This method, from 1937 to today is universally recognized as a good compromise between resolution of the disease and complications after surgery. The post-operative pain was not one of the targets! It must be said that patients operated on for Milligan-Morgan will never forget the first post-operative intestinal emptying! But we must say that from 1937 to date have alternated various methods, designed precisely to reduce the postoperative pain and discomfort for the patient. But these blessed Hemorrhoids but we are doing? They are used to something or not? I MM patients, who trust the surgeon that "little something after the operation has changed," Happy the disappearance of Blood, Itching and / or pain admit .... whisper that gets on with greater ease, no different .... well if it's gas or else! and so on! But it is all about? NO but a number of patients suffer from these disorders.
But back to the question: ste Hemorrhoids are needed or not?
Serve is the answer! These bearings vascular partnership in the continence mechanism!
For this reason, it was hard trying to find a solution to discharge requests:
1) resolution of the disease
2) net reduction of postoperative pain
3) rapid recovery of postoperative patient
La risposta a tutto ciò è stata la creazione di una metodica nota con l'acronimo THD.
Ma cosa significa THD ed è applicabile a tutti?
THD significa: Dearterializzazione selettiva Doppler Transanale
Attraverso l'utilizzo di un Anoscopio con Sonda Doppler si identificano le arterie emorroidarie che vengono selettivamente legate. Questa legatura riduce l'afflusso arterioso e comporta la riduzione del gavocciolo emorroidario.
Ma si applica in tutti gli stadi della malattia?
Nel caso di malattiain II stadio la sola legatura è sufficente nel caso di emorroidi di III o IV grado alla Artery ligation is associated with the Pessa or returning the haemorrhoidal haemorrhoidal gavocciolo PHYSIOLOGICAL in position through the packaging of a suture.
E 'painful post-operative?
No, in the literature is reported symptoms varies depending on the degree of illness ranging from a sense of weight to the evacuation of the rectum, which imposes a limit and decreases after about 12 hours after surgery.
There are many centers in Italy to implement this method?
not a choice for many of the THDlab, this procedure in place has been reserved for professionals that we have run a course with a steep learning curve and ensure we have a long experience colon proctology.
There are no contraindications?
rates of disease recurrence?
The incidence rate is very low and often the occurrence of relapse is associated with non-compliance with dietary hygiene precautions.
Accorgiementi What?
Although surgery, patients should avoid constipation and prolonged straining. Good hydration, eating vegetables and movement are essential.
And if you can work traditionally the hemorrhoids?
No one can repeat the same procedure.
When you must work?
the first symptoms would be a good idea to undergo a visit proctological. Dealing with a disease allows for early symptoms improve both the surgical approach to the prevention of other anorectal diseases. Today
all patients have the opportunity to solve a disease that usually belongs to the 50% of the population mondiale.La fear of intervention burdened by demolition and post-operative pain is really a memory. To see the action click on this link:
Want some clarification please contact me.