diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal cramps .. and if CELIAC DISEASE!
Celiac disease, subtle, sometimes difficult to accept, in a cruel way that transforms the patients with this disease, in unconscious self-defeating! while enjoying a steaming plate of pasta with meat sauce!
But what is celiac disease and those who strike and how it is diagnosed?
Celiac disease is an intolerance to gliadin that is PERMANENT contained in foods such as wheat, barley, rye, barley, kamut and other grains.
This intolerance, which I call subtle, affecting individuals at any age! and it is not unusual to find patients of 50-60 years! become celiacs! and many have taken for years, bread, pasta etc etc.
genetics has helped us to clearly understand the basics, this sometimes inexplicable development of celiac disease.
First, we define celiac disease an autoimmune disease, which may develop in genetically predisposed patients, who came into contact with germs, viruses, and particularly, that after a period of quiescence or latency also very long, they develop the disease.
And who of us can raise their hand and say, "Never had diarrhea in my life! I think no!
But diarrhea is not the only sign! In fact, if the trigger is the response of our immune system to gluten, can not be neglected even organ damage our intestines!
The ability to absorb nutrients assimilate with the diet, is handled by our intestines! which is covered by a structure that resembles microsopica, a brush! The reason for this form is much easier to increase the capacity for absorption of nutrients. Patients with celiac disease have, as a consequence, the destruction of intestinal villi (brush) and because of that show a picture of iron deficiency anemia (extra-intestinal manifestation of celiac disease) that explains, fatigue or rather the ' fatigue patients. This explains why the
: Diarrhea, fatigue, anemia (iron deficiency) of vitamin A, B and, in particular B12, Vitamin D and E or vitamin K (coagulation defects) but also increased transaminases, dermatitis (herpetiformis) capillary fragility etc etc.
Warning! Celiac is often intolerant of other substances such as: Lactose! that's why many celiacs find before being lactose intolerant and perhaps only after celiac!
Then the diagnosis?
developed in two phases:
a) and laboratory
b) instrumental
The detection of antibodies anti-human tissue transglutaminase, anti-gliadin and anti-endosomes.
blood count, serum iron, ferritin
etc etc. These are associated with the digestive endoscopy and mucosal biopsies.
E 'diet qundi true celiac patient care!
Healing is possible, if only arises at the first symptoms and the diagnosis is changed once the diet!
Advice?! Rely on your doctor he will refer you to the nearest center or to specialist sector.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Line Voltage Condo Thermostat
aside embarrassment and superficiality and understand the importance of preventing colon cancer. With this message the Local Health and University of Bologna, have intension to stimulate in the people a greater sense of awareness and habit of a regular screening activities. The formula is that of a video clip, which ironically, on the fear plays down to run a simple test of fecal occult blood. Also, in my opinion, very appropriate to the location of the video clip, a sofa Rubeconda a family that bites every type of food, and the center of this, fireplace, TVs everywhere, that this time it sends a political scandal in the last or social, but a message of hope and health education! consume vegetables, come on and if you are 50, do not give a possibility to prevent colon cancer, and if the test is positive you have no fear only to improve your test colonsacopia (also virtual) and you're done !
Among the endorsers of the campaign are involved Lucio Dalla, Fiorello, Giovanni Minoli and Luca Cordero di Montezemolo.
The site link can traovare, including the collection of links recommended by me: http://www.letscreen.org/index.php?m=1&video=video.flv
aside embarrassment and superficiality and understand the importance of preventing colon cancer. With this message the Local Health and University of Bologna, have intension to stimulate in the people a greater sense of awareness and habit of a regular screening activities. The formula is that of a video clip, which ironically, on the fear plays down to run a simple test of fecal occult blood. Also, in my opinion, very appropriate to the location of the video clip, a sofa Rubeconda a family that bites every type of food, and the center of this, fireplace, TVs everywhere, that this time it sends a political scandal in the last or social, but a message of hope and health education! consume vegetables, come on and if you are 50, do not give a possibility to prevent colon cancer, and if the test is positive you have no fear only to improve your test colonsacopia (also virtual) and you're done !
Among the endorsers of the campaign are involved Lucio Dalla, Fiorello, Giovanni Minoli and Luca Cordero di Montezemolo.
The site link can traovare, including the collection of links recommended by me: http://www.letscreen.org/index.php?m=1&video=video.flv
Friday, April 6, 2007
How Hookah Diving Work
with CT virtual colonoscopy for colorectal cancer screening in asymptomatic adults
The Virtual Colonoscopy with computed tomography for screening of colon cancer in asymptomatic adults
J. Perry Pickhardt, MD, J. Richard Choi, Sc.D., MD, Inku Hwang, MD, James A. Butler, MD, Michael L. Puckett, MD, Hans A. Hildebrandt, MD, Roy K. Wong, MD, Pamela A. Nugent, MD, Pauline A. Mysliwiec, MD, MPH, and William R. Schindler, DO NEJM - Volume: 349 - Date: 04/12/2003 - Capacity: 23
Abstract Background We evaluated the performance characteristics of CT colonography with computed tomography (CT) in detecting colorectal cancer in a medium-risk screening population.
Methods A total of 1233 asymptomatic adults (mean age 57.8 years) underwent the same day in the virtual and optical colonoscopy. In virtual colonoscopy with CT, radiologists have used the three-dimensional endoluminal display for the initial detection of polyps. During the initial examination of each segment of the colon, the executors of optical colonoscopy were unaware of the results obtained by CT virtual colonoscopy, which were communicated to them prior to execution of any subsequent re-examination. The sensitivity and specificity of virtual colonoscopy and the sensitivity of optical colonoscopy were calculated using as a standard optical colonoscopy findings from the final, which was not performed in a blinded fashion.
Results The sensitivity of virtual colonoscopy per i polipi adenomatosi è risultata del 93,8% per polipi con un diametro di almeno 10 mm, del 93,9% per polipi con un diametro di almeno 8 mm e dell'88,7% per polipi con un diametro di almeno 6 mm La sensibilità della colonscopia ottica per i polipi adenomatosi è risultata rispettivamente pari all'87,5%, 91,5% e 92,3% per le tre dimensioni di polipi. La specificità della colonscopia virtuale per i polipi adenomatosi è risultata del 96,0% per polipi con un diametro di almeno 10 mm, del 92,2% per polipi con un diametro di almeno 8 mm e del 79,6% per polipi con un diametro di almeno 6 mm. Due polipi sono risultati maligni; entrambi sono stati rilevati dalla colonscopia virtuale, mentre uno di essi è passato inosservato alla colonscopia ottica prima che fossero stati rivelati i risultati della colonscopia virtuale.
Conclusioni La colonscopia virtuale con TC, basata su un approccio di visualizzazione tridimensionale, rappresenta un metodo di screening accurato per la rilevazione di neoplasie colorettali in adulti asintomatici a medio rischio, ed ha una resa favorevole in confronto alla colonscopia ottica nell'individuare lesioni clinicamente rilevanti.
J. Perry Pickhardt, MD, J. Richard Choi, Sc.D., MD, Inku Hwang, MD, James A. Butler, MD, Michael L. Puckett, MD, Hans A. Hildebrandt, MD, Roy K. Wong, MD, Pamela A. Nugent, MD, Pauline A. Mysliwiec, MD, MPH, and William R. Schindler, DO NEJM - Volume: 349 - Date: 04/12/2003 - Capacity: 23
Abstract Background We evaluated the performance characteristics of CT colonography with computed tomography (CT) in detecting colorectal cancer in a medium-risk screening population.
Methods A total of 1233 asymptomatic adults (mean age 57.8 years) underwent the same day in the virtual and optical colonoscopy. In virtual colonoscopy with CT, radiologists have used the three-dimensional endoluminal display for the initial detection of polyps. During the initial examination of each segment of the colon, the executors of optical colonoscopy were unaware of the results obtained by CT virtual colonoscopy, which were communicated to them prior to execution of any subsequent re-examination. The sensitivity and specificity of virtual colonoscopy and the sensitivity of optical colonoscopy were calculated using as a standard optical colonoscopy findings from the final, which was not performed in a blinded fashion.
Results The sensitivity of virtual colonoscopy per i polipi adenomatosi è risultata del 93,8% per polipi con un diametro di almeno 10 mm, del 93,9% per polipi con un diametro di almeno 8 mm e dell'88,7% per polipi con un diametro di almeno 6 mm La sensibilità della colonscopia ottica per i polipi adenomatosi è risultata rispettivamente pari all'87,5%, 91,5% e 92,3% per le tre dimensioni di polipi. La specificità della colonscopia virtuale per i polipi adenomatosi è risultata del 96,0% per polipi con un diametro di almeno 10 mm, del 92,2% per polipi con un diametro di almeno 8 mm e del 79,6% per polipi con un diametro di almeno 6 mm. Due polipi sono risultati maligni; entrambi sono stati rilevati dalla colonscopia virtuale, mentre uno di essi è passato inosservato alla colonscopia ottica prima che fossero stati rivelati i risultati della colonscopia virtuale.
Conclusioni La colonscopia virtuale con TC, basata su un approccio di visualizzazione tridimensionale, rappresenta un metodo di screening accurato per la rilevazione di neoplasie colorettali in adulti asintomatici a medio rischio, ed ha una resa favorevole in confronto alla colonscopia ottica nell'individuare lesioni clinicamente rilevanti.
Tons Per Cubic Meters Air Conditioner
La patologia emorroidaria è una delle malattie più comuni dell'uomo e si stima che interessi sia in forma sintomatica che asintomatica l'80% della popolazione. Ma cosa sono le Emorroidi? I cuscinetti Anali sono delle strutture preposte ad ammortizzare il passaggio delle feci attraverso the anal canal. Hemorrhoids are the result of a bulging of one or more bearings anal.
But what the bearings are made anal sex? Anatomical structures are placed at the level of the anal canal and formed vascular structures (veins and arteries) supporting tissue (connective tissue) and muscle fibers. Deposits in the history of patients who suffer from hemorrhoids often complain that there is a familiar theme, are parents or children of patients who have suffered from: lower limb varices, Varicocele, and Haemorrhoids. Among the risk factors so you have to add: Familiarity
Pregnancy Diet
contraceptive use
internal hemorrhoids are defined as those that arise above the dentate line and EXTERNAL those that develop below.
What are the symptoms? Patients often complain:
Itching Discomfort in the anal secretions
Prolapse And the pain?
often confused with anal pain only hemorrhoidal disease but it is not.
The onset of pain in the anal or is related to the complication of haemorrhoids or the highly painful hemorrhoidal thrombosis almost worse than a toothache! or the presence of diseases such as anal fissure attached.
How does a diagnosis of hemorrhoids?
Imporatante and trust their general practitioner, who must refer to a specialist surgeon or proctologist Colorectal cancer patients to define the pathology and anorectal refer the patient to a clinical examination equipment useful for diagnosis. NOT ONLY hemorrhoids may bleed! Cancer of the anus to inexperienced eyes can be confused with benign! Cancer of the rectum may give sangunamento RED LIVE!! So
delay is counterproductive!
If every individual who suffers from hemorrhoids was undergoing a specialist visit once in a lifetime to solve the problem and hemorrhoidal, monitoring of patients at risk would be much easier if it was also treated surgically haemorrhoids the presence of blood would very soon the patient by the surgeon, reducing development time of other diseases or even more so we can intervene if there is neoplastic disease before and better.
La patologia emorroidaria è una delle malattie più comuni dell'uomo e si stima che interessi sia in forma sintomatica che asintomatica l'80% della popolazione. Ma cosa sono le Emorroidi? I cuscinetti Anali sono delle strutture preposte ad ammortizzare il passaggio delle feci attraverso the anal canal. Hemorrhoids are the result of a bulging of one or more bearings anal.
But what the bearings are made anal sex? Anatomical structures are placed at the level of the anal canal and formed vascular structures (veins and arteries) supporting tissue (connective tissue) and muscle fibers. Deposits in the history of patients who suffer from hemorrhoids often complain that there is a familiar theme, are parents or children of patients who have suffered from: lower limb varices, Varicocele, and Haemorrhoids. Among the risk factors so you have to add: Familiarity
Pregnancy Diet
contraceptive use
internal hemorrhoids are defined as those that arise above the dentate line and EXTERNAL those that develop below.
What are the symptoms? Patients often complain:
Itching Discomfort in the anal secretions
Prolapse And the pain?
often confused with anal pain only hemorrhoidal disease but it is not.
The onset of pain in the anal or is related to the complication of haemorrhoids or the highly painful hemorrhoidal thrombosis almost worse than a toothache! or the presence of diseases such as anal fissure attached.
How does a diagnosis of hemorrhoids?
Imporatante and trust their general practitioner, who must refer to a specialist surgeon or proctologist Colorectal cancer patients to define the pathology and anorectal refer the patient to a clinical examination equipment useful for diagnosis. NOT ONLY hemorrhoids may bleed! Cancer of the anus to inexperienced eyes can be confused with benign! Cancer of the rectum may give sangunamento RED LIVE!! So
delay is counterproductive!
If every individual who suffers from hemorrhoids was undergoing a specialist visit once in a lifetime to solve the problem and hemorrhoidal, monitoring of patients at risk would be much easier if it was also treated surgically haemorrhoids the presence of blood would very soon the patient by the surgeon, reducing development time of other diseases or even more so we can intervene if there is neoplastic disease before and better.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
What Are The Facemasks Used In Basketball
anal cancer is an uncommon malignancy, accounting for only a small percentage (2-4%) of the lower gastrointestinal tract cancers. Clinical trials have shown the role of chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery in treating this disease.
Chronic diseases affecting the ano-perineal district, such as fistulas, hemorrhoids and fissures, can be considered as predisposing factors to the onset of this malignancy, the risk of this cancer increases in patients with previous venereal diseases, including conditomi. In women, the presence in the neck dlell'utero increases the risk of disease from 3 to 6 times. On his debut, cancer of the anus can be misunderstood, as the symptomatic results to be similar to the most common non-cancerous disease.
itching, burning and foreign body presence are the symptoms most frequently accused. Subsequently, the volume will increase the importance of palpation by the patient, who, owing to the itching, it often results in injury treatment, ulceration with bleeding, the overlap of septic phenomena appear purulent exudation.
Belatedly, in the later stages, due to the interest of the surrounding structures, appear perianal pain, hematuria, impotence in men, metrorrhagia and vaginitis in women.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Clipart Of Zero Mowers
Anal Cancer Markers Oncology
It 's almost become a catchphrase, from which it seems that you can not get out. Many patients undergoing laboratory tests, among which is also present as a cancer marker CEA, CA19.9, CA 15.3; Alpha fetoprotein etc etc. The result is often dramatic, even modest increases compared to the reference values \u200b\u200bare the cause of self-diagnosis of cancer!
Warning! markers are a valuable tool in the hands of those who know their true value and can interpret the results.
The marker can not and should not be considered as an indicator of mass SCREENING! In fact, numerous studies have shown that changes in parameters than the reference value, are caused by false positives!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Drinks And Boat Thames
colonoscopy once in a lifetime!
The term Gastroscopy and Pancolonscopia, patients always induces terror. All this is often tied to stories of others who seem to have been tortured and who seem unlikely to return from a circle of hell Dante! or the fear that an examination of "invasive" may cause damage or complications. Sure, the idea is not pleasant to be subject also to the method, the introduction of tools in our body and the single biggest bugbear is pain. Yet endoscopy is certainly a valuable tool in the diagnosis and prevention of many diseases of the digestive system. The Celica, Crhon's disease, ulcerative colitis, the recto-colic diverticulosis are supported not only by clinical or laboratory tests but their endoscopic examination, which becomes crucial in the diagnosis, by performing a biopsy examination. prevention and treatment of colonic cancer, is based on the identification and removal of precancerous lesions such as polyps. Just by being able to perform the removal of intestinal polyps in the complete absence of pain, we can reduce the incidence of these tumors and monitor patients considered at risk. For this reason, it is useful to start this message: "colonoscopy once in a lifetime!
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