell'indicatore della situazione economica equivalente del proprio nucleo familiare. La dichiarazione va presentata ai comuni o ai centri di assistenza fiscale, o, direttamente, all'amministrazione pubblica alla quale è richiesta la prima prestazione o, anche in via telematica, alla sede territoriale Inps. L'Inps determina l'indicatore della situazione equivalent economic data in relation to self-certified by the person requesting the service and controls are made easier by the Inland Revenue.

Prevention of Accidents at Work (Article 20). It states that the Law 51/55 on the prevention of accidents and occupational hygiene, as well as applies to aircraft, even for staff who work on board the ship of state (previously excluded), subject to the right worker's compensation for the damage he has suffered. Is introduced, then a provision that increases by 5 million, from 2012, the expenditure authorization for the victims of crime, terrorism and duty.
reorganization of entities supervised by the Ministry Welfare (Article 2). Delegation to the Government for the reorganization of certain entities or companies supervised by Welfare and the redefinition of the relationship of control of the department of Via Veneto. The delegation must be exercised within one year. The intervention is concerned, in particular, the Higher Institute of Health, the National Agency for Regional Health Services, the Institute for Prevention and Safety at Work, Experimental Zooprophylactic Institutes, the Italian Red Cross, the League Italian for the fight against cancer, the Italian Drug Agency, the Institute for the Development of Vocational Training for workers and Spa Italy job is delegated to government regulations the reorganization of the governing bodies and other bodies established by statute or regulation, the central government of health.

Withholding benefit (article 39). It states that non-payment, in the form and terms of law, social security deductions made by the developer on project workers 'compensation, and holders of coordinated and continuous management members constitutes a separate offense under the assumptions of' Article 2 of Law 638/1983 (up to 3 years imprisonment and a fine of up to 2 million lire).

Processing personal data by public bodies (Article 14). It is expected that reports on the conduct of the performance of any person to a funzione pubblica e la relativa valutazione siano rese accessibili dall'amministrazione di appartenenza. Non sono invece comunicabili, se non nei casi previsti dalla legge, le notizie concernenti la natura delle infermità e degli impedimenti personali o familiari che causino l'astensione dal lavoro, nonché le componenti della valutazione o le notizie concernenti il rapporto di lavoro tra il predetto dipendente e l'amministrazione, idonee a rivelare informazioni sensibili.

Università (articoli da 8 a 12). Arrivano una serie di norme che interessano gli atenei. Intanto, si prevede che l'elettorato passivo è esteso, anche, ai professori di seconda fascia nel caso di mancato raggiungimento per 2 votazioni del quorum previsto per l'elezione. No turn over, then, for institutions of higher education in the special system and comparative evaluation procedures for the recruitment of researchers, it is clear that comparative assessment is made on the basis of qualifications and publications of the candidates, including thesis PhD, publicly discussed with the committee. Are lifted, then certain rules relating to benchmarking university teachers and researchers in case of transfer of employment with the School of Economy and Finance to state universities, the said school to the University concerned the financial resources for payment of salary of the researcher transferred.

vaccinations mandatory (Article 47). Its fund is increased by € 120 million for the year 2010.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Reasons Period Could Be Late

implementing Decree of the mediation procedure

Establish criteria and procedures for registration and maintenance of the register of bodies for mediation and a list of trainers in mediation, and the allowances payable to the bodies. The DM provides the

October 18, 2010, No 180, published in Official Gazette of November 4, 2010, No 256, in accordance with Legislative Decree No 28 of 2010.

The Register, at the request, the bodies of mediation made by public and private. The controller checks the professionalism and efficiency of applicants for registration and in particular:

the financial and organizational
possession of an insurance policy for an amount not less than € 500,000 for liability arising from the activity of mediation;
the integrity requirements of partners, associates, directors or representatives;
the transparency of administrative and accounting organization;
guarantees of independence, impartiality and confidentiality in the conduct of the mediation service;
the number of mediators, not less than five, who have declared their willingness to undertake the role of mediation for applicant, the address of
E 'also established a list of public and private training qualified to carry out the training of mediators which shall not be less than 50 hours with a maximum of 30 participants per course.

(American Lawyer, November 5, 2010. See press concerning the accreditation of American Lawyer Media as an institution for the training of mediators civilians)

register of bodies for mediation and a list of trainers in mediation, as well as 'the approval of the allowances' as the bodies under Article 16 of Legislative Decree No 28 of 2010. (10G0203)

(OJ No 258 of 11.04.2010)


agreement with


Having regard to Article 17, paragraph 3 of Law 23 August 1988, No 400;

Having regard to Article 16 of Legislative Decree 4 March 2010, No 28, implementing Article 60 of the Law June 18, 2009, No 69, in the field of mediation aimed at the settlement of civil disputes and commercial

heard the favorable opinion of the Council of State, issued by the Section Advisory regulatory actions at their meeting of September 22, 2010;

Given the communication to the Prime Minister dated 14 October 2010;

adopts the following Regulation:

Chapter I General Provisions Article 1

Definition 1. For the purposes of this Decree shall apply:

a) "Department" means the Ministry of Justice;

b) Legislative Decree 'means the Legislative Decree 4 March 2010, No 28;

c) 'mediation' activity ', however named, conducted by a impartial third party and aimed to assist two or more 'players in the search for an amicable agreement for the settlement of a dispute, both in the formulation of a proposal for the resolution of the dispute;

d) "broker" means any person or persons individuals who, individually or collectively, play the mediation is denied, however, the power to make binding decisions or judgments for the recipients of the service itself;

e) "conciliation" means the settlement of a dispute as a result of the conduct of mediation;

f) "body": the public or private entity, or its articulation, from which it may 'take place on the mediation process pursuant to statutory instrument;

g) "Regulation" means an act which the self-discipline of the mediation process and related costs, as adopted by the body;

h) 'compensation' 'means the amount in place paid by users for the use of mediation service provided by agencies;

i) "register" means the register of bodies at the Ministry;

l) "responsible": the person responsible for the registration and list;

m) 'trainer' means the person or persons who carry out the activities' training of mediators;

n) "educational institutions" means institutions public and private, or their divisions, in which the activity takes place 'training of mediators;

o) "scientific director" means the person or persons who carry out the tasks laid down in Article 18, paragraph 2 , the letter), ensuring suitability 'of the activity' carried out by the training institutions;

p) "list": list of training institutions established within the Ministry;

q) 'public body' means the domestic public law legal person, international or foreign;

r) "private entity" means any private entity, other than the individual;

s) 'Chamber of Commerce' chambers of commerce, industry, trade and agriculture. Article 2 Subject

1. This decree provides:

a) the establishment of the register at the Ministry;

b) the criteria and methods 'for registration, as well as' supervision, monitoring, suspension and deletion of individual organisms from register;
) the establishment of the list at the Ministry;

d) the criteria and methods 'for inclusion in the list, as well as' supervision, monitoring, suspension and cancellation of the training institutions by 'list;

e) the minimum and maximum amount and the criteria for calculating the allowances' as the bodies established by public law, as well as 'the criteria for the approval of the scale for' proposals by bodies set up by private bodies.

Registry of Chapter II Article 3


1. E 'established a register of bodies authorized to conduct the mediation.

2. Records and 'held at the Ministry in human resources, financial and already' existing at the Department of Justice Affairs, and its' responsibility of the Director General of Civil Justice or his representative in the executive grade 'area of \u200b\u200bgeneral management. For the purpose of supervising the section of the register to deal with affairs relating to consumer reports referred to in paragraph 3, part i), Section C, and ii), Section C, the responsible exercise the powers provided for in this Decree after consulting the Ministry of Economic Development .

3. Records and 'provisions in order to contain the following remarks:

part i): public;

Section A: List of mediators;

Section B: List of Mediators experienced in international matters;

Section C: List Brokers experts in the field of consumer relations;

ii) private entities;

Section A: List of mediators;

Section B: List Brokers international experts in the field;

Section C: List Brokers experts in the field of consumer relations;

Section D: List of members, associates, administrators, representatives of organizations.

4. The manager takes care of the continuous updating of data.

5. Management of the case with mode 'computer holding the possibility' of rapid processing of data with purpose 'related to the tasks required under this Decree.

6. The lists of mediators have public access to records and other 'governed by the laws in force. Article 4

Criteria for inclusion in the register

1. Nel registro sono iscritti, a domanda, gli organismi di mediazione costituiti da enti pubblici e privati.

2. Il responsabile verifica la professionalita' e l'efficienza dei richiedenti e, in particolare:

a) la capacita' finanziaria e organizzativa del richiedente, nonche' la compatibilita' dell'attivita' di mediazione con l'oggetto sociale o lo scopo associativo; ai fini della dimostrazione della capacita' finanziaria, il richiedente deve possedere un capitale non inferiore a quello la cui sottoscrizione e' necessaria alla costituzione di una societa' a responsabilita' limitata; ai fini della dimostrazione della capacita' organizzativa, il richiedente deve attestare di poter svolgere l'attivita' mediation in at least two Italian regions or provinces in at least two of the same region including the agreements referred to in Article 7, paragraph 2, letter c);

b) possession by the applicant for an insurance policy amount not less than € 500,000.00 for liability 'arising in any way by the performance of' mediation;

c) the requirements of good character 'of the partners, associates, directors or representatives of such bodies, in line with those laid down by 'Article 13 of Legislative Decree 24 February 1998 58;

d) the transparency of administrative and accounting organization, including the legal and economic relationship between the body and the institution of which may constitute the internal structure in order to demonstrate the necessary financial and functional autonomy;

e) the guarantees of independence, impartiality 'and confidentiality in the conduct of the mediation service, as well as' compatibility' of regulation to the law and this decree, even with respect to the legal relationship with brokers;

f) the number of mediators, not less than five, who declared the willingness' to act as mediator for the applicant;

g) the seat body.

3. The controller also verifies':

a) the qualification requirements of the mediators, who must have a degree of not less than three-year university degree or, alternatively, must be enrolled in a board or professional

b) possession of a specific training and a specific update at least every two years, purchased from entities training in accordance with Article 18;

c) the possession, by mediators of the following requirements of good character ': a. have no prior convictions for crimes or intentional non-suspended prison sentence b. not guilty of perpetual or temporary interdiction from holding public office, c. not being subjected to security measures to prevent or d. have no prior disciplinary action different from warnings;

d) the appropriate documentation to support the necessary language skills, for brokers who wish to enroll in the lists referred to in Article 3, paragraph 3, part i), Section B and Part ii), Section B.

4. Bodies set up, including associations, the Chamber of Commerce and the advice of professional bodies are members on request, the outcome of checking that the only requirement referred to in paragraph 2, letter b), for the body and the requirements referred to in paragraph 3, for the mediators. For the bodies set up by councils of professional advice from various bar associations, registration and 'always subject to specific consent is given by responsible, under Article 19 of the decree.
In the cases referred to in the first and second sentence of this paragraph, and 'save as provided in Article 10.

5. Compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 2 and 3, except for those referred to in paragraph 2, letter b), can 'be certified by the person through self-certification. The possession of a requirement referred to in paragraph 2, letter b), and 'certificate by producing a copy of the insurance policy.

Article 5
Registration procedure

1. The person responsible for approving the model of the application form, setting out the modalities' for the assessment, with details of the acts, documents and data which the application must be accompanied, and related determinations 'given adequate publicity', including through the website of the Ministry. And the question ', however, attached the Rules of Procedure, with the evaluation referred to in Article 7, paragraph 5, letter b), and the scale for' prepared according to the criteria of Article 16; private entities for inclusion in the register involves the approval of tariffs.

2. The application and its annexes, based on the model set up, are sent to the Ministry, including electronically, in a manner 'to ensure the certainty of receipt.

3. The registration procedure must be concluded entro quaranta giorni, decorrenti dalla data di ricevimento della domanda.
La richiesta di integrazione della domanda o dei suoi allegati puo' essere effettuata dal responsabile per una sola volta. Dalla data in cui risulta pervenuta la documentazione integrativa richiesta, decorre un nuovo termine di venti giorni.

4. Quando e' scaduto il termine di cui al primo o al terzo periodo del comma 3 senza che il responsabile abbia provveduto, si procede comunque all'iscrizione.

Art. 6
Requisiti per l'esercizio delle funzioni di mediatore

1. Il richiedente e' tenuto ad allegare alla domanda di iscrizione l'elenco dei mediatori che si dichiarano disponibili allo svolgimento del servizio.

2. L'elenco Brokers and 'together:

a) the declaration of availability', signed by the mediator, setting out the section of the register to which they apply to be registered;

b) brief curriculum vitae of each broker, listing the requirements of Article 4, paragraph 3, letters a) and b);

c) an attestation of meeting the requirements of Article 4, paragraph 3, letter c);

d) of appropriate documentation to prove the necessary language skills to the entry in the list of mediators international experts in the field.

3. Nobody can 'declare themselves available to perform the duties of Ombudsman for more 'than five bodies.

4. Violations of the obligations of the statements provided for in this Article, committed by civil servants or professionals enrolled in colleges or professional books, constitute a disciplinary offense punishable under the relevant rules of professional conduct. The head and 'obliged to inform the relevant agencies.

Article 7 Rules of Procedure

1. The regulation contains the details of where the procedure is conducted, and that 'derogated with the consent of all parties, the mediator and the head of the body.

2. The body may 'provide for the regulation:

a) the mediator must in any case personally convene the parties;

b) that, if the wording of the proposal pursuant to Article 11 of Legislative Decree, the same can 'come from a broker other than that which led up to mediation and then on the basis of only information that the parties intend to provide the Ombudsman with the offeror, and that the proposal itself may 'be made by the mediator in the event of non-participation of one or more' parties to the mediation process;

c) the ability 'to use the facilities , staff and mediators of other organisms with which it has reached an agreement to that effect, even for individual business brokerage, as well as' to use the results of joint negotiations basate su protocolli di intesa tra le associazioni riconosciute ai sensi dell'articolo 137 del Codice del Consumo e le imprese, o loro associazioni, e aventi per oggetto la medesima controversia;

d) la formazione di separati elenchi dei mediatori suddivisi per specializzazioni in materie giuridiche;

e) che la mediazione svolta dall'organismo medesimo e' limitata a specifiche materie, chiaramente individuate.

3. Il regolamento stabilisce le cause di incompatibilita' allo svolgimento dell'incarico da parte del mediatore e disciplina le conseguenze sui procedimenti in corso della sospensione o della cancellazione dell'organismo dal registro ai sensi dell'articolo 10.

4. Il regolamento non puo' provide that access to the mediation takes place exclusively through mode 'telematics. 5. The regulation should, however, include:

a) that the mediation process can 'only start after the signing of the mediator appointed by the declaration of impartiality' in Article 14, paragraph 2, letter a) of Legislative Decree;

b) that at the end of the mediation, each party to the proceedings is given appropriate tab for the evaluation of the service, the model for the regulation must be attached to, and copies thereof, through the signature of the party and an indication of its generality ', must be transmitted electronically to the responsible con modalita' che assicurano la certezza dell'avvenuto ricevimento;

c) la possibilita' di comune indicazione del mediatore ad opera delle parti, ai fini della sua eventuale designazione da parte dell'organismo.

6. Fermo quanto previsto dall'articolo 9, comma 2, del decreto legislativo, il regolamento garantisce il diritto di accesso delle parti agli atti del procedimento di mediazione, che il responsabile dell'organismo e' tenuto a custodire in apposito fascicolo debitamente registrato e numerato nell'ambito del registro degli affari di mediazione. Il diritto di accesso ha per oggetto gli atti depositati dalle parti nelle sessioni comuni ovvero, per ciascuna parte, gli atti depositati nella propria sessione separata.

7. Confidential communications are not permitted for the sole mediator of the parties, except those performed during separate sessions. 8. The data collected will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Decree 30 June 2003, No 196, containing the "Code on personal data protection."

Article 8 Obligations of registered

1. The body writing and 'obliged to transmit immediately to the events responsible for all changes in their requirements, and lists of data reported for purposes of registration, including the fulfillment of the obligation to update the training of mediators.

2. The head and body 'shall issue to the parties that make him richiesta il verbale di accordo di cui all'articolo 11, comma 3, del decreto legislativo, anche ai fini dell'istanza di omologazione del verbale medesimo. 3. Il responsabile dell'organismo trasmette altresi' la proposta del mediatore di cui all'articolo 11 del decreto legislativo, su richiesta del giudice che provvede ai sensi dell'articolo 13 dello stesso decreto legislativo.

Art. 9
Effetti dell'iscrizione

1. Il provvedimento di iscrizione e' comunicato al richiedente con il numero d'ordine attribuito nel registro.

2. A seguito dell'iscrizione, l'organismo e il mediatore designato non possono, se non per giustificato motivo, rifiutarsi di svolgere la mediazione.

3. Dalla data communication referred to in paragraph 1, the body and 'taking in the instruments, in correspondence, as well as' in the forms of advertising' permitted to make mention of the number.

4. With effect from the second year of membership by 31 March each year, each agency shall submit to the responsible management of the cash flow models prepared by the Ministry and available on its website.

Article 10 Suspension and removal from the register

1. If, after enrollment, occur or are new facts that would have prevented, or in case of violation of disclosure requirements provided for in Articles 8 and 20 or repeated violation of the obligations of the Ombudsman the controller orders the suspension and, where more 'serious, the removal from the register.

2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1, the controller also provides' the removal of the bodies that have played less than ten mediation process in two years.

3. The cancellation referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 prevents the body to obtain a new registration, before a year has elapsed.

4. The heads, for the purpose 'referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the exercise of power control, even through the acquisition of documents and news, which is exercised in the manner and on time by circulars or equivalent administrative acts, which care delivery is an estimate, even if only in electronically, the individual agencies concerned. Article 11 Monitoring

1. The Ministry shall annually, including the heads of agencies and in conjunction with the Ministry of Economic Development for the mediation process in matters concerning the business relations of consumption, the statistical monitoring of the mediation process undertaken by the bodies themselves.
The statistical data are reported separately to the mediation compulsory, voluntary and delegated by the court. For each of these categories shows the successful cases of mediation and cases of exemption from payment of indemnity 'under Article 17, paragraph 5 of the decree.

2. The Ministry must also 'the collection, in the courts, regarding the application, in the process, Article 13, paragraph 1 of the decree.

3. The data collected pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 are also used for the determination of the allowances' payable to public bodies.

Chapter III
Mediation Service and the provision of Article 12 Ombudsman

registry business brokerage

1. Each body and 'required to establish a register, even computer, business brokerage, with a record of the serial number sequence, the identification of the parties, the subject of mediation, the mediator appointed, la durata del procedimento e il relativo esito.
2. A norma dell'articolo 2961, primo comma, del codice civile, e' fatto obbligo all'organismo di conservare copia degli atti dei procedimenti trattati per almeno un triennio dalla data della loro conclusione.

Art. 13
Obblighi di comunicazione al responsabile

1. Il giudice che nega l'omologazione, provvedendo ai sensi dell'articolo 12 del decreto legislativo, trasmette al responsabile e all'organismo copia del provvedimento di diniego.

Art. 14
Natura della prestazione

1. Il mediatore designato esegue personalmente la sua prestazione.

Art. 15
Divieti inerenti al servizio di mediazione

1. Except as provided in Article 4, paragraph 2, letter b), the body can not 'assume the rights and obligations connected with the business transacted by brokers working with him', even in virtue 'of agreements concluded pursuant to' Article 7, paragraph 2, letter c). Chapter IV

Allowances '

Article 16
criteria determining compensation'

1. The benefit 'includes the costs of initiating proceedings and the costs of mediation.

2. For start-up costs, in respect of the allowance 'overall and' due from each party an amount of € 40.00 and that 'From the instant paid at the time of filing the application for mediation and the called party to the mediation al momento della sua adesione al procedimento.

3. Per le spese di mediazione e' dovuto da ciascuna parte l'importo indicato nella tabella A allegata al presente decreto.

4. L'importo massimo delle spese di mediazione per ciascun scaglione di riferimento, come determinato a norma della medesima tabella A:

a) puo' essere aumentato in misura non superiore a un quinto tenuto conto della particolare importanza, complessita' o difficolta' dell'affare;

b) deve essere aumentato in misura non superiore a un quinto in caso di successo della mediazione;

c) deve essere aumentato di un quinto nel caso di formulazione della proposta ai sensi dell'articolo 11 del decreto legislativo;

d) must be reduced by one third in the matters referred to in Article 5, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree;

s) must be reduced by one third when none of the counterparties to the one that introduced the mediation, participates in proceedings.

5. Shall be considered minimum amounts as those due to the maximum amount in dispute falls in the band immediately preceding the one applied, the minimum amount for the first tranche and 'freely given.

6. Amounts due to the single band in any case do not add up with each other.

7. The value of the dispute and 'indicated in the request for mediation under the Code of Civil Procedure.

8. If the value indeterminate, undetermined or there is considerable divergence between the parties on the estimate, the agency decides the reference value and communicate it to the parties.

9. The costs of mediation shall be paid before the first mediation meeting by not less than half '.

10. The brokerage also include the broker's fee for the whole mediation process, regardless of the number of meetings held. They also remain fixed in the event of a change of the mediator during the proceedings or to appoint a panel of mediators, to appoint one or more 'auxiliary mediators, namely the appointment of another mediator for the formulation of the proposal under Article 11 of Legislative Decree.

11. The brokerage firm stated are payable by each party that has joined the proceedings.

12. For the purposes of payment of compensation ', when most' subjects represent a single center of interest is considered as one party.

13. Bodies other than those made by public bodies lay inside the amounts referred to in paragraph 3, but still remain the amounts fixed in paragraph 4, letter d), as regards matters referred to in Article 5, paragraph 1, of Decree legislation. It is further
'stops any other provision of this article. Chapter V

training institutions and trainers Article 17

List of providers

1. E 'set up a list of providers authorized to conduct the activity' training of mediators.

2. The list and 'held at the Ministry in human resources, financial and already' existing at the Department of Justice Affairs, and its' responsibility of the Director General of Civil Justice or his representative and executive grade within the Directorate-General.

3. The list 'provisions in order to contain the following remarks:

part i): public;

Section A: List of trainers;

section B: List of scientific officers;

ii) private entities;

Section A: List of trainers;

Section B: List of scientific officers;

Section C: List of members, associates, administrators, representatives of institutions.

4. The manager takes care of the continuous updating of data.

5. The processing of the case with mode 'computer holding the possibility' of rapid processing of data with purpose 'related to the tasks required under this Decree.

6. The lists of trainers and scientific officers are public records and access to the other 'set by the current provisions of law. Article 18

Criteria for inclusion on the list

1. In the list are entered in the application, training bodies consisting of public and private institutions.

2. The person responsible for checking the suitability 'of applicants and, in particular:

a) the ability' of the applicant's financial and organizational, as well as' compatibility 'of the activity' training with the object or purpose of the association; for demonstrating the ability to 'financial information, the applicant must have a capital of not less than the one whose signature and' necessary for the formation of a company 'a responsibility' limited

b) the requirements of good character 'of partners, associates, directors or representatives of such bodies, in line with those set out in Article 13 of Legislative Decree 24 February 1998 58;

c) administrative transparency and accounting entity, including the legal and economic relationship between the body and the body which may constitute the internal structure in order to demonstrate the necessary financial and functional autonomy;

d ) the number of trainers, not less than five, belonging to the activity 'of training in the applicant;

e) the seat body, with an indication of the administrative and logistics for the conduct of' teaching ;

f) la previsione e la istituzione di un percorso formativo, di durata complessiva non inferiore a 50 ore, articolato in corsi teorici e pratici, con un massimo di trenta partecipanti per corso, comprensivi di sessioni simulate partecipate dai discenti, e in una prova finale di valutazione della durata minima di quattro ore, articolata distintamente per la parte teorica e pratica; i corsi teorici e pratici devono avere per oggetto le seguenti materie: normativa nazionale, comunitaria e internazionale in materia di mediazione e conciliazione, metodologia delle procedure facilitative e aggiudicative di negoziazione e di mediazione e relative tecniche di gestione del conflitto e di interazione comunicativa, anche con riferimento alla mediazione demandata dal giudice, efficacia and operability 'of the contractual terms of mediation and conciliation, the form, content and effects of the application for mediation and conciliation agreement, duties and responsibilities' of the Ombudsman;

g) the establishment and the establishment of a separate upgrade path training, a total duration of less than 18 hours every two years, divided into theoretical and practical courses developed, including simulated sessions attended by the students or, alternatively, mediation sessions, refresher courses should relate to the matters referred to in f);

h) that the existence, duration and characteristics of training courses and refresher training referred to in subparagraphs f) and g) to be disclosed, including by publication on the website of the provider;

i) the identification by the applicant, a renowned scientist in charge of and experience in mediation, arbitration or alternative dispute resolution disputes, which indicates the completeness and adequacy of training and refresher courses.

3. The controller also verifies ':

a) the qualification requirements for trainers, who must prove the suitability' training, testifying: For teachers of theoretical courses, have published at least three scientific papers on mediation, conciliation or alternative dispute resolution; for teachers of practical subjects, it has worked in quality 'as a mediator at the mediation or conciliation bodies in at least three procedures, for all teachers, had engaged in activities' in teaching courses or seminars on mediation, conciliation or resolution alternative dispute with professional associations, public bodies or their organs, universities' public or recognized private, domestic or foreign, as well as' to commit to participate as' a trainee at the same entities at least 16 hours to update during a biennium ;

b) possession by the trainers, of good repute 'under Article 4, paragraph 3, letter c).

Article 19 Procedure registration and supervision

1. The procedure for inclusion on the list, keeping the same suspension and cancellation of membership, Articles 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12, mutatis mutandis.

Chapter VI Discipline and transient effect


1. Shall be considered as the right to register the bodies already 'entered in the Register by the Decree of the Minister of Justice July 23, 2004, No 222. Except as provided in paragraph 2, the controller checks the possession in the hands of these bodies with the requirements of Article 4 and provide to them any additions or changes. If the body complies with the requirements of the official within thirty days of receipt of the notice, the enrollment will be confirmed, in the absence of such compliance, the enrollment will be canceled.

2. Mediators are authorized to act as their work at the bodies referred to in paragraph 1 shall acquire, within six months from the date of entry into force of this Decree, the requirements also provided training in it for the exercise of the mediation or, alternatively, certify that they have played at least twenty procedures of mediation, conciliation or negotiation voluntary and equal, in all matters, including at least five ended with partial success. The same brokers, until the expiration of six months in the previous period, possono continuare a esercitare l'attivita' di mediazione. Dell'avvenuta acquisizione dei requisiti gli organismi di cui al comma 1 danno immediata comunicazione al responsabile.

3. Si considerano iscritti di diritto all'elenco gli enti abilitati a tenere i corsi di formazione, gia' accreditati presso il Ministero ai sensi del decreto del Ministro della giustizia 23 luglio 2004, n. 222. Salvo quanto previsto dal comma 4, il responsabile verifica il possesso in capo a tali enti dei requisiti previsti dall'articolo 18 e comunica agli stessi le eventuali integrazioni o modifiche necessarie. Se l'ente ottempera alle richieste del responsabile entro trenta giorni dal ricevimento della comunicazione, l'iscrizione si intende confermata; in difetto di tale compliance, the enrollment will be canceled.

4. The trainers authorized to act as their activities' in the institutions referred to in paragraph 3 must acquire within six months from the date of entry into force of this decree, the upgrade requirements specified in Article 18. The trainers themselves, until the expiration of six months in the previous period, may continue to engage in 'training. Been updated to the bodies referred to in paragraph 3 shall give immediate notice to the manager.

Chapter VI Discipline and transient effect

Article 21 Entry into force

1. This Decree shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic. This decree, bearing the seal of the State, shall be 'included in the official collection of normative acts of the Italian Republic. E 'is mandatory for all to observe and enforce them.

Rome, October 18, 2010

The Minister of Justice: Alfano

The Minister of Economic Development: Romans

Seen,: Alfano

Join the ECA October 28th, 2010
Institutional Ministries - No register 17, page no 279

Table A (Article 16, paragraph 4)

value of the dispute Expenditure (For each)

Up to 65 Euro 1000 Euro 1001 Euro

from Euro 130 to Euro 5,000 Euro 5,001 to

from Euro 240 Euro 10,000 Euro 10,001 to

from Euro 360 Euro 25,000 Euro 25,001 from

Euro 50,000 Euro 50,001 Euro 600

from Euro 250,000 to Euro 1,000

from Euro 500,000 Euro 250,001 Euro 500,001 Euro from 2000

to Euro 2,500,000 Euro 2,500,001 Euro from 3800

to Euro 5,000,000 Euro 5200 In addition

Euro 5,000,000 Euro 9200

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Santa Teresa Dmv Test

Changes to Highway Code Reference

The Senate gave the green light to the changes to the rules of the road contained in the Bill on road safety. with 138 votes in favor, 3 against and 122 abstentions. Voted in favor and PDL League. Abstained senators of the Democratic Party, Italy of Values \u200b\u200bof the Mixed Group and
of self-government. The text now passes to the House in third reading for the final go-ahead. Met Infrastructure Minister Matteoli. "It is a balanced result of a law intended bipartisan work," he said speaking in the classroom before the final vote, which "aims to raise safety levels and reduce casualties." The minister considers it a good text which will help "to raise levels of road safety, resulting in the decrease in the number of victims." Here is a summary of the contents of the news.

The dispute records violations of the rules of the road must be notified within 60 days (rather than within the current 150 days) Deleted the provision that reduced from 60 to 30 days the period for filing an appeal to the justices of the peace and introduced the specific term of 60 days if you reside abroad.

fines in installments installments
fines from € 200, provided that you have an income, resulting from the last statement, not exceeding € 10,628.16.

tougher penalties for drivers to drive vehicles for the transport of persons or property which exceed the length of driving time prescribed or fails to comply with on daily rest. Mitigation only for lighter sentences. Raised from 65 to 70 years of age for drivers of public transport, trucks and truck.

Alcohol zero for novice drivers and professional drivers
For those who have the license for less than 3 years for professional drivers and get the ban to take the wheel after drinking alcohol.

test requirements to recover the points
The reacquisition of the lost points on the license is at the end of a test to be carried out under the conditions laid down by decree Infrastructure to be issued within 180 days after the entry into force of the law.

About Nothing minicar without a license has been driving disqualifications moped and microcar can not lead and can not obtain a certificate of fitness to drive mopeds.

license for the granting of licenses, including professional, you must submit a certificate stating the non-abuse of alcohol, narcotics and psychotropic substances, issued on the basis of clinical and toxicological investigations. The same is required to renew certification for professional drivers.

bike helmet up to 14 years
Fixed discussed amendment on the bike helmet is mandatory for all. The new wording puts the obligation on children up to 14 years.

heavy hand for those who make-up mopeds and minicar
heavy hand for those who edit and mopeds minicar to increase speed. Penalties up (time from 389 to 1,556 euro) for those who make-up, but also for those traveling with no more like the media, or developing a higher speed than expected (48 to 594 €).

seat belt on the minicar
comes the obligation for those who are behind the wheel of a minicar to fasten your seat belt.

Children in motion in motion
allowed children from 6 to 12 years (up to 5 years, the legislation requires that they can not climb) housed in a special car seat approved, with support for the upper and lower limbs. The rule comes into force upon the establishment of an ad hoc decree
Speed \u200b\u200blimits with children on board
The two three-wheel motorcycles carrying children shorter than 1.5 meters may not exceed 60 km / hoi thresholds if more than 60 km / h. The provisions apply 90 days after the approval of a ministerial ad hoc

bike on sidewalks
permitted to park bikes on sidewalks and in pedestrian zones in the absence of the designated parking areas. The bikes do not have to bear obstruction to pedestrians and the disabled. If you are traveling by bike out of the villages after sunset and sunrise or in the tunnel until you need to wear reflective vest or harness for high visibility.

Permesso di guida a ore
Chi ha subito il ritiro della patente può ottenere dal prefetto un permesso di guida a ore, al massimo di 3 ore giornaliere per documentate ragioni di lavoro o per motivi sociali. Il periodo di sospensione della patente viene aumentato delle ore nelle quali è stata consentita la guida.

Pene alternative alla sospensione
Pene alternative al carcere e alle sanzioni pecuniarie per i conducenti fermati in stato di ebbrezza o sotto l'effetto di stupefacenti, che non abbiano provocato incidenti: su richiesta al prefetto la pena detentiva o pecuniaria può essere sostituita, per non più di una volta, con lavori di pubblica utilità. La durata è pari alla sanzione detentiva imposed and the conversion of the penalty that is 250 euro per day of work.

drunk drivers and just cause for dismissal of the revocation of drivers license ready as a result of driving under the influence of alcohol.

precursors in bars and restaurants
places that serve alcohol must provide a device for detecting the rate of alcohol emic to voluntarily check their state of fitness to drive.

No alcohol in the highway at night
obligation not to sell alcohol to motorway service areas during the night.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

High Quality Flatscreen


Saturday, 29/05/2010 still an opportunity to see live the nosound ... The band will perform in the "classical" training quintet (ie free of Wooden Quartet), on the stage of " Dissesto Musical" in Via del Barco 7 to Tivoli ( ), on the outskirts of Rome.
For info and bookings: 0774357937.
All of Lazio fans have a moral commitment to support and flocked ... The others are of course welcome. You can also contact us at our e-mail for more information.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What Does Le Creuset Mean


"TYPE YARD (CITY '), HUMIDITY' CARS. Conservative recovery through the use of natural materials.
April 15, 2010. THIS DOCUMENT INCLUDES 15 pages, including this one.

overall analysis of Inspection (variable depending on CANRITERE)
NOTE 1 -
macroporous plaster.
Topic 1 - Section 1 - PARAGRAPH 1.1 - PARAGRAPH 1.2 (variable depending on CANRITERE)
Working under "types such as" to the remaking of the plaster with the use of mortars based natural cocciopesto hydraulically active.
Topic 2 -
Composition and nature of the mortar used. (ALWAYS VALID)
Choices binding (to be corrected on the basis of final decisions to be agreed).
Declaration of exclusive use of mortars based natural earthenware and technical information on the active hydraulic lime mortars.




The complex YARD TYPE, is perched on a rocky promontory which contains the calcarine in a portion of the image of Christ found in ----- and for which it was erected the same song KIND.
A research carried out shows that the last renovation work that has affected the shipyard in a way sostanziale è datato anno ------.
Il progetto di recupero principalmente finalizzava: CANTIERE TIPO.
Oggi andremo ad analizzare gli interventi di recupero che hanno interessato gli intonaci interni ed esterni.
Per questi, sono stati usati intonaci base calce ed intonaci macroporosi. Risulta da una analisi visiva che gli intonaci esterni di finitura denunciano un distacco dall’intonaco traversato in fase crescente ed evolutiva. Questo fenomeno è identificabile come matrice di degrado principalmente sulle fasce mediane, sopra quelle basamentali realizzate con intonaci di traversato macroporoso. Gli stessi cedimenti causati da distacco dell’intonco ed esfoliazione, sono riscontrabili nelle fasce perimetrali basamentali dei muri interni. The causes
derived, which define the effect of degradation found, are mainly due to capillary moisture, in obvious artifacts of this nature.
mortars applied and enforcement procedures, reveal inconsistencies between the different layers of plaster, in fact, the pressures exerted by the vapors which act on the surfaces of faces belonging to the adhesion of the plaster finish, flush with the crossed plasters, call obvious and growing gaps .
The lack of mechanical grip, typical of techniques required to finalize the additives and the inability of the same plaster finish to ensure continuity in the transport of the vapors, unleashed the mechanical failure with the consequent detachment.
The breakup of the plaster (mainly triggered by moisture present in the constant derived from the capillary wall and the rain) is a mechanical decay caused by the residual lime mortars in this freedom, which in a first stage of hydration becomes identified as a weak acid, calcium carbonate, this then composing with the sulfates is transformed into gypsum, in the end if there are any tricalcium aluminate (components in certain binders, such as Portland cement) in ettringite.
plasters used mainly by the presence of basic additives (see macroporous) and grain sizes with inappropriate techniques speeds (see also the lack of pounding on the trip) have defined the conditions of degradation and visually detectable defect.
The obviousness of the condition complained of degradation, which needs no obvious mineralogical testing and so on. Is mainly due to an inappropriate type of material, which too often under false intentions of a Malta-based "bottom" even if complemented with special additives (such as complainants in any technical data sheet) can not carry that with only the appropriate use of natural materials based earthenware and natural hydraulic lime can be prosecuted.
I think it is worth noting that the natural mortars (further described below) aimed at historical artifacts, where the mortar and ashlar being composed represent the structural module, must be highly specialized intervention, implying that the integration of the segments is definitely something simple in terms of material recovery, what is more complex than the formulation and construction of a natural hydraulic mortar activities to be implemented.
It needs to emphasize that a lime-based plaster is not suitable (with simple formulation presented so) in humid conditions.
To obtain a natural hydraulic mortar, you have to use 98% pure calcium lime as a fundamental part of the ligands is complemented with the use of aggregates such as micronized earthenware, sand silica, pumice, natural hydraulic limes, in order to always have a mix of natural hydraulic mortars active.
The conviction of what is claimed, is supported by examples of existing and inherited (passed down by our experts as well as predecessors), the interventions of contemporary conservative recovery they see the applications of techniques and materials used wisely.
We can and must maintain the architectural heritage inherited, using appropriate techniques and materials carefully.

Dr. arch.Giuseppe Antonio Longhitano 3401663703 E-MAIL

NOTE 1 -
macroporous plaster.

The use of dehumidifying renders macroporous raises reflections. The addition of specific additives, such as aerators, are often addressed to plasters containing compound or resin-based products in any case not entirely natural. Additivante Integration is not necessary when the mortars are entirely natural.
The regulations specify, what should be the minimum parameters for acceptable and functional macroporous plaster.
The purpose of a macroporous plaster is to prevent the transport of water that inevitably convey salts. A plaster
thus defined, mainly, should only allow the movement of vapor molecules that can not carry the same salts dimensionally larger vapor.
The structure, preparation, consisting of a high air content should ensure an even distribution of air bubbles that will not leave spaces wide enough to allow the water molecule to convey. The request
of attention given in mixing the plaster covered by the executive time needed for the homogenization of the mix, which should ensure uniform distribution dell'aerante (which defines an air content rate remained close to 48%) inside the mixture, alone would be enough to avoid using them. The air content
pursued in macroporous plaster, it is not necessary for natural plasters made with appropriate distribution curves.
A macroporous plaster (which replaces a mostly crossed) contains distribution curves stable at around 2 mm. examined as above. These production decisions involve the addition of micro fibers that serve to complement structural aggregates.
mix so I made up for the excessive amount of fines, require corrective additives that complement the maximum allowable percentage of binders that alone can not suffice for the normal holding of the same structural plaster, remember that excessive amounts of ligands involve injuries and fractures at the same plaster.
A natural plaster, properly designed, can have average particle sizes that stood (see above screen) for 5 or 8 mm ..
remember that the historic walls, with portions of grains have also come bundled with curves of up to 10 and even 15 mm.
In general, the aggregates contained in the pre-mixed distribution curves are too low compared to those found on historic artefacts.
The choice that finalizes the use of macroporous plaster is not acceptable, given that the mortar for historic artefacts should necessarily be composed of natural elements with aggregates containing distribution curves appropriate binders and natural hydraulic lime, all complemented by appropriate pro rata amount of earthenware and / or silica sand.

Dr. arch.Giuseppe Antonio Longhitano 3401663703 E-MAIL


proposed works. SUMMARY.
External rendering.

- scaffolding necessary for the execution of the work, prepared and maintained for the duration of the works in accordance with and following the rules regarding security;
- total removal of the plaster finish, with appropriate tools such as: brush , paddle and all means and tools required for the elimination Total existing finish (including idrosabbiatrice)
- verification of existing and crossed to maintain, free from the old finish (as indicated in the preceding paragraph) in order to ascertain the status of that which must be crossed: it is perfectly solid, with no gaps , flaked and parts of any disease due to degradation or decline in being;
- eventual recovery of portions of deteriorated plaster with mortar as set out below;
- idrosabbiatrice cleaning with the beam held, after appropriate processing of any consolidation, in order to provide support to ensure a homogeneous rough mechanical grip for the next layer of shaving-finish sia per la conseguente finitura, tutto realizzato con malte come appresso indicate;
- picchettatura (cento incisioni per mq. di 1cm*1cm*0,5cm di dimensione, cada uno) su tutte le superfici di traversato mantenuto, successivo lavaggio con idropulitrice, al fine di ottenere le superfici perfettamente pulite e prive di polveri.
- rasatura-finitura, sulle porzioni sommitali non definite come nella voce successiva (scelta progettuale da concordare), da applicare sul traversato mantenuto e come precedentemente lavorato, con malta naturale idraulicamente attiva (come sotto descritta) data in due tempi, con le tecniche di finitura e cromia definite dalla D.L.
Nota: tutte le fasi di lavorazione prevedono sempre la bagnatura dei muri fino to complete imbibition of water and curing times better than indicated by the DL

ALL AROUND AND basement to a height not less than the lintel of the entrance door PRINCIPAL TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION.
- total removal of old plaster and listatura between the segments to the raw stone, and in any case at a depth of not less than 3 cm. the wire stone quoins brushing to eliminate the old mortar to secure the opening of the pores of the same segments for the subsequent mechanical grip from the mortar scratch coat;
- roughcast listing with natural mortar hydraulically active (as described below), as consolidation of the masonry pre-existent bridge and anchor for the subsequent processing.
- rincocciatura bordered with natural mortar hydraulically active (as described below and as defined in the DL colors) of the segments, defining a fixed wire as the same wall that represents the hypothetical rincocciatura sixths of the same listing. In hardened mortar and subsequent compaction of the final wash with acidified water and concert listatura (design choice to be defined, as currently proposed finish draped in sight).

internal plasters.
ALL AROUND INTERNAL basement to a height not less than the TABLE TOP of the side altars, OR SALARIES, PRESENT YARD IN KIND.

- total removal of old plaster and listatura between the segments to the raw stone, and in any case at a depth of not less than 3 cm. the wire stone quoins brushing to eliminate the old mortar to secure the opening of the pores, the same blocks for subsequent mechanical grip from the mortar scratch coat;
- rough coat with natural mortar hydraulically active (as described below), necessary for the consolidation of existing masonry anchor and as a bridge for further processing.
- rincocciatura with natural mortar hydraulically active segments as wire fixed by defining the same wall that represents the hypothetical sixth of the same rincocciatura edged. A hardened form after compaction of the mortar.
- crossed with natural hydraulic mortar active (as described below), performed at the rincocciatura and preparing the walls of their completion and for smoothing and finishing the final speech to finish dull.
- shaving Tonachino order on hand to support the preparation of suitably designed to contain the whitewashed finish made with natural mortar hydraulically active (as described below) with chromium in accordance with the DL
The various stages of processing have always the wetting walls up to full imbibition of water and curing times better than indicated by the DL


Composizione e natura delle Malte da impiegare
Le malte dovranno essere in generale sempre composte di aggregati naturali con opportune curve granulometriche e composizione mineralogiche certe a garanzia di mix idraulicamente attivi ed esenti in fase conclusiva da calce libera, additivi in genere e pigmenti.
Le malte dovranno contenere quindi, nel loro mix, aggregati di cocciopesto e/o sabbie silice, che garantiranno, sufficienti presenze (in funzione delle loro caratteristiche mineralogiche) di ossido di silice solubile necessario per ottenere con opportuna aggiunta di calce idrata in polvere e calce idraulica naturale (questi ultimi due saranno gli unici possibili leganti usati a completamento delle malte) la formazione di silicati di calcio. Quest’ultimo composto naturale, in generale e per scelta, è l'unico composto che conferirà e garantirà alle nostre malte presa ed idraulicità.
In generale le malte usate dovranno contenere.
Aggregati naturali in curva garnulometrica con presenza opportuna di:
cocciopesto in curva; sabbia silicea in curva.
Leganti naturali di:
calce idrata in polvere superventilata; calce idraulica naturale NHL 3,5
Le curve granulometriche delle malte saranno comprese tra 0 e 5 millimetri.
I rapporti in volume saranno di:
2/1 /tra calce libera (presente nelle miscele da progetto) e aggregati fini di cocciopesto o sabbie silicee;
2/1 oppure 2.5 / 1 volume ratio between the mix of aggregate and binder;

MIX OF MORTAR - MORTAR INJECTION high stability of volume: volume 2 / 1;
000-800 microns grain size;
aggregates: earthenware, calcium carbonate crystal, better integration as defined by the DL
ligands: natural hydraulic lime NHL 3.5;
- MALTA FROM RINZAFFO. volume 2 / 1;
grain size 0-5 mm.;
aggregates: basalt lava regrind, earthenware, better integration as defined by the DL
binders: hydrated lime powder and natural hydraulic lime NHL superventilated 3.5;
-. MALTA FROM RINCOCCIATURA and cross- volume 2.5 / 1;
grain size 0-5 mm.;
aggregated basis: basalt lava regrind, earthenware, better integration as defined by the DL
binders: hydrated lime powder and natural hydraulic lime NHL superventilated 3.5;
- MALTA TO SHAVE. volume 2 / 1;
grain size 0-3 mm.;
aggregated basis: basalt lava regrind, earthenware, better integration as defined by the DL
binders: hydrated lime powder and natural hydraulic lime NHL superventilated 3.5 ;
- MALTA TO FINISH. volume 2.5 / 1;
grain size 0-3 mm. as best defined by the DL
aggregated basis: calcium carbonate crystal national and local earthenware, integration as best defined by the DL
ligands: natural hydraulic lime 3.5
NHL - TO MALTA dull. volume 2 / 1;
grading curve from 0 to 0.5 mm.; As best defined by the DL
aggregated basis: calcium carbonate crystal clear national and local earthenware, better integration as defined by the DL
binders: hydraulic lime Natural NHL

Malta will be composed exclusively of natural aggregates NATIONAL AND LOCAL CALCIUM HYDRATED LIME POWDER SUPER VENTILATED, Natural Hydraulic Lime NHL 3.5, COCCIOPESTO.

dr. arch.Giuseppe Antonio Longhitano 3401663703 E-MAIL

Reference document: 02/aprile/10

In final arguments list:
A_ exclusive use of natural hydraulic mortars active base cocciopesto free from additives apart: the type of final action. (The plaster macroporous, obtained with additive type air-entraining agent, defines inappropriate distribution curves and values \u200b\u200bcontained in the air up to 50%, did not entirely natural properties as in the analysis said, and not recommended).
B_ best types of interventions and decisive recommendations for rebuilding the plasters are
- rincocciatura edged, after removal of existing plaster and deteriorated, until the raw stone, made with natural mortar base cocciopesto hydraulically active for all external elevations;
- the rebuilding of the interior plastering up to a meter from the floor , after removal of the existing up to the raw stone and for all stratigraphic sections, and obtained reconstructed with natural binders and aggregates cocciopesto hydraulically active compounds. The plaster interior finishes will be completed based on natural hydraulic lime also mineralogically these compounds so that they are not acidic and basic (as in the external mortar).
C_ possible technique they see the application of: technology electrophysics active or passive intervention electroosmotic, obviate the need for taking preventive action working cocciopesto natural plaster base.
D_ I counted a total approximate cost for the recovery shown in the list, including design and supervision of works and about € ------------.
The impact of materials in terms of cost for the construction work and about 20% of the total cost of the planned.
NOTE: YOU MAY PROCEED sectorized WORK AND MADE IN THREE PHASES: SEPARATE EXTERIOR COURTYARD insistence; Internal plastering, external prospects Insistence on overhangs.

Dr. arch.Giuseppe Antonio Longhitano 3401663703 E-MAIL


Declaration of exclusive use of mortars based natural earthenware and technical information on the active hydraulic lime mortars.
yard run with natural plasters:
"YARD TYPE" for the preservation and renovation of the same through the use of natural materials in accordance with the composition
structural and morphological agglomeration.
document prepared by the head of the mortar: _____________________________________

company carrying out: ______________________________________

SUBJECT: Statement of exclusive use of natural aggregates and natural hydraulic lime NHL 3.5, in accordance with the guidelines contained FROM NEW PRICE LIST for GENERAL Public Works IN THE REGION OF SICILY (Presidential Decree 11 July 2007), the following items: 21.9.1, 21.9.2, 21.9.3, 21.9.4. extracted. VOICES OF REFERENCE:
21.9 - 21.9.1
PLASTER - Rincocciatura and appiombatura of old stone masonry and / or brick
stonacate previously, to be built with mortar made hydraulic lime and scale
of bricks or tiles, including the shot above, the material handling
up to the place of the intervention, the bridges of service for people measures up to m. 3.50
high and more needed to give the complete work to perfect rule of art.
- Per m2 and per cm. thick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E 18.00 15%
21.9.2 - Supply and installation of plaster, earthenware, made from a mixture of
natural hydraulic lime-free water-soluble salt and baked Sicilian ground and / or
lava sand, with continuous grain size 0.1 ÷ 3 mm. for restoration and architectural restoration,
finished thickness of not more than 20 mm. consisting of a first layer
(curling) of 3 to 5 mm. to be applied with a trowel, a second layer (body)
thickness not less than 15 mm. trowel designed to be applied between sixth.
All data in place on vertical or horizontal, including the burden on the
formation of edges and corners, including the bridges of service for operations up to 3.50 m.
high and any other charges for teaching and give the complete works perfectly
rule book.
1) for the interior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.10 per m2 and 29%
2) Outdoor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to 54.50 m2 and 31%
21.9.3 - Supply and installation of the topcoat with plaster made cocciopesto
a mixture of natural hydraulic lime-free water-soluble salt and baked Sicilian
ground and / or lava sand, with particle size continuous 0.1 to 1 mm.
for restoration and architectural restoration, finished thickness of not more than 5 mm., lying in place

Dr. arch.Giuseppe Antonio Longhitano 3401663703 E-MAIL


twice with troweled finish order. All data in place on vertical or horizontal
, including the burden on the formation of corners and edges, including bridges
service for operations up to 3.50 m. high and any other charges and
teaching to give the complete work to perfect rule of art.
1) for the interior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.80 per m2 and 42%
2) Outdoor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.20 per m2 and 46%

21.9.4 - Supply and installation of the topcoat for interior plaster cocciopesto
composed of a mixture of natural hydraulic lime-free water-soluble salt and baked Sicilian
ground and / or sand flows, with continuous grain size 0.1 to 1 mm.
for restoration and architectural restoration, finished thickness of not more than a 5 mm., tirato
in piano a fratazzo di acciaio in due riprese, battuto e compatto al fine di rendere
la superficie piana e liscia. Il tutto dato in opera su pareti verticali od orizzontali,
compreso l’onere per la formazione di spigoli e angoli, compresi i ponti di servizio
per interventi fino a 3,50 m. d’altezza e qualunque altro onere e magistero per dare
l’opera completa a perfetta regola d’arte.
1) per interni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . al m2 E 23,00 48%
2) per esterni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . al m2 E 25,50 52%

Con la presente si dichiara e certifica che per gli intonaci interior and exterior of the building used for the preservation and renovation currently in question, healthy natural materials used were manufactured on site in order to make mortars based on natural hydraulic lime NHL 3.5, lime flower powder, earthenware and aggregates , free from additives and dyes, industrial chemicals or other corrective action.
At present, for the express request of the parties concerned could be attached to the mineralogy (declared by the manufacturers) and lime for the earthenware used.

binders and aggregates used:
COCCIOPESTO cornering.
basaltic sand into curves.

responsible mortars in the design phase: _________________________________

responsible mortars in the execution phase: ________________________________

Dr. arch.Giuseppe Antonio Longhitano 3401663703 E-MAIL


People planning mortars natural "plaster" the general content.
mortars listed below natural aggregates defined by characteristic, necessary for its development concerned, are fundamentally different:
for grain used, the ratio of the volumes obtained from the same aggregates and binders.
All the mixtures, composed of only natural elements, are characterized by hydraulic capacity and their hardness.
The quality of the mortar obtained depend on: the appropriate composition of the natural elements adopted by the presence of hydraulically active aggregates (containing soluble silicon oxide). The Mix
are modulated with defined amounts of lime, always present in the percentage share in the natural hydraulic lime, added in mixtures with defined mass of flower of lime powder. The
made mixtures, as a fundamental characteristic of composition, not in the mix composed of residues of uncombined free lime, which in the case against (after installation) would allow the formation of: weak acids such as calcium carbonate, gypsum and ettringite can.

Mix of natural hydraulic mortars, by design, summary
A - mortar for scratch coat, earthenware base and natural hydraulic lime;
B - mortars and crossed rincocciatura, earthenware base and natural hydraulic lime;
C - mortars for shaving earthenware base and natural hydraulic lime;
D - mortar finishing, earthenware base and natural hydraulic lime;
E - mortars for consolidation, according cocciopesto and natural hydraulic lime;
F - dull finish for mortar, earthenware base and natural hydraulic lime;

Dr. arch.Giuseppe Antonio Longhitano 3401663703 E-MAIL



infinite possibilities and structural types of masonry, often characterized by materials that conform to the morphology of the places they come from, can be treated by identifying the elements main, which are the load-bearing walls, such as blocks and mortars. These, composing, define the static quality of the products.
It 'important to note that the historic masonry blocks of rock, whether igneous or sedimentary origin and mortars, together, define the essential parts being composed and structural building. The malt, then, the place and time should first of all that pertains to the investigation stage that help to define the project.
This phase, according to seniority, should be treated with thorough understanding, because the mineralogical composition of the compounds, the volume ratio defined by the aggregate binder, the resulting mechanical properties of the final mixtures, through a clever pose, they result in satisfactory and durable.
Regarding the volume ratio between binder and aggregates should be pointed out the importance of decreasing amounts of the latter. The mixtures that make up the first coat, the rincocciatura, and crossed the finish must have resistance to compression, bending and modulus of elasticity, decreasing.
is of absolute importance to the knowledge of the structural and morphological type of rock and mortar of bed rest, present in the artifact under consideration to be recovered and preserved. The intrinsic characteristics of pre-existing walls, represent the data base to define an appropriate mix of mortar to make and take. The design choices
mortars contribute substantially, both in structural terms, both in color rendering, especially when it is sought only through the use of natural aggregates without the addition of color additives.
The mortar for finishing is not just a mere expression of color, but an integral part of the whole package that makes up the different layers of the body wall that must absorb and exude so consequential as a guarantee of continuity and exchange. The colors
end of the article, perceptual effect is not only entrusted to a surface film but the result of matter that takes on depth and complexity.

Dr. arch.Giuseppe Antonio Longhitano 3401663703 E-MAIL

nozionistica 2) carbonato di calcio, elemento usato come legante, calce aerea pura

La natura mineralogica del carbonato di calcio determina anche in funzione della possibilità di variazione della temperatura di cottura, in specificato modo per le marne, il risultato finale del prodotto.
La formula CaCo3 volgarmente detta anche Calcare, rappresenta la pietra che nella sua percentuale di purezza fino al 98% identifica la calce aerea pura o Calce Calcica. Questa pietra lavorata e cotta fino a 1000° gradi determina quella materia che per eccellenza, priva di impurità, viene ricercata.
La Calce aerea idrata pura. Lavorazione.
CALCE CALCIA può essere lavorata in grassello, in lumps or powder, milk. I see
processes: cooking that turns the limestone into quicklime, the lime off properly, can give:
hydrates in the pit, putty putty or milk;
quicklime properly extinguished through a controlled hydration can be machined lumps of lime and then ground into powder.
The use of such kicks mixed with mineral aggregates, which do not contain glassy are not recommended in wet areas.
remains to be noted that this pure limestone, slaked worked, it is strongly recommended for the recovery of interior decorative plaster, never subjected to moisture. NHL
If the calcium carbonate CaCO3, in its mineral composition, clay content present in quantities ranging between 15% and 19% (see regulations EN459-1) will have a lime able to harden in the presence of water This is defined as Natural Hydraulic Lime "NHL" available only from marly limestone workable in lumps or in powder form and never slaked otherwise reacting with water, harden off the stage directly. Hydration must occur, spraying in a controlled manner during the shutdown of lime maintained at about 120 °.
The availability of water is given by specific mineralogical components, especially from the elements present in the vitreous AS marl, processed and used as the silicates and aluminates. These
, chemical compounds, you get a link from the NHL that occurs during cooking between 0ssido of calcium found in limestone marl and the presence in one of aluminum oxide and silicon oxide on the clay component, all you changes during cooking:
- calcium oxide + silicon oxide = SILICATE
- calcium oxide + aluminum oxide aluminum can
Dr. arch.Giuseppe Antonio Longhitano 3401663703 E-MAIL


The free lime which also influences the index: NHL 2, NHL3, 5, NHL 5; rappresenta la quantità di ossido di calcio +H2O (detto anche portlandite) in eccesso e non combinato in fase di cottura come visto precedentemente. Più è alta la presenza di calce libera più bassa sarà la resistenza meccanica e il livello di idraulicità.
4) LE MALTE: MALTE AERE primo tipo; MALTE AEREE CON COMPORTAMENTO IDRAULICO: secondo tipo A, secondo tipo B;

La calce aerea derivata da calcare puro al 98%, miscelata con aggregati di diversa natura può dare in funzione dei contenuti mineralogici di questi ultimi, malte di diverso tipo:
primo tipo
malte aere ottenute con aggregati inerti: la presa e l’indurimento dipendono dalla total evaporation of water (moisture fear);
A second type
mortars air with hydraulic behavior HL: they hold even in the presence of water and then have hydraulic behavior. The legislation is not binding on the construction of a mortar HL then this can be added to Portland cement, masonry recommended in history (presence of gypsum, problems for the possible formation of ettringite).
second type B
third type

natural hydraulic lime mortars natural hydraulic derived da calcare Marnoso, da sola, miscelata con qualunque tipo di aggregato darà sempre: malte idrauliche naturali.
E’ fondamentale sottolineare che una calce spenta prodotta da un Carbonato di Calcio puro (fino al 98%) miscelato con inerti (primo tipo) perde resistenza meccanica se assoggettata da piogge meteorologiche o da umidità di risalita, ecc.. Questo determina, preferibilmente, l’esclusione dell’utilizzo di Malte Aerea composte con inerti di cui non si può essere certi in senso mineralogico.
In ambienti umidi, la miscela d’intonaco deve essere composta con Aggregati idraulicamente attivi (secondo tipo b) che presentino quindi contenuti mineralogici aventi composti vetrosi come ossido di Silice e aluminum oxide. This will ensure the exclusion of
addition of Portland cement, and water resources to obtain the guarantee of durability. Dr.
. arch.Giuseppe Antonio Longhitano 3401663703 E-MAIL


The statement requires the need to know the aggregate, which is mixed with lime, it must contain enough in its chemical component glass, intended as AS (alumina and silica).

The reading is difficult in the case of aggregates by their nature can have or not have certain characteristics (such as volcanic aggregate, only referring to content glassy AS in terms of solubility, it can not have them or have them within its mineral component, this possibility is mainly due to cooling time and the last layer which was extracted from the aggregate by lava cava (basalt or rhyolite).
The reliable choice, which sees the use of a cluster than inside it contains the soluble components glassy AS needed to obtain an active hydraulic lime is to be sent to the cooked green clay mineralogical whose components necessary to us with substantive .
Clay is composed mainly = "SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3.
A lime mixed with pozzolana COCCIOPESTO E (the latter obtained by baking the clay at temperatures not exceeding 950 ° and then properly seasoned ground) results in a hydraulic mortar that is not afraid of natural wetlands, which will ensure over time, mechanical strength.
It is noted that a layer of lime-free AS is recommended only in very dry environments, as well as previously said the only use of inert materials mixed with "well seasoned hydrated lime" affected by the moisture, even with the addition of cement Portland.

dott. arch.Giuseppe Antonio Longhitano 3401663703 E-MAIL


esecuzione intonaci naturali presso cantiere:
“CANTIERE TIPO” (città). Recupero conservativo dello stesso attraverso l’uso di materiali naturali conformi alla composizione strutturale e morfologica dell’agglomerato”.

Dichiarazione di uso esclusivo di aggregati naturali cocciopesto e calce idraulica naturale NHL 3,5, nel rispetto delle indicazioni contenute nel NUOVO PREZZARIO GENERALE per i LL.PP. NELLA REGIONE SICILIA, items: 21.9.1, 21.9.2, 21.9.3, 21.9.4.

15-04-10 Done in faith

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Dr. arch.Giuseppe Antonio Longhitano 3401663703 E-MAIL