Article by Dr. Francesco Colotta Proc Bongiorno Law Firm in Rome.
The right to express freely their thinking is surely the most precious legacy left to us by the Enlightenment tradition.
culture 's Enlightenment, filtered through the liberal thought of scholars has been very well implemented in our Constitution.
Article. 21 states, in fact, that "Everyone has the right to freely express their thoughts in speech, writing, and every other means of communication."
Freedom of information is, therefore, the bulwark most important of all democracy, the more of our Republic, founded after the collapse of a regime, a staunch enemy of this universal right.
The limitations to this right are, therefore, reserves covered by the law and jurisdiction, as specified in paragraph 3 of art. 21 Constitution.
With reference to the traditional means of information of thought, the press, our constitutional fathers have predicted that the same can not be subjected to authorization or censorship.
It may Seizure only by a warrant from the court in the case of offenses for which the press law permits, or in case of violation of the rules prescribed by law for the claim of responsibility.
The right to express freely their ideas through the press can be exercised without restriction, except to meet the limits when it becomes a vehicle of committing crimes which affect legal interests worthy of constitutional importance.
's the classic case of defamation, damaging another's reputation.
Internet, being a "structure" on which to move binary numbers, then through their decoding information, is one of the means of dissemination of thought, in art. 21 Constitution.
The most interesting feature of this form of communication is the annihilation of all space-time dimension and the copious number of persons who may enter and receive information.
One such innovative means of communication that can bring together in simultaneous time people from all over del globo ha contribuito in modo determinante al progresso culturale, sociale ed economico della nostra epoca. D’altro lato, però, un veicolo di tale potenza può rilevarsi mezzo privilegiato per la commissione di illeciti. Il web, infatti, potrebbe garantire al soggetto attivo di un illecito, l’anonimato ed una rapida consumazione della condotta illegale interessando luoghi plurimi e differenti da quello in cui l’agente ha compiuto la propria azione.
(come autorevolmente afferma l’insigne giurista Rodotà). A
societas limitless source of economic wealth, social, cultural, half of freedom.
's why it spread from the Internet phenomenon, several countries have adapted their legislation to this new reality.
In terms of national criminal law were introduced provisions protecting legal interests that might be affected by pipes made with the use of the Internet.
For example, Law No 38/2006 on "Measures to combat sexual exploitation of children and child pornography even through the Internet" has changed many provisions of Book II, Chapter III of the Criminal Code, in the section on crimes against individuals.
The intervention of the legislature in this case has been accepted without criticism by the public because it provided a severe system of sanctions for aberrant and reprehensible conduct, the result of a criminal policy unanimously agreed.
More controversial is, however, regulate (or not) the spread of harmful information that could complement and potentially illegal conduct.
should, first of all, consider, first, the physiological problems caused by the virtual reality that does not allow the smooth implementation of the rules of jurisdiction. There have been cases where a person has made internet conduct considered legal in the country from where you can type in the country and illegal recipient of the message. The U.S. case law on this point has developed solutions. This applies, in particular, the criterion of minimal contact, that is the least suitable electronic contact to embed in a State jurisdiction: when sending electronic pulses is sufficient to allow the creation of a legal fiction
reported cases of its kind in our country, or in the case of fair dealings in a particular state and criminal in Italy, our law can not, however, regardless of the principle of guilt. Italy, therefore, may exercise its jurisdiction on acts carried out abroad, in a context of absolute legitimacy, but crime in our country only if the active subject of the offense was aware of infringing legal interests protected by our criminal law.
regard to the difficulties that create the pipes made via the Internet, going beyond any territorial dimension, it is desirable to have a more effective cooperation between the various states.
Another stumbling block that criminal law must face is that of responsibility or not serivizi internet providers (Service Providers), ie structures that provide users with a range of Internet services. Suppliers may be liable for failure to control criminal conduct committed by people who use their services?
Nel nostro Paese si è adottata una soluzione un po’ meno raffinata di quella tedesca. Si è, infatti, estesa la nozione di prodotto editoriale ricomprendendo anche il prodotto realizzato su supporto informatico. Nel 2007 si è tentato di riorganizzare la disciplina con il ddl Levi, ma questo progetto ha suscitato aspre critiche da parte dei bloggers, che in caso di entrata in vigore del suddetto testo, sarebbero stati costretti all’iscrizione al ROC e ad assumere le vesti di editori e direttori del sito, rispondendo del reato di omesso controllo su contenuti diffamatori.
Una soluzione del genere avrebbe creato vincoli burocratici a tutti coloro i quali utilizzano un proprio sito per esternare i loro pensieri. E’ sorta, dunque, una nuova proposta di legge (primo firmatario On.le Cassinelli) in cui si distinguono due categorie distinte: “i prodotti editoriali paper "and" publishing on the net. "
latter will be subject to the law on the press only if they have to order the publication of news and provided that they fall into one of the following types:
the operator or persons who profit from it;
managers are professional journalists or authors;
the operator or the authors receive royalties for regular or occasional business management or writing;
the operator or the authors sell directly, or at least receive compensation related to the sale of advertising pages.
are not subject to the law on the press all those sites that are designed solely to publish personal opinions and ideas, the publication of corporate, institutional, autobiography, automatic aggregators, forums and virtual communities.
Transcending, here, criticism or praise about this bill, it is clear that the information on the Internet can not be assimilated in all the information in the press. Neither a law designed to regulate the publishing industry at a time when the Web did not exist can be used to regulate a social and cultural phenomenon of this magnitude, the subject of our discussion.
Because the Internet is freedom for all means of discipline is needed, but action is needed to make terms with the peculiarities of this modern means of communication.
This refers primarily to the trans-national, then an interaction between the various States is an indispensable solution.
As for a discipline that is not intended solely to suppress the harmful, but also to foster the growth and spread of free expression of thought is a useful comparison of state authorities with expert sector. The use of a code that improperly define "ethics" common to all users of the network appears as an instrument of leverage use of the web.
The instrument of national legislation should instead take action to correct the disease. In other words, the rules come into play or to stop and correct harmful behavior (civil and administrative penalties), or to punish unlawful conduct detrimental to the legal interests protected (penalties).
This is simply the principle of subsidiarity of criminal law, criminal use of the precept, then the sentence, only as a last resort
Una lettura tradizionale della teoria dei beni giuridici potrebbe, però, lasciare vuoti di tutela, soprattutto in un campo come quello del web, in cui l’utilizzo di informazioni può provocare grave nocumento ad una cerchia indeterminata di soggetti.
Si pensi alla fattispecie di
E 'in situations like these, in typical situations
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